use std::{ error::Error, net::Ipv4Addr, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}, mpsc::{sync_channel, SyncSender}, RwLock, }, thread, }; use afire::{ internal::sync::ForceLockRwLock, trace::{set_log_level, Level}, websocket::{TxType, WebSocketExt}, Method, Server, }; struct App { clients: RwLock>, } struct Client { id: u64, sender: SyncSender, } // Instead of using `Result<(), Box>` you should use anyhow::Result fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { set_log_level(Level::Trace); // Create a server on ivp4 localhost port 8080 with 4 workers let mut server = Server::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 8080) .state(App::new()) .workers(4); // Root route to serve the client html + js server.route(Method::GET, "/", |ctx| Ok(ctx.text(HTML).send()?)); // Websocket route to handle chat server.route(Method::GET, "/api/chat", |ctx| { // Convert the socket to a websocket. This automatically performs the handshake. // We then call `split` to separate the websocket stream into a sender and receiver. let (ws_tx, ws_rx) =; let (tx, rx) = sync_channel(10); // Create a client with a channel to send messages to the websocket and add it to the app let client = Client::new(tx); let id =;; // Send a welcome message with the client's id ws_tx.send(format!("[SYSTEM] Your id is {id}. Welcome!")); // Proxy messages from the channel to the websocket let this_ws_tx = ws_tx.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { for i in rx { if !this_ws_tx.is_open() { break; } this_ws_tx.send(i); } }); // Proxy messages from the websocket to the channel to be sent to other clients let app =; thread::spawn(move || { for i in ws_rx.into_iter() { match i { TxType::Close => break, TxType::Binary(_) => ws_tx.send("[SYSTEM] Binary is not supported"), TxType::Text(t) => app.message(format!("[{id}] {t}"), id), } } // If the socket is closed app.remove_client(id); }); Ok(()) }); // Start the server; Ok(()) } impl App { fn new() -> Self { Self { clients: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), } } fn message(&self, msg: String, sender: u64) { println!("{}", msg); let clients = self.clients.force_read(); for client in clients.iter().filter(|c| != sender) { client.sender.send(msg.clone()).unwrap(); } } fn add_client(&self, client: Client) { self.message(format!("[SYSTEM] {} joined",,; self.clients.force_write().push(client); } fn remove_client(&self, id: u64) { let mut clients = self.clients.force_write(); clients.retain(|c| != id); drop(clients); self.message(format!("[SYSTEM] {} left", id), id); } } impl Client { fn new(sender: SyncSender) -> Self { static ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0); Self { id: ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed), sender, } } } const HTML: &str = r#"