fn main() { // This fuzz harness demonstrates the capabilities of CmpLog. // Simply run the fuzzer and it should find the crash immediately. afl::fuzz!(|data: &[u8]| { if data.len() < 29 { return; } if data[0] != b'A' { return; } if data[1] != b'B' { return; } if data[2] != b'C' { return; } if data[3] != b'D' { return; } if data[4..8] != 0x6969_4141_i32.to_le_bytes() { return; }; if data[8..12] != *b"1234" || data[12..16] != *b"EFGH" { return; }; let slice = &data[16..]; let match_string = "Hello, world!"; let compare_string = String::from_utf8(slice.to_vec()).unwrap_or_default(); if compare_string != match_string { return; } panic!("BOOM"); }); }