[target] # Target binary to fuzz path = "/path/to/afl_instrumented/target" # Instrumented with *SAN binary to use san_path = "/path/to/sanitizer/target" # Instrumented with CMPLOG binary to use cmpl_path = "/path/to/cmplog/target" # Instrumented with Laf-intel/CMPCOV binary to use cmpc_path = "/path/to/cmpcov/target" # Instrumented for code-coverage dumping cov_path = "/path/to/cov/target" # Target binary arguments, including @@ if needed args = ["-foo", "--bar", "baz", "@@"] [coverage] # Report type: HTML, TEXT report_type = "HTML" # Generate a report for each queue sub-directory instead of a unified one split_reports = false # Miscellaneous flags the user wants to provide extra to `llvm-cov show...` # Compare: https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-cov.html#llvm-cov-show misc_show_args = ["--format=html"] # Miscellaneous flags the user wants to provide extra to `llvm-cov report...` # Compare: https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-cov.html#llvm-cov-report misc_report_args = [] [afl_cfg] # Amount of processes to spin up runners = 1 # Custom path to 'afl-fuzz' binary afl_binary = "/path/to/afl-fuzz" # Seed corpus directory seed_dir = "/path/to/input_dir" # Solution/Crash output directory (AFL++ output_dir) solution_dir = "/path/to/output_dir" # Token dictionary to use dictionary = "/path/to/dictionary" # Custom AFL flags afl_flags = "-T 'MyFuzzer' -s 1234 -t 1000+" # Select the mode that determines the fuzzing strategy # Available modes: Default, MultipleCores, CIFuzzing mode = "MultipleCores" [session] # Spin up a custom tmux session with the fuzzers dry_run = false # Custom tmux session name name = "my_session" # Runner backend to use: [tmux, screen] runner = "tmux" [misc] # Enable TUI mode tui = true # Start with no tui and detached from any session detached = false # If specified the AFLR will attempt to create a ramdisk for fuzzing ramdisk = false # Provide a seed for AFLR internal PRNG to get deterministic command generation seed = 0xdeadb33fc0ffee # Allow feeding the seed to AFL for deterministic fuzzing campaigns use_seed_afl = false