# Copyright 2022 Jack Grigg # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license # , at your # option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed # except according to those terms. ### Localization for strings in age-plugin-yubikey -age = age -yubikey = YubiKey -yubikeys = YubiKeys -age-plugin-yubikey = age-plugin-yubikey -pcscd = pcscd ## CLI commands and flags -cmd-generate = --generate -cmd-identity = --identity -cmd-list = --list -cmd-list-all = --list-all -flag-force = --force -flag-serial = --serial -flag-slot = --slot ## YubiKey metadata pin-policy-always = Always (A PIN is required for every decryption, if set) pin-policy-once = Once (A PIN is required once per session, if set) pin-policy-never = Never (A PIN is NOT required to decrypt) touch-policy-always = Always (A physical touch is required for every decryption) touch-policy-cached = Cached (A physical touch is required for decryption, and is cached for 15 seconds) touch-policy-never = Never (A physical touch is NOT required to decrypt) unknown-policy = Unknown yubikey-metadata = # Serial: {$serial}, Slot: {$slot} # Name: {$name} # Created: {$created} # PIN policy: {$pin_policy} # Touch policy: {$touch_policy} yubikey-identity = {$yubikey_metadata} # Recipient: {$recipient} {$identity} ## CLI setup via text interface cli-setup-intro = ✨ Let's get your {-yubikey} set up for {-age}! ✨ This tool can create a new {-age} identity in a free slot of your {-yubikey}. It will generate an identity file that you can use with an {-age} client, along with the corresponding recipient. You can also do this directly with: {" "}{$generate_usage} If you are already using a {-yubikey} with {-age}, you can select an existing slot to recreate its corresponding identity file and recipient. When asked below to select an option, use the up/down arrow keys to make your choice, or press [Esc] or [q] to quit. cli-setup-insert-yk = ⏳ Please insert the {-yubikey} you want to set up. cli-setup-yk-name = {$yubikey_name} (Serial: {$yubikey_serial}) cli-setup-select-yk = 🔑 Select a {-yubikey} cli-setup-slot-usable = Slot {$slot_index} ({$slot_name}) cli-setup-slot-unusable = Slot {$slot_index} (Unusable) cli-setup-slot-empty = Slot {$slot_index} (Empty) cli-setup-select-slot = 🕳️ Select a slot for your {-age} identity cli-setup-name-identity = 📛 Name this identity cli-setup-select-pin-policy = 🔤 Select a PIN policy cli-setup-select-touch-policy = 👆 Select a touch policy cli-setup-yk4-pin-policy = ⚠️ Your {-yubikey} is a {-yubikey} 4 series. With ephemeral applications like {-age-plugin-yubikey}, a PIN policy of "Once" behaves like a PIN policy of "Always", and your PIN will be requested for every decryption. However, you might still benefit from a PIN policy of "Once" in long-running applications like agents. cli-setup-yk4-pin-policy-confirm = Use PIN policy of "Once" with {-yubikey} 4? cli-setup-generate-new = Generate new identity in slot {$slot_index}? cli-setup-use-existing = Use existing identity in slot {$slot_index}? cli-setup-identity-file-name = 📝 File name to write this identity to cli-setup-identity-file-exists = File exists. Overwrite it? cli-setup-finished = ✅ Done! This {-yubikey} identity is ready to go. 🔑 { $is_new -> [true] Here's your shiny new {-yubikey} recipient: *[false] Here's the corresponding {-yubikey} recipient: } {" "}{$recipient} Here are some example things you can do with it: - Encrypt a file to this identity: {" "}{$encrypt_usage} - Decrypt a file with this identity: {" "}{$decrypt_usage} - Recreate the identity file: {" "}{$identity_usage} - Recreate the recipient: {" "}{$recipient_usage} 💭 Remember: everything breaks, have a backup plan for when this {-yubikey} does. ## Programmatic usage open-yk-with-serial = ⏳ Please insert the {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial}. open-yk-without-serial = ⏳ Please insert the {-yubikey}. warn-yk-not-connected = Ignoring {$yubikey_name}: not connected warn-yk-missing-applet = Ignoring {$yubikey_name}: Missing {$applet_name} applet print-recipient = Recipient: {$recipient} printed-kind-identities = identities printed-kind-recipients = recipients printed-multiple = Generated {$kind} for {$count} slots. If you intended to select a slot, use {-flag-slot}. ## YubiKey management mgr-enter-pin = Enter PIN for {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} (default is {$default_pin}) mgr-change-default-pin = ✨ Your {-yubikey} is using the default PIN. Let's change it! ✨ We'll also set the PUK equal to the PIN. 🔐 The PIN can be numbers, letters, or symbols. Not just numbers! 📏 The PIN must be at least 6 and at most 8 characters in length. ❌ Your keys will be lost if the PIN and PUK are locked after 3 incorrect tries. mgr-enter-current-puk = Enter current PUK (default is {$default_puk}) mgr-choose-new-pin = Choose a new PIN/PUK mgr-repeat-new-pin = Repeat the PIN/PUK mgr-pin-mismatch = PINs don't match mgr-nope-default-pin = You entered the default PIN again. You need to change it. mgr-changing-mgmt-key = ✨ Your {-yubikey} is using the default management key. ✨ We'll migrate it to a PIN-protected management key. mgr-changing-mgmt-key-error = An error occurred while setting the new management key. ⚠️ SAVE THIS MANAGEMENT KEY - YOU MAY NEED IT TO MANAGE YOUR {-yubikey}! ⚠️ {" "}{$management_key} mgr-changing-mgmt-key-success = Success! ## YubiKey keygen builder-gen-key = 🎲 Generating key... builder-gen-cert = 🔏 Generating certificate... builder-touch-yk = 👆 Please touch the {-yubikey} ## Plugin usage plugin-err-invalid-recipient = Invalid recipient plugin-err-invalid-identity = Invalid {-yubikey} stub plugin-err-invalid-stanza = Invalid {-yubikey} stanza plugin-err-decryption-failed = Failed to decrypt {-yubikey} stanza plugin-insert-yk = Please insert {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} plugin-yk-is-plugged-in = {-yubikey} is plugged in plugin-skip-this-yk = Skip this {-yubikey} plugin-insert-yk-retry = Could not open {-yubikey}. Please insert {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} plugin-err-yk-not-found = Could not find {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} plugin-err-yk-opening = Could not open {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} plugin-err-yk-timed-out = Timed out while waiting for {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} to be inserted plugin-err-yk-stub-mismatch = A {-yubikey} stub did not match the {-yubikey} plugin-err-yk-invalid-pin-policy = Certificate for {-yubikey} identity contains an invalid PIN policy plugin-enter-pin = Enter PIN for {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} plugin-err-accidental-touch = Did you touch the {-yubikey} by accident? plugin-err-pin-too-short = PIN was too short. plugin-err-pin-too-long = PIN was too long. plugin-err-pin-required = A PIN is required for {-yubikey} with serial {$yubikey_serial} ## Errors err-mgmt-key-auth = Failed to authenticate with the PIN-protected management key. rec-mgmt-key-auth = Check whether your management key is using the TDES algorithm. AES is not supported yet: {$aes_url} err-custom-mgmt-key = Custom unprotected non-TDES management keys are not supported. rec-change-mgmt-key = You can use the {-yubikey} Manager CLI to change to a protected management key: {" "}{$cmd} See here for more information about {-yubikey} Manager: {" "}{$url} err-invalid-flag-command = Flag '{$flag}' cannot be used with '{$command}'. err-invalid-flag-tui = Flag '{$flag}' cannot be used with the interactive interface. err-invalid-pin-policy = Invalid PIN policy '{$policy}' (expected [{$expected}]). err-invalid-slot = Invalid slot '{$slot}' (expected number between 1 and 20). err-invalid-touch-policy = Invalid touch policy '{$policy}' (expected [{$expected}]). err-io-user = Failed to get input from user: {$err} err-io = Failed to set up {-yubikey}: {$err} err-multiple-commands = Only one of {-cmd-generate}, {-cmd-identity}, {-cmd-list}, {-cmd-list-all} can be specified. err-multiple-yubikeys = Multiple {-yubikeys} are plugged in. Use {-flag-serial} to select a single {-yubikey}. err-no-empty-slots = {-yubikey} with serial {$serial} has no empty slots. err-no-matching-serial = Could not find {-yubikey} with serial {$serial}. err-slot-has-no-identity = Slot {$slot} does not contain an {-age} identity or compatible key. err-slot-is-not-empty = Slot {$slot} is not empty. Use {-flag-force} to overwrite the slot. err-timed-out = Timed out while waiting for a {-yubikey} to be inserted. err-use-list-for-single = Use {-cmd-list} to print the recipient for a single slot. err-yk-no-service-macos = The Crypto Token Kit service is not running. rec-yk-no-service-macos = You may need to restart it. See this Stack Exchange answer for more help: {" "}{$url} err-yk-no-service-pcscd = {-pcscd} is not running. rec-yk-no-service-pcscd = If you are on Debian or Ubuntu, you can install it with: {" "}{$apt} rec-yk-no-service-pcscd-bsd = You can install and run it as root with: {" "}{$pkg} {" "}{$service_enable} {" "}{$service_start} err-yk-no-service-win = The Smart Cards for Windows service is not running. rec-yk-no-service-win = See this troubleshooting guide for more help: {" "}{$url} err-yk-not-found = Please insert the {-yubikey} you want to set up err-yk-general = Error while communicating with {-yubikey}: {$err} err-yk-general-cause = Cause: {$inner_err} err-yk-wrong-pin = Invalid {$pin_kind} ({$tries -> [one] {$tries} try remaining *[other] {$tries} tries remaining } before it is blocked) err-yk-pin-locked = {$pin_kind} locked err-ux-A = Did this not do what you expected? Could an error be more useful? err-ux-B = Tell us # Put (len(A) - len(B) - 46) spaces here. err-ux-C = {" "}