use ages_ice_archive::{Group, IceArchive, IceGroupIter}; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use anyhow::Context; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "agesdeice", about = "Tool for unpacking PSO2 ICE archives.")] struct Args { #[structopt(parse(from_os_str), help = "ICE archive to unpack")] input: PathBuf, #[structopt(long = "ice-version", help = "Print the ICE version of the archive, instead of unpacking")] ice_version: bool, #[structopt(short = "l", long = "list", help = "Print the list of files in both groups, instead of unpacking")] list: bool, #[structopt(short = "1", long = "list-1", help = "Print the list of files in group 1, instead of unpacking (overrides l)")] list1: bool, #[structopt(short = "2", long = "list-2", help = "Print the list of files in group 2, instead of unpacking (overrides l, 1)")] list2: bool, #[structopt(short = "o", long = "output", parse(from_os_str), default_value = ".", help = "Directory path to unpack to. Creates directories 1 and 2 for the groups.")] output: PathBuf, #[structopt(short = "d", long = "debug", help = "Output diagnostic data for debugging")] debug: bool, } fn list_files_in_group(ia: &IceArchive, group: Group, indent: bool) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let data = ia.decompress_group(group)?; let iter = IceGroupIter::new(&data[..], ia.group_count(group)) .context("Failed to iterate over group")?; for f in iter { let name_result = .context("Unable to read file name"); match name_result { Ok(n) => { if indent { println!("\t{}", n); } else { println!("{}", n); } }, Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e), } } Ok(()) } fn write_group_iter(iter: IceGroupIter, out: &Path) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { for f in iter { let name_str = match"Can't write file due to invalid file name") { Ok(n) => n, Err(e) => { eprintln!("agesdeice: {:?}", e); continue; }, }; let path = out.join(name_str); std::fs::write(&path, .with_context(|| format!("Failed to write file {}", path.to_string_lossy()))?; } Ok(()) } fn extract_archive(ia: &IceArchive, out: &Path) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let output_g1 = out.join("1"); let output_g2 = out.join("2"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&output_g1) .context("Failed to create group 1 output directory")?; std::fs::create_dir_all(&output_g2) .context("Failed to create group 2 output directory")?; let g1_data = ia.decompress_group(Group::Group1) .context("Failed to decompress group 1")?; let g2_data = ia.decompress_group(Group::Group2) .context("Failed to decompress group 2")?; let g1_iter = IceGroupIter::new(&g1_data[..], ia.group_count(Group::Group1)) .context("Failed to iterate over group 1 files")?; let g2_iter = IceGroupIter::new(&g2_data[..], ia.group_count(Group::Group2)) .context("Failed to iterate over group 2 files")?; write_group_iter(g1_iter, &output_g1) .context("Failed to write group 1 files")?; write_group_iter(g2_iter, &output_g2) .context("Failed to write group 2 files")?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let args = Args::from_args(); if !args.input.exists() { eprintln!("agesdeice: input path not found"); std::process::exit(1); } if !args.input.is_file() { eprintln!("agesdeice: input is not a file"); std::process::exit(1); } let ia = IceArchive::load(File::open(&args.input)?) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load ICE archive from file {}", args.input.to_string_lossy()))?; if args.debug { eprintln!("ICE archive \"{}\"", args.input.to_string_lossy()); eprintln!("Version: {}", ia.version()); eprintln!("Is Encrypted: {}", ia.is_encrypted()); eprintln!("Is Oodle: {}", ia.is_oodle()); eprintln!("Group 1"); eprintln!("\tFile count: {}", ia.group_count(Group::Group1)); eprintln!("\tSize: {}", ia.group_size(Group::Group1)); eprintln!("\tCompressed Size: {}", ia.group_data(Group::Group1).len()); eprintln!("\tCompressed: {}", ia.is_compressed(Group::Group1)); eprintln!(""); eprintln!("Group 2"); eprintln!("\tFile count: {}", ia.group_count(Group::Group2)); eprintln!("\tSize: {}", ia.group_size(Group::Group2)); eprintln!("\tCompressed Size: {}", ia.group_data(Group::Group2).len()); eprintln!("\tCompressed: {}", ia.is_compressed(Group::Group2)); } if args.ice_version { println!("{}", ia.version()); return Ok(()); } else if args.list2 { list_files_in_group(&ia, Group::Group2, false) .context("Failed to list group 2 files")?; return Ok(()); } else if args.list1 { list_files_in_group(&ia, Group::Group1, false) .context("Failed to list group 1 files")?; return Ok(()); } else if args.list { println!("Group 1"); list_files_in_group(&ia, Group::Group1, true) .context("Failed to list group 1 files")?; println!("\n"); println!("Group 2"); list_files_in_group(&ia, Group::Group2, true) .context("Failed to list group 2 files")?; println!("\n"); return Ok(()); } if !args.output.exists() { eprintln!("agesdeice: output does not exist"); std::process::exit(1); } if !args.output.is_dir() { eprintln!("agesdeice: output is not a directory"); std::process::exit(1); } extract_archive(&ia, &args.output) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to extract archive from file {} to {}", args.input.to_string_lossy(), args.output.to_string_lossy()))?; Ok(()) }