# Utilities for working with Aggligator [![crates.io page](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/aggligator-util)](https://crates.io/crates/aggligator-util) [![docs.rs page](https://docs.rs/aggligator-util/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/aggligator-util) [![Apache 2.0 license](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/aggligator-util)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/surban/aggligator/master/LICENSE) This crate provides utility functions and command line tools for working with the [Aggligator link aggregator]. It provides the following functionality: * functions for establishing a connection consisting of aggregated TCP, Bluetooth RFCOMM links, USB and WebSocket links, * optional TLS link authentication and encryption, * a text-based, interactive connection and link montor, * a speed test. The following command line tools are included: * [`agg-speed`] — performs a speed test over a connection of aggregated TCP links, * [`agg-tunnel`] — forwards arbitrary TCP ports over a connection of aggregated TCP links. Both tools display a text-based, interactive connection and link monitor. [Aggligator link aggregator]: https://crates.io/crates/aggligator [`agg-speed`]: ../docs/agg-speed.md [`agg-tunnel`]: ../docs/agg-tunnel.md ## Features The following crate features enable transports: * `tcp` - TCP transport, * `rfcomm` - Bluetooth RFCOMM transport (Linux-only), * `rfcomm-profile` - Bluetooth RFCOMM transport using profiles for connecting (Linux-only), * `usb-host` - host-side USB transport, * `usb-device` - device-side USB transport, * `websocket` - WebSocket transport. The following crate features enable link wrappers: * `tls` - TLS encryption. The following crate features enable additional functionality: * `monitor` — enables the text-based, interactive connection and link monitor, * `speed` — enables speed test functions, * `dump` — enables saving of analysis data to disk. ## Installing the command line tools Run the following command to install the command line tools: cargo install aggligator-util ## Minimum supported Rust version The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.75. ## License Aggligator is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license]. [Apache 2.0 license]: https://github.com/surban/aggligator/blob/master/LICENSE ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Aggligator by you, shall be licensed as Apache 2.0, without any additional terms or conditions.