Contents ======== [0.4.0](#0.4.0) [0.3.0](#0.3.0) [0.2.0](#0.2.0) # 0.4.0 - Ability to override config file location on the command line - Bind to optional second address to support ipv4 and ipv6 at the same time - Handle percent encoded url's properly - Fall back to stdout/stderr if logs cannot be opened for writing - Make logging less verbose - Share worker pool among both tcp listeners if bound to a second address - Shut down worker pool cleanly rather than just exiting when termination signal is received - Log startup and shutdown messages rather than printing to stdout # 0.3.0 - ScriptAlias support - Add REMOTE_ADDR to CGI environment - Add config option to support binding to second ip, for dual ipv4/ipv6 - Send a redirect if the client requests a directory without including a trailing slash, to prevent potential breakage for relative url's. # 0.2.0 Initial release