// Copyright 2017 Google LLC All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package agones.dev.sdk; option go_package = "./sdk"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "protoc-gen-openapiv2/options/annotations.proto"; option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_openapiv2.options.openapiv2_swagger) = { info: { title: "sdk.proto"; version: "version not set"; }; schemes: HTTP; consumes: "application/json"; produces: "application/json"; }; // SDK service to be used in the GameServer SDK to the Pod Sidecar service SDK { // Call when the GameServer is ready rpc Ready (Empty) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/ready" body: "*" }; } // Call to self Allocation the GameServer rpc Allocate(Empty) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/allocate" body: "*" }; } // Call when the GameServer is shutting down rpc Shutdown (Empty) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/shutdown" body: "*" }; } // Send a Empty every d Duration to declare that this GameSever is healthy rpc Health (stream Empty) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/health" body: "*" }; } // Retrieve the current GameServer data rpc GetGameServer (Empty) returns (GameServer) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/gameserver" }; } // Send GameServer details whenever the GameServer is updated rpc WatchGameServer (Empty) returns (stream GameServer) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/watch/gameserver" }; } // Apply a Label to the backing GameServer metadata rpc SetLabel(KeyValue) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { put: "/metadata/label" body: "*" }; } // Apply a Annotation to the backing GameServer metadata rpc SetAnnotation(KeyValue) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { put: "/metadata/annotation" body: "*" }; } // Marks the GameServer as the Reserved state for Duration rpc Reserve(Duration) returns (Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/reserve" body: "*" }; } } // I am Empty message Empty { } // Key, Value entry message KeyValue { string key = 1; string value = 2; } // time duration, in seconds message Duration { int64 seconds = 1; } // A GameServer Custom Resource Definition object // We will only export those resources that make the most // sense. Can always expand to more as needed. message GameServer { ObjectMeta object_meta = 1; Spec spec = 2; Status status = 3; // representation of the K8s ObjectMeta resource message ObjectMeta { string name = 1; string namespace = 2; string uid = 3; string resource_version = 4; int64 generation = 5; // timestamp is in Epoch format, unit: seconds int64 creation_timestamp = 6; // optional deletion timestamp in Epoch format, unit: seconds int64 deletion_timestamp = 7; map annotations = 8; map labels = 9; } message Spec { Health health = 1; message Health { bool disabled = 1 [(grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_openapiv2.options.openapiv2_field) = {format: "boolean"}]; int32 period_seconds = 2; int32 failure_threshold = 3; int32 initial_delay_seconds = 4; } } message Status { message Address { string type = 1; string address = 2; } message Port { string name = 1; int32 port = 2; } // [Stage:Alpha] // [FeatureFlag:PlayerTracking] message PlayerStatus { int64 count = 1; int64 capacity = 2; repeated string ids = 3; } // [Stage:Beta] // [FeatureFlag:CountsAndLists] message CounterStatus { int64 count = 1; int64 capacity = 2; } // [Stage:Beta] // [FeatureFlag:CountsAndLists] message ListStatus { int64 capacity = 1; repeated string values = 2; } string state = 1; string address = 2; repeated Address addresses = 7; repeated Port ports = 3; // [Stage:Alpha] // [FeatureFlag:PlayerTracking] PlayerStatus players = 4; // [Stage:Beta] // [FeatureFlag:CountsAndLists] map counters = 5; // [Stage:Beta] // [FeatureFlag:CountsAndLists] map lists = 6; } }