//! You can run this test suite with: //! //! cargo test --test all //! //! An argument can be passed as well to filter, based on filename, which test //! to run //! //! cargo test --test all foo.wit use aha_wit_parser::*; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use rayon::prelude::*; use serde::Serialize; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::str; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst}; fn main() { let tests = find_tests(); let filter = std::env::args().nth(1); let tests = tests .par_iter() .filter_map(|test| { if let Some(filter) = &filter { if let Some(s) = test.to_str() { if !s.contains(filter) { return None; } } } let contents = fs::read(test).unwrap(); Some((test, contents)) }) .collect::>(); println!("running {} test files\n", tests.len()); let ntests = AtomicUsize::new(0); let errors = tests .par_iter() .filter_map(|(test, contents)| { Runner { ntests: &ntests } .run(test, contents) .context(format!("test {:?} failed", test)) .err() }) .collect::>(); if !errors.is_empty() { for msg in errors.iter() { eprintln!("{:?}", msg); } panic!("{} tests failed", errors.len()) } println!( "test result: ok. {} directives passed\n", ntests.load(SeqCst) ); } /// Recursively finds all tests in a whitelisted set of directories which we /// then load up and test in parallel. fn find_tests() -> Vec { let mut tests = Vec::new(); find_tests("tests/ui".as_ref(), &mut tests); tests.sort(); return tests; fn find_tests(path: &Path, tests: &mut Vec) { for f in path.read_dir().unwrap() { let f = f.unwrap(); if f.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { find_tests(&f.path(), tests); continue; } match f.path().extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) { Some("md") => {} Some("wit") => {} _ => continue, } tests.push(f.path()); } } } struct Runner<'a> { ntests: &'a AtomicUsize, } impl Runner<'_> { fn run(&mut self, test: &Path, contents: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let contents = str::from_utf8(contents)?; let result = Interface::parse_file(test); let result = if contents.contains("// parse-fail") { match result { Ok(_) => bail!("expected test to not parse but it did"), Err(mut e) => { if let Some(err) = e.downcast_mut::() { *err = io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "some generic platform-agnostic error message", ); } normalize(test, &format!("{:?}", e)) } } } else { let instance = result?; to_json(&instance) }; // "foo.wit" => "foo.wit.result" // "foo.wit.md" => "foo.wit.md.result" let result_file = if test.extension() == Some(OsStr::new("md")) && test .file_stem() .and_then(|path| Path::new(path).extension()) == Some(OsStr::new("wit")) { test.with_extension("md.result") } else { test.with_extension("wit.result") }; if env::var_os("BLESS").is_some() { fs::write(&result_file, result)?; } else { let expected = fs::read_to_string(&result_file).context(format!( "failed to read test expectation file {:?}\nthis can be fixed with BLESS=1", result_file ))?; let expected = normalize(test, &expected); if expected != result { bail!( "failed test: expected `{:?}` but found `{:?}`", expected, result ); } } self.bump_ntests(); return Ok(()); fn normalize(test: &Path, s: &str) -> String { s.replace( &test.display().to_string(), &test.display().to_string().replace("\\", "/"), ) .replace("\\parse-fail\\", "/parse-fail/") .replace("\r\n", "\n") } } fn bump_ntests(&self) { self.ntests.fetch_add(1, SeqCst); } } fn to_json(i: &Interface) -> String { #[derive(Serialize)] struct Interface { #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")] resources: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")] types: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")] functions: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")] globals: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Resource { name: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] foreign_module: Option, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct TypeDef { idx: usize, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] name: Option, #[serde(flatten)] ty: Type, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] foreign_module: Option, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] enum Type { Primitive(String), Record { fields: Vec<(String, String)> }, Flags { flags: Vec }, Enum { cases: Vec }, Variant { cases: Vec<(String, String)> }, Tuple { types: Vec }, Option(String), Expected { ok: String, err: String }, Future(String), Stream { element: String, end: String }, List(String), Union { cases: Vec }, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Function { name: String, #[serde(rename = "async", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] is_async: Option, params: Vec, result: String, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Global { name: String, ty: String, } let resources = i .resources .iter() .map(|(_, r)| Resource { name: r.name.clone(), foreign_module: r.foreign_module.clone(), }) .collect::>(); let types = i .types .iter() .map(|(i, r)| TypeDef { idx: i.index(), name: r.name.clone(), ty: translate_typedef(r), foreign_module: r.foreign_module.clone(), }) .collect::>(); let functions = i .functions .iter() .map(|f| Function { name: f.name.clone(), is_async: if f.is_async { Some(f.is_async) } else { None }, params: f.params.iter().map(|(_, ty)| translate_type(ty)).collect(), result: translate_type(&f.result), }) .collect::>(); let globals = i .globals .iter() .map(|g| Global { name: g.name.clone(), ty: translate_type(&g.ty), }) .collect::>(); let iface = Interface { resources, types, functions, globals, }; return serde_json::to_string_pretty(&iface).unwrap(); fn translate_typedef(ty: &aha_wit_parser::TypeDef) -> Type { match &ty.kind { TypeDefKind::Type(t) => Type::Primitive(translate_type(t)), TypeDefKind::Record(r) => Type::Record { fields: r .fields .iter() .map(|f| (f.name.clone(), translate_type(&f.ty))) .collect(), }, TypeDefKind::Tuple(t) => Type::Tuple { types: t.types.iter().map(|ty| translate_type(ty)).collect(), }, TypeDefKind::Flags(r) => Type::Flags { flags: r.flags.iter().map(|f| f.name.clone()).collect(), }, TypeDefKind::Enum(r) => Type::Enum { cases: r.cases.iter().map(|f| f.name.clone()).collect(), }, TypeDefKind::Variant(v) => Type::Variant { cases: v .cases .iter() .map(|f| (f.name.clone(), translate_type(&f.ty))) .collect(), }, TypeDefKind::Option(t) => Type::Option(translate_type(t)), TypeDefKind::Expected(e) => Type::Expected { ok: translate_type(&e.ok), err: translate_type(&e.err), }, TypeDefKind::Future(t) => Type::Future(translate_type(t)), TypeDefKind::Stream(s) => Type::Stream { element: translate_type(&s.element), end: translate_type(&s.end), }, TypeDefKind::List(ty) => Type::List(translate_type(ty)), TypeDefKind::Union(u) => Type::Union { cases: u.cases.iter().map(|c| translate_type(&c.ty)).collect(), }, } } fn translate_type(ty: &aha_wit_parser::Type) -> String { use aha_wit_parser::Type; match ty { Type::Unit => format!("unit"), Type::Bool => format!("bool"), Type::U8 => format!("u8"), Type::U16 => format!("u16"), Type::U32 => format!("u32"), Type::U64 => format!("u64"), Type::S8 => format!("s8"), Type::S16 => format!("s16"), Type::S32 => format!("s32"), Type::S64 => format!("s64"), Type::Float32 => format!("float32"), Type::Float64 => format!("float64"), Type::Char => format!("char"), Type::String => format!("string"), Type::Handle(resource) => format!("handle-{}", resource.index()), Type::Id(id) => format!("type-{}", id.index()), } } }