enum clockid { // The clock measuring real time. Time value zero corresponds with // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. realtime, // The store-wide monotonic clock, which is defined as a clock measuring // real time, whose value cannot be adjusted and which cannot have negative // clock jumps. The epoch of this clock is undefined. The absolute time // value of this clock therefore has no meaning. monotonic, } // Timestamp in nanoseconds. type timestamp = u64 // Error codes returned by functions. // Not all of these error codes are returned by the functions provided by this // API/ some are used in higher-level library layers, and others are provided // merely for alignment with POSIX. enum errno { // No error occurred. System call completed successfully. success, // Argument list too long. toobig, // Permission denied. access, // Address in use. addrinuse, // Address not available. addrnotavail, // Address family not supported. afnosupport, // Resource unavailable, or operation would block. again, // Connection already in progress. already, // Bad file descriptor. badf, // Bad message. badmsg, // Device or resource busy. busy, // Operation canceled. canceled, // No child processes. child, // Connection aborted. connaborted, // Connection refused. connrefused, // Connection reset. connreset, // Resource deadlock would occur. deadlk, // Destination address required. destaddrreq, // Mathematics argument out of domain of function. dom, // Reserved. dquot, // File exists. exist, // Bad address. fault, // File too large. fbig, // Host is unreachable. hostunreach, // Identifier removed. idrm, // Illegal byte sequence. ilseq, // Operation in progress. inprogress, // Interrupted function. intr, // Invalid argument. inval, // I/O error. io, // Socket is connected. isconn, // Is a directory. isdir, // Too many levels of symbolic links. loop, // File descriptor value too large. mfile, // Too many links. mlink, // Message too large. msgsize, // Reserved. multihop, // Filename too long. nametoolong, // Network is down. netdown, // Connection aborted by network. netreset, // Network unreachable. netunreach, // Too many files open in system. nfile, // No buffer space available. nobufs, // No such device. nodev, // No such file or directory. noent, // Executable file format error. noexec, // No locks available. nolck, // Reserved. nolink, // Not enough space. nomem, // No message of the desired type. nomsg, // Protocol not available. noprotoopt, // No space left on device. nospc, // Function not supported. nosys, // The socket is not connected. notconn, // Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory. notdir, // Directory not empty. notempty, // State not recoverable. notrecoverable, // Not a socket. notsock, // Not supported, or operation not supported on socket. notsup, // Inappropriate I/O control operation. notty, // No such device or address. nxio, // Value too large to be stored in data type. overflow, // Previous owner died. ownerdead, // Operation not permitted. perm, // Broken pipe. pipe, // Protocol error. proto, // Protocol not supported. protonosupport, // Protocol wrong type for socket. prototype, // Result too large. range, // Read-only file system. rofs, // Invalid seek. spipe, // No such process. srch, // Reserved. stale, // Connection timed out. timedout, // Text file busy. txtbsy, // Cross-device link. xdev, // Extension: Capabilities insufficient. notcapable, }