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# Simple AIDL command line tool
Command line to to parse AIDL files and extract informations.
## Features
- display diagnostics
- display items
- convert to JSON or YAML
For language-specific features, see [rust-aidl-parser](https://github.com/bwalter/rust-aidl-parser).
## Usage
aidl-cli [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-i, --items Display items
-h, --help Prints help information
-q, --hide-diagnostics Do not show diagnostics
--pretty Make pretty (but longer) output
-j, --to-json Convert the whole AST to JSON
-y, --to-yaml Convert the whole AST to YAML
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --output-path Output file
The directory where the AIDL files are located
Display diagnostics only:
> aidl-cli /path/to/project
List items and files:
> aidl-cli -i /path/to/project
## Convert to JSON
### Format
JSON Structure:
"root": ,
"items": {
: {
"path": ,
"itemType": ,
"elements": {
: {
"elementType": ,
"name": ,
... (element-specific info, e.g. field type, method args, ...) ...
> aidl-cli --to-json ~/path/to/aidl/project --pretty > test.json
/path/to/aidl/project/test/pkg/TestInterface.aidl (input):
package test.pkg;
import test.pkg.TestParcelable;
interface TestInterface {
const int VERSION = 12;
* Say hello
String hello(boolean loud, in TestParcelable data);
/path/to/aidl/project/test/pkg/TestParcelable.aidl (input):
package test.pkg;
parcelable TestParcelable {
* The first field
Array field1;
* The second field
int field2;
test.json (output):
"root": "/path/to/aidl/project",
"items": {
"test.pkg.TestInterface": {
"path": "test/pkg/TestInterface.aidl",
"itemType": "interface",
"name": "TestInterface",
"elements": {
"hello": {
"elementType": "method",
"oneway": false,
"name": "hello",
"returnType": "String",
"args": [
"name": "loud",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "data",
"direction": "in",
"type": "test.pkg.TestParcelable"
"doc": "Say hello"
"elementType": "const",
"name": "VERSION",
"type": "int",
"value": 12,
"test.pkg.TestParcelable": {
"path": "test/pkg/TestParcelable.aidl",
"itemType": "parcelable",
"name": "TestParcelable",
"elements": {
"field1": {
"elementType": "field",
"name": "field1",
"type": "Array",
"doc": "The first field"
"field2": {
"elementType": "field",
"name": "field2",
"type": "int",
"doc": "The second field"
### Extract infos
Display all item names (requires [jq][jq]):
> aidl-cli -j /path/to/project | jq '.items[] | .name'
Display all items as `[{ : , elements: [] }]`:
> aidl-cli -j /path/to/project | jq '.items[] | { (.itemType): .name, elements: [.elements[] | .name] }
Filter items by name (using regex) and display them as ` `:
> aidl-cli -j /path/to/project | jq '.items[] | select(.name | test("^I")) | "\(.itemType) \(.name)"'
Show the diff between projects (requires [jd][jd]):
> aidl-cli -j /path/to/project1 > project1.json
> aidl-cli -j /path/to/project2 > project2.json
> jd project1.json project2.json
## Convert to YAML
> aidl-cli --to-yaml ~/path/to/aidl/project
[jq]: https://github.com/stedolan/jq
[jd]: https://github.com/josephburnett/jd