MAKEFILE_PATH := $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) GIT_ROOT := $(shell dirname $(MAKEFILE_PATH)) VENV_ROOT := $(GIT_ROOT)/.venv RUST_LIBEXEC_DEBUG := $(GIT_ROOT)/target/debug RUST_LIBEXEC_RELEASE := $(GIT_ROOT)/target/debug RUST_LIBEXEC := $(realpath $(RUST_LIBEXEC_DEBUG) $(RUST_LIBEXEC_RELEASE)) PYTHON_PACKAGE_NAME := src PYTHON_CLI_NAME := aikido RUST_CLI_NAME := aikido REQUIREMENTS_FILE := development.txt PYTHON_PACKAGE_PATH := $(GIT_ROOT)/$(PYTHON_PACKAGE_NAME) REQUIREMENTS_PATH := $(GIT_ROOT)/$(REQUIREMENTS_FILE) PYTHON_CLI_PATH := $(VENV_ROOT)/bin/$(PYTHON_CLI_NAME) RUST_CLI_PATH := $(RUST_LIBEXEC)/bin/$(RUST_CLI_NAME) export VENV ?= $(VENV_ROOT) ###################################################################### # Phony targets (only exist for typing convenience and don't represent # real paths as Makefile expects) ###################################################################### all: | $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) # default target when running `make` without arguments help: @egrep -h '^[^:]+:\s#\s' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?# "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' # creates virtualenv venv: | $(VENV) # updates pip and setuptools to their latest version develop: | $(VENV)/bin/python $(VENV)/bin/pip # installs the requirements and the package dependencies setup: | $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) # Convenience target to ensure that the venv exists and all # requirements are installed dependencies: @rm -f $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) # remove PYTHON_CLI_PATH to trigger pip install $(MAKE) develop setup html docs/build/html/index.html: $(MAKE) -C docs html docs: html open docs/build/html/index.html test tests: $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) # runs all tests cargo check cargo test $(MAKE) unit functional # Run all tests, separately check: cargo check # -> unit tests unit: | $(VENV)/bin/pytest $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) # runs only unit tests @$(VENV)/bin/pytest tests/unit # -> functional tests functional:| $(VENV)/bin/pytest $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) # runs functional tests cargo test @$(VENV)/bin/pytest tests/functional # run main command-line tool run: | $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) @$(PYTHON_CLI_PATH) --help # Pushes release of this package to pypi push-release: build-release # pushes distribution tarballs of the current version cargo publish $(VENV)/bin/twine upload dist/*.tar.gz # Prepares release of this package prior to pushing to pypi build: $(VENV)/bin/python build cargo build # Prepares release of this package prior to pushing to pypi build-release: clean tests cargo build --release $(VENV)/bin/python build sdist $(VENV)/bin/twine check dist/*.tar.gz # Convenience target that runs all tests then builds and pushes a release to pypi release: build-release push-release # Convenience target to delete the virtualenv purge: @rm -rf $(VENV) dist target clean: @rm -rf dist # Convenience target to format code with black with PEP8's default # 80 character limit per line fmt: | $(VENV)/bin/black find src -type f -name '*.rs' -exec rustfmt -v {} \; @$(VENV)/bin/black -l 80 $(PYTHON_PACKAGE_PATH) tests ############################################################## # Real targets (only run target if its file has been "made" by # Makefile yet) ############################################################## # creates virtual env if necessary and installs pip and setuptools $(VENV): | $(REQUIREMENTS_PATH) # creates $(VENV) folder if does not exist echo "Creating virtualenv in $(VENV_ROOT)" && python3 -mvenv $(VENV) # installs pip and setuptools in their latest version, creates virtualenv if necessary $(VENV)/bin/python $(VENV)/bin/pip: # installs latest pip @test -e $(VENV)/bin/python || $(MAKE) $(VENV) @test -e $(VENV)/bin/pip || $(MAKE) $(VENV) @echo "Installing latest version of pip and setuptools" @$(VENV)/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools # installs latest version of the "black" code formatting tool $(VENV)/bin/black: | $(VENV)/bin/pip $(VENV)/bin/pip install -U black # installs this package in "edit" mode after ensuring its requirements are installed $(VENV)/bin/pytest $(PYTHON_CLI_PATH): | $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pip $(VENV)/bin/python $(REQUIREMENTS_PATH) $(VENV)/bin/pip install -r $(REQUIREMENTS_PATH) $(VENV)/bin/pip install -e . # ensure that REQUIREMENTS_PATH exists $(REQUIREMENTS_PATH): @echo "The requirements file $(REQUIREMENTS_PATH) does not exist" @echo "" @echo "To fix this issue:" @echo " edit the variable REQUIREMENTS_NAME inside of the file:" @echo " $(MAKEFILE_PATH)." @echo "" @exit 1 ############################################################### # Declare all target names that exist for convenience and don't # represent real paths, which is what Make expects by default: ############################################################### .PHONY: \ all \ fmt \ check \ docs \ html \ build-release \ clean \ dependencies \ develop \ push-release \ purge \ release \ setup \ run \ test \ tests \ unit \ functional .DEFAULT_GOAL := help