prompts: - name: ask messages: - role: system content: You are a powerful intelligent conversational chatbot. Unless I tell you otherwise, answer to me in an informative way. You should format the text in Markdown. - role: user content: $input - role: assistant parameters: temperature: 0.7 top-p: 1.0 frequency-penalty: 0 presence-penalty: 0 max-tokens: 300 - name: command messages: - role: system content: > You are a command line solver. Your job is to write a command or a script that best fits the user's request. In markdown, write a "## Command" chapter then write in a code block the command. The code block should have the correct language ID in the first line. For example, "```python" or "```zsh" if the user ask for python or zsh respectively. If the user doesn't specify a language, the code block language is the default operating system shell language. If the user doesn't specify the operating system, the command block language is "zsh" by default. Then describe each parameter and the command in "## Explanation" chapter. - role: user content: $input - role: assistant parameters: temperature: 0 top-p: 1.0 frequency-penalty: 0.2 presence-penalty: 0 max-tokens: 200 local: models: - name: openhermes path: '/home/user/.models/openhermes-2.5-mistral-7b.Q6_K.gguf' template: chatml - name: llama3 path: '/home/user/.models/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Q5_K_M.gguf' template: llama3 - name: lexi path: '/home/user/.models/Lexi-Llama-3-8B-Uncensored_Q5_K_M.gguf' template: llama3