// use std::{thread, time::Duration}; use airsim_client::{AirsimClient, NetworkResult}; use async_std::task; async fn connect_drone() -> NetworkResult<()> { let address = ""; let vehicle_name = ""; log::info!("Start!"); // connect log::info!("connect"); let client = AirsimClient::connect(address, vehicle_name).await?; // confirm connection log::info!("confirm connection"); let res = client.confirm_connection().await?; log::info!("Response: {:?}", res); // access an existing light in the world log::info!("get existing lights"); let lights = client.sim_list_scene_objects("PointLight.*").await?; log::info!("lights: {lights:?}"); // get pose of object in the scene log::info!("get pose of object in the scene"); let object_in_scene = lights.0.first().unwrap().to_owned(); let pose = client.sim_get_object_pose(&object_in_scene).await?; log::info!("pose of object: {object_in_scene} is {pose:?}"); // destroy a light log::info!("Destroy light"); let object_in_scene = lights.0.first().unwrap().to_owned(); let object_deleted = client.sim_destroy_object(&object_in_scene).await?; log::info!("light was destroyed if true: {object_deleted}"); // create a new light at the same pose // CURRENTLY `sim_spawn_object` CRASHES THE AIRSIM PROGRAM // log::info!("Create light"); // let scale = Vector3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // let new_light_name = client // .sim_spawn_object("SomeNewLight", "SpotLightBP", pose, scale, Some(false), Some(true)) // .await?; // log::info!("new light name: {new_light_name}"); // // change light intensity // log::info!("change light intensity"); // for i in 0..20 { // let res = client // .sim_set_light_intensity("PointLight34_3", (i as f32) * 10.0) // .await?; // log::info!("Response: {:?}", res); // thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // } // log::info!("Done!"); Ok(()) } fn main() -> NetworkResult<()> { env_logger::init(); task::block_on(connect_drone()) }