use airsim_client::{DrivetrainType, MultiRotorClient, NetworkResult, Velocity2, Velocity3, YawMode}; use async_std::task; async fn connect_drone() -> NetworkResult<()> { let address = ""; // set with env variable let vehicle_name = ""; log::info!("Start!"); // connect log::info!("connect"); let client = MultiRotorClient::connect(address, vehicle_name).await?; // confirm connect log::info!("confirm connection"); let res = client.confirm_connection().await?; log::info!("Response: {:?}", res); // arm drone log::info!("arm drone"); client.arm_disarm(true).await?; log::info!("Response: {:?}", res); // take off log::info!("take off drone"); client.take_off_async(20.0).await?; log::info!("take off completed"); log::info!("move by 3D velocity in body frame"); client .move_by_velocity_body_frame_async( Velocity3::new(-2.0, 2.0, -15.0), 10.0, DrivetrainType::MaxDegreeOfFreedom, YawMode::new(false, 45.0), ) .await?; log::info!("done!"); log::info!("move by 2D velocity body frame with fixed Z"); client .move_by_velocity_z_body_frame_async( Velocity2::new(-3.0, -3.0), -15.0, 15.0, DrivetrainType::MaxDegreeOfFreedom, YawMode::new(false, 45.0), ) .await?; log::info!("done!"); // Optional // log::info!("set velocity controller PID gains"); // let pid_gains = PIDGains::new(2.5, 0.0, 0.0); // let res = client // .set_velocity_controller_gains(LinearControllerGains::new( // pid_gains.to_owned(), // pid_gains.to_owned(), // pid_gains.to_owned(), // )) // .await?; // log::info!("Response: {:?}", res); log::info!("move by 3D velocity in world NED frame"); client .move_by_velocity_async( Velocity3::new(-3.0, -3.0, -3.0), 6.0, DrivetrainType::MaxDegreeOfFreedom, YawMode::new(false, -45.0), ) .await?; log::info!("done!"); log::info!("move by 2D velocity world NED frame with fixed Z"); client .move_by_velocity_z_async( Velocity2::new(-3.0, -3.0), -10.0, 15.0, DrivetrainType::MaxDegreeOfFreedom, YawMode::new(false, 45.0), ) .await?; log::info!("done!"); log::info!("move to Z in local NED frame of vehicle"); client .move_to_z_async(-40.0, 6.0, 1000.0, YawMode::new(false, 70.0), None, None) .await?; log::info!("done!"); log::info!("go home"); client.go_home_async(20.0).await?; log::info!("got home"); log::info!("land drone"); let landed = client.land_async(20.0).await?; log::info!("drone landed: {}", landed); client.arm_disarm(false).await?; client.enable_api_control(false).await?; log::info!("Mission done!"); Ok(()) } fn main() -> NetworkResult<()> { env_logger::init(); task::block_on(connect_drone()) }