{ "about": "About", "addon": "Addon", "addons": "Addons", "addons-loaded": "{number} {flavor} addons loaded", "ajour": "Ajour", "all-categories": "All Categories", "alternate-row-colors": "Alternate Row Colors", "aura": "Aura", "author": "Author", "authors": "Author(s)", "backup": "Backup", "backup-description": "Back up your AddOns and WTF folder to the chosen directory", "backup-latest": "Last backup: {time}", "backup-never": "Never", "backup-now": "Backup Now", "backup-progress": "Backing up...", "catalog": "Catalog", "changelog": "Changelog", "changelog-for": "Changelog for {addon}", "changelog-press-full-changelog": "Please view this changelog in the browser by pressing 'Full Changelog' to the right", "channel": "Channel", "columns": "Columns", "completed": "Completed", "delete": "Delete", "delete-saved-variables": "Delete SavedVariables when deleting addons", "description": "Description", "downloading": "Downloading", "failed": "Failed", "full-changelog": "Full Changelog", "game-version": "Game Version", "global-release-channel": "Global Release Channel", "hashing": "Hashing", "hide-addons": "Hide excluded Addons", "ignore": "Exclude", "ignored": "Excluded", "install": "Install", "install-for-flavor": "Install for {flavor}", "install-from-url": "Install from URL", "install-from-url-description": "Install an addon directly from either GitHub or GitLab\nThe addon must be published as a release asset", "install-from-url-example": "E.g.: https://github.com/author/repository", "installed": "Installed", "language": "Language", "latest-release": "Latest Release", "loading": "Loading..", "loading-catalog": "Currently loading catalog", "local": "Local version", "my-addons": "My Addons", "my-weakauras": "Wago", "new-update-available": "New Ajour version available", "no-addon-description": "No description for addon.", "no-addons-for-flavor": "You have no {flavor} addons.", "no-changelog": "No changelog found.", "no-directory": "No directory is set", "no-known-weakauras": "You have no known {flavor} Wago data", "num-downloads": "# Downloads", "open-data-directory": "Open data Directory", "parsing-addons": "Currently parsing {flavor} AddOns", "parsing-weakauras": "Currently parsing {flavor} Wago data", "refresh": "Refresh", "release-channel-no-release": "no available release", "remote": "Latest version", "remote-release-channel": "Release channel", "reset-columns": "Reset Columns", "retry": "Retry", "scale": "Scale", "search-for-addon": "Search for an addon...", "select-account": "Select an Account", "select-directory": "Select Directory", "settings": "Settings", "setup-ajour-description": "Please select your World of Warcraft directory", "setup-ajour-title": "Welcome to Ajour!", "setup-weakauras-description": "Please select an Account to manage", "setup-weakauras-title": "Manage your Wago data with Ajour!", "source": "Source", "status": "Status", "summary": "Summary", "theme": "Theme", "ui": "UI", "unavailable": "Unavailable", "unignore": "Include", "unknown": "Unknown", "unpacking": "Unpacking", "update": "Update", "update-all": "Update All", "ajour-update-channel": "Ajour Update Channel", "updating": "Updating", "weakaura-updates-queued": "Updates can now be applied in-game", "weakauras-loaded": "{number} loaded", "website": "Website", "website-http": "https://getajour.com", "welcome-to-ajour-description": "Please select your World of Warcraft directory", "woops": "Woops!", "wow-directory": "World of Warcraft directory", "wtf": "WTF", "channel-default": "Default", "channel-stable": "Stable", "channel-beta": "Beta", "channel-alpha": "Alpha", "weakaura-update-available": "Update Available", "settings-general": "General", "catalog-results": "Results: {number}", "error-fetch-changelog": "Failed to fetch changelog", "error-parse-addons": "Failed to parse addons", "error-download-addon": "Failed to download addon", "error-unpack-addon": "Failed to unpack addon", "error-backup-folders": "Failed to backup folders", "error-update-ajour": "Failed to update Ajour", "error-remove-cache": "Failed to remove cache entry", "error-list-accounts": "Failed to get list of Accounts", "error-parse-weakauras": "Failed to parse {type}", "error-update-weakauras": "Failed to update", "categories": "Categories", "error-update-ajour-permission": "Permissions issue while updating Ajour", "select-catalog-source-picklist": "Select Source", "select-catalog-source-title": "Select a source in the menu", "select-catalog-source-description": "Ajour has multiple catalog sources. Select a source to browse the addons.", "auto-update": "Automatically apply new updates when available", "type": "Type", "wow-directories": "World of Warcraft directories", "donate": "Donate", "donate-http": "https://www.getajour.com/donate" }