--- # https://taskfile.dev # # Taskfile.project.yml for your main project tasks. Must be commited. # If you always want the last version of the task templates, add the following line in your .gitignore file # /Taskfile.d/ # version: '3' vars: # TO MODIFY: Task templates to download separated by comma # Example: TASK_TEMPLATES: go,lint,yarn TASK_TEMPLATES: git,lint,robot tasks: 00-get-list-templates: # Get the list of templates to download # Do not remove cmds: - echo "{{.TASK_TEMPLATES}}" silent: true 10-get-last-local-release: desc: "[PROJECT] Get last local release." vars: AKAS_DIR: rust-akas cmds: - cp -f ../{{.AKAS_DIR}}/target/release/akas release/akas silent: true 20-pre-commit: desc: "[PROJECT] Pre-commit checks." cmds: - date > {{.FILE_TASK_START}} - defer: rm -f {{.FILE_TASK_START}} - task lint:pre-commit - echo "" && echo "Markdown:" && echo "=========" - task lint:markdown GLOB='"**/*.md" "#docs" "#release" "#styles" "#Taskfile.d" "#.venv" "#.cache"' - echo "" && echo "YAML:" && echo "=====" - task lint:yaml - echo "" && echo "Lychee:" && echo "=======" - task lint:lychee - echo "run also -> rye run tidy & rye run cop" - echo "" && echo "Checks Start $(cat {{.FILE_TASK_START}}) - End $(date)" silent: true