from setuptools import setup, Extension from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext import subprocess import os import sys import shlex import re class CMakeExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, name, sourcedir="", config=[]): Extension.__init__(self, name, sources=[]) self.sourcedir = os.path.abspath(sourcedir) self.config = config class CMakeBuild(build_ext): def build_extensions(self): try: subprocess.check_output(["cmake", "--version"]) except OSError: raise RuntimeError( "CMake must be installed to build the extensions: %s" % ", ".join( for ext in self.extensions) ) for ext in self.extensions: extdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.get_ext_fullpath( cfg = "Debug" if self.debug else "Release" if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): ext_suffix = ".so" elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): ext_suffix = ".dylib" elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): ext_suffix = ".dll" else: raise RuntimeError( 'CMakeBuild: Platform "%s" not recognized' % sys.platform ) cmake_build_args = [] cmake_config_args = [ "-DOUTPUT_NAME={}".format(, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={}".format(cfg), "-DCMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_{}={}".format(cfg.upper(), extdir), "-DCMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_{}={}".format(cfg.upper(), extdir), "-DCMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_{}={}".format( cfg.upper(), self.build_temp ), "-DPYTHON_MODULE_EXTENSION={}".format(ext_suffix), ] + ext.config # -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE doesn't work on Windows # we need to specify --config Release at build time if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # Specify platform x86 or x86-64 platform = "x64" if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 else "Win32" cmake_config_args += ["-A", platform] cmake_build_args += ["--config", cfg] cmake_config_args += shlex.split(os.environ.get("ALE_PY_CMAKE_ARGS", "")) cmake_build_args += shlex.split(os.environ.get("ALE_PY_BUILD_ARGS", "")) if not os.path.exists(self.build_temp): os.makedirs(self.build_temp) subprocess.check_call( ["cmake", ext.sourcedir] + cmake_config_args, cwd=self.build_temp ) subprocess.check_call( ["cmake", "--build", "."] + cmake_build_args, cwd=self.build_temp ) def _read(filename): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)) as f: return def _is_valid_semver(version): """ Checks if `version` conforms to semver rules. """ regex = r"^((([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?)(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?)$" return re.match(regex, version) def _parse_version(filename): """ Parse ALEVERSION from `CMakeLists.txt` args: filename: should point to the projects CMakeLists.txt returns: version: 1) Running locally version will be of the form 2) Running in CI with a version tag will be of the form TAGGED_VERSION raises: RuntimeError: 1) Unable to find ALEVERSION in `filename` AssertionError: 1) Running in CI and tagged version doesn't match parsed version 2) Tagged version or parsed version doesn't conform to semver rules """ # Parse version from file contents = _read(filename) version_match ="ALEVERSION\s\"(\d+.*)\"", contents, re.M) if not version_match: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find ALEVERSION in %s" % filename) version = version_suffix = ".dev" assert _is_valid_semver(version), "ALEVERSION %s must conform to semver." % version # If the git ref is a tag verify the tag and don't use a suffix ref = "GITHUB_REF" tag_regex = r"refs\/tags\/v(.*)$" if os.environ.get(ref, False) and re.match(tag_regex, os.environ.get(ref)): version_match =, os.environ.get(ref)) version_tag = assert _is_valid_semver(version_tag), ( "Tag is invalid semver. %s must conform to semver." % version_tag ) assert version_tag == version, ( "Tagged version must match ALEVERSION but got:\n\tALEVERSION: %s\n\tTAG: %s" % (version, version_tag) ) version_suffix = "" return version + version_suffix setup( name="ale-py", version=_parse_version("CMakeLists.txt"), description="Arcade Learning Environment Python Interface", long_description=_read(""), long_description_content_type="text/markdown", keywords=["reinforcement-learning", "arcade-learning-environment", "atari"], url="", author="Arcade Learning Environment Authors", license="GPL", ext_modules=[ CMakeExtension( "ale_py.libale_c", ".", [ "-DUSE_SDL=OFF", "-DUSE_RLGLUE=OFF", "-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF", "-DBUILD_CPP_LIB=OFF", "-DBUILD_CLI=OFF", "-DBUILD_C_LIB=ON", ], ) ], cmdclass={"build_ext": CMakeBuild}, packages=["ale_py"], install_requires=["numpy"], classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", ], )