# Contributing to algonaut **Note:** Any interaction with the project is subject to our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/manuelmauro/algonaut/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). - [Contributing to algonaut](#contributing-to-algonaut) - [Submitting Issues](#submitting-issues) - [Pull Requests](#pull-requests) - [Submission Checklist](#submission-checklist) - [Writing Documentation](#writing-documentation) - [Useful Resources](#useful-resources) ## Submitting Issues One way you can help `algonaut` is to report bugs or request features on our GitHub issue tracker. ## Pull Requests We are very happy to accept code contributions too! Please address issues in our tracker or if you have any idea how to improve the project open a pull request. ### Submission Checklist Before submitting your pull request to the repository, please make sure you have done the following things first: 1. You have ensured the pull request is based on a recent version of your respective branch. 2. You have processed your source code with the code formatter. 1. `cargo fmt --all -- --check` 3. All of the following commands completed without errors or warnings. 1. `cargo test` 2. `cargo clippy -- -D warnings` ## Writing Documentation Documentation improvements are always welcome! A solid SDK needs to have solid documentation to go with it. ## Useful Resources - [Git Style Guide](https://github.com/agis/git-style-guide) - [How to write a Git commit message](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/)