# algorithms-rs ![build status](https://app.travis-ci.com/DaviRain-Su/algorithms-rs.svg?branch=main) Introduction to algorithms thrid edition implement by rust programming ## [算法导论](SUMMARY.md) ## Present implement ### Data Struct - Heap - rec build heap - max_heapify - `max_heapify` function - min-heapify - `min_heapify` function - no rec build heap - min_sift - `min_sift_up` function - `min_sift_down` function - max_sift - `max_sift_up` function - `max_sift_down` function - max heap - max_shift_up - `build_max_heap_by_shift_up` function - max_heapify - `build_max_heap_by_max_heapify` function - min heap - min_shift_up - `build_min_heap_by_siftup` function - min_heapify - `build_min_heap_by_min_heapify` function - heap sort algorithms - asc sort by Max-Heap by Max heapify - `heap_sort_by_max_heap` function - dec sort by Min-Heap by Min Heapify - `heap_sort_by_min_heap` function - asc sort by Max-Heap by Max shift_up and shift_down - `asc_sort_with_max_sift` function - dec sort by Min-Heap by Min Shift_up and shift_down - `dec_sort_with_min_sift` function - Stack - push element - pop element - Queue - pop head element - push tail element ### Sort algorithms - Bubble Sort algorithms - Insert Sort algorithms - Select Sort algorithms - Merge Sort algorithms, but not only support ascending order ## support no-std feature config setting: ```toml algorithms-rs = { version = "0.1", default-features = false } ```