m = Map("aliyundrive-webdav") m.title = translate("AliyunDrive WebDAV") m.description = translate("Project GitHub URL") m:section(SimpleSection).template = "aliyundrive-webdav/aliyundrive-webdav_status" e = m:section(TypedSection, "server") e.anonymous = true enable = e:option(Flag, "enable", translate("Enable")) enable.rmempty = false refresh_token = e:option(Value, "refresh_token", translate("Refresh Token")) refresh_token.description = translate("Double click the input box above to get refresh token by scanning qrcode") qrcode = e:option(DummyValue, '', '') qrcode.rawhtml = true qrcode.template = 'aliyundrive-webdav/aliyundrive-webdav_qrcode' root = e:option(Value, "root", translate("Root Directory")) root.description = translate("Restrict access to a folder of aliyundrive, defaults to / which means no restrictions") root.default = "/" host = e:option(Value, "host", translate("Host")) host.default = "" host.datatype = "ipaddr" port = e:option(Value, "port", translate("Port")) port.default = "8080" port.datatype = "port" drive_type = e:option(ListValue, "drive_type", translate("Aliyun drive type")) drive_type.description = translate("Supports drive type: resource, backup") drive_type:value("resource", "resource"); drive_type:value("backup", "backup"); drive_type.default = "backup" tls_cert = e:option(Value, "tls_cert", translate("TLS certificate file path")) tls_key = e:option(Value, "tls_key", translate("TLS private key file path")) auth_user = e:option(Value, "auth_user", translate("Username")) auth_password = e:option(Value, "auth_password", translate("Password")) auth_password.password = true read_buffer_size = e:option(Value, "read_buffer_size", translate("Read Buffer Size")) read_buffer_size.default = "10485760" read_buffer_size.datatype = "uinteger" prefer_http_download = e:option(Flag, "prefer_http_download", translate("Prefer HTTP Download")) prefer_http_download.description = translate("Prefer downloading files using HTTP instead of HTTPS protocol") prefer_http_download.rmempty = false redirect = e:option(Flag, "redirect", translate("Enable 302 Redirect")) redirect.description = translate("Enable 302 redirect when possible") redirect.rmempty = false upload_buffer_size = e:option(Value, "upload_buffer_size", translate("Upload Buffer Size")) upload_buffer_size.default = "16777216" upload_buffer_size.datatype = "uinteger" skip_upload_same_size = e:option(Flag, "skip_upload_same_size", translate("Skip uploading same size files")) skip_upload_same_size.description = translate("Reduce the upload traffic by skipping uploading files with the same size") skip_upload_same_size.rmempty = false cache_size = e:option(Value, "cache_size", translate("Cache Size")) cache_size.default = "1000" cache_size.datatype = "uinteger" cache_ttl = e:option(Value, "cache_ttl", translate("Cache Expiration Time (seconds)")) cache_ttl.default = "600" cache_ttl.datatype = "uinteger" no_trash = e:option(Flag, "no_trash", translate("Delete file permanently instead of trashing")) no_trash.rmempty = false read_only = e:option(Flag, "read_only", translate("Enable read only mode")) read_only.description = translate("Disallow upload, modify and delete file operations") read_only.rmempty = false debug = e:option(Flag, "debug", translate("Debug Mode")) debug.rmempty = false return m