msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
msgid "AliyunDrive"
msgstr "阿里云盘"
msgid "AliyunDrive WebDAV"
msgstr "阿里云盘 WebDAV"
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "启用"
msgid "Refresh Token"
msgstr "Refresh Token"
msgid "Root Directory"
msgstr "云盘根目录"
msgid "Host"
msgstr "监听主机"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "监听端口"
msgid "Aliyun drive type"
msgstr "云盘驱动类型"
msgid "Supports drive type: resource, backup"
msgstr "支持驱动器类型:resource, backup"
msgid "TLS certificate file path"
msgstr "TLS 证书文件路径"
msgid "TLS private key file path"
msgstr "TLS 私钥文件路径"
msgid "Username"
msgstr "用户名"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
msgid "Read Buffer Size"
msgstr "下载缓冲大小(bytes)"
msgid "Upload Buffer Size"
msgstr "上传缓冲大小(bytes)"
msgid "Cache Size"
msgstr "目录缓存大小"
msgid "Cache Expiration Time (seconds)"
msgstr "目录缓存过期时间(单位为秒)"
msgid "Collecting data..."
msgstr "获取数据中..."
msgid "Invalidate cache"
msgstr "清除缓存"
msgid "RUNNING"
msgstr "运行中"
msgstr "未运行"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
msgid "Log"
msgstr "日志"
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr "调试模式"
msgid "Project GitHub URL"
msgstr "GitHub 项目地址 | 加入知识星球"
msgid "Double click the input box above to get refresh token by scanning qrcode"
msgstr "鼠标双击上面的输入框扫码登录自动获取 refresh token"
msgid "Restrict access to a folder of aliyundrive, defaults to / which means no restrictions"
msgstr "限制只能访问该云盘目录,默认为 / 表示不限制,注意这个参数不是本地磁盘路径"
msgid "Delete file permanently instead of trashing"
msgstr "删除文件不放入回收站"
msgid "Enable read only mode"
msgstr "启用只读模式"
msgid "Disallow upload, modify and delete file operations"
msgstr "禁止上传、修改和删除文件操作"
msgid "Skip uploading same size files"
msgstr "跳过上传相同大小的文件"
msgid "Reduce the upload traffic by skipping uploading files with the same size"
msgstr "跳过上传相同大小的文件减少上传流量消耗,但可能会导致修改过的同样大小的文件不会被上传"
msgid "Prefer HTTP Download"
msgstr "使用 HTTP 下载"
msgid "Prefer downloading files using HTTP instead of HTTPS protocol"
msgstr "优先使用 HTTP 而不是 HTTPS 协议下载,低端设备上降低 CPU 占用"
msgid "Enable 302 Redirect"
msgstr "启用 302 重定向"
msgid "Enable 302 redirect when possible"
msgstr "在可能的情况下启用 302 重定向"