All is Cubes [DESKTOPVERSION] Kevin Reid Recursive voxel game. Usage: all-is-cubes[EXE] [OPTIONS] [FILE] Arguments: [FILE] Existing save/document file to load. If not specified, a template will be used instead. Currently supported formats: * MagicaVoxel .vox (partial support) Options: --display-size Window size or image size, if applicable to the selected --graphics mode [default: auto] --duration Length of time to simulate. * In 'record' mode, sets duration of video (or still image if absent). * In 'headless' mode, sets a time to exit rather than running infinitely. * In all other modes, does nothing. --fullscreen Make the window fullscreen. Causes --display-size to be ignored unless fullscreen is not possible. -g, --graphics Graphics/UI mode; one of the following keywords: * window — Open a window (uses GPU rendering) * window-rt — EXPERIMENTAL: Open a window (uses CPU raytracing) * terminal — Colored text in this terminal (uses raytracing) * headless — Non-interactive; don't draw anything but only simulates * record — Non-interactive; save an image or video (uses raytracing) * print — Non-interactive; print one frame like 'terminal' mode then exit [default: window] -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') --no-config-files Ignore all configuration files, using only defaults and command-line options -o, --output Output file name for 'record' mode. The file name must have an extension specifying the format to use: * “.alliscubesjson” — All is Cubes native save file format. * “.png” or “.apng” — export rendered scene. * “.gltf” — export scene as meshes in glTF format (has accompanying “.glbin” data files). * “.vox” — export world to MagicaVoxel .vox format. --precompute-light Fully calculate light before starting the game --save-all Whether to record/export everything, rather than just the displayed scene --seed Seed value for randomized components of the world template. May be an integer between 0 and 18446744073709551615 (2⁶⁴ - 1). If not specified, a randomly chosen seed will be used. -t, --template