# alleakator ![alt=crocodile](https://images.emojiterra.com/google/android-pie/128px/1f40a.png) `alleakator` provides a global allocator that leaks memory on purpose. ## Motivation If you have a step based program that only runs for a short time, leaking memory is okay - and the fastest computations are the ones that aren't done. This crate avoids the runtime overhead of freeing memory by just not doing it. ## Usage Add this to your main.rs: ```rust use alleakator::Alleakator; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: Alleakator = Alleakator; ``` This works even if you don't use the standard library. ## Implementation All function calls are forwarded to a parent allocator that you can specify except `dealloc`, which is just empty. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome. ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) ## Trivia The image shows a crocodile.