# allocdeny Deny the use of crate `alloc`. This crate exists solely to deny the use of the built-in `alloc` crate. This is useful if your library has different safety/soundness requirements than those allowed by Rust's own `alloc`. # Examples The following code only compiles with this crate: ```rust extern crate alloc; alloc::allocdeny!(); ``` When doing this, regular alloc is inaccessible. # Usage Library authors who are doing their own thing and not relying on fn main() can simply expand this macro in their entry point wrapper. For example: ```rust macro_rules! my_plugin { () => { alloc::allocdeny!(); extern "C" fn plugin_init() { } } } ``` Then users of `my_plugin!` will be unable to use `alloc`! You can also provide an `unsafe` version of `my_plugin` that does not expand `alloc::allocdeny!()`, if you want.