# alog [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/alog.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/alog) [![CI](https://github.com/thyrc/alog/workflows/Rust/badge.svg)](https://github.com/thyrc/alog/actions?query=workflow%3ARust) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/alog/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/alog) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/thyrc/alog.svg)](https://github.com/thyrc/alog/blob/master/LICENSE) `alog` is a simple log file anonymizer. ## About In fact by default `alog` just replaces the first *word* on every line of any input stream with a customizable string. So "log file anonymizer" might be a bit of an overstatement, but `alog` can be used to (very efficiently) replace the `$remote_addr` part in many access log formats, e.g. Nginx' default combined log format: ```text log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent ' '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'; ``` By default any parseable `$remote_addr` is replaced by it's *localhost* representation, * any valid IPv4 address is replaced by **, * any valid IPv6 address is replaced by *::1* and * any String (what might be a domain name) with *localhost*. Lines without a `$remote_addr` part will remain unchanged (but can be skipped). ## Changes With version 0.7 * All [`ASCII whitespace character`]s are removed from the beginning of each line by default. * The run() and run_raw() funktions will now return a Result instead of exiting on failure. With version 0.6 * You can (at a substantial cost of CPU cycles) replace the `$remote_user` with '-' as well and * by default any leading Spaces or Tabs will be removed from every line before replacing any `$remote_addr`. ## Building alog With version 0.3 `[features]` where added, so that the library crate won't pull unneeded dependencies anymore. ### Commandline Tool To build the `alog` commandline tool you now have to expicitly add `--features`. ```shell cargo build --features alog-cli ``` or ```shell cargo build --all-features ``` ## Usage ### Commandline tool Run cli-tool with `--help`. ```shell ./target/release/alog --help ``` ### Library Calling `run()` ```rust fn main() { let mut io_conf = alog::IOConfig::default(); let mut conf = alog::Config::default(); io_conf.push_input("/tmp/test.log"); conf.set_ipv4_value(""); if let Err(e) = alog::run(&conf, &io_conf) { eprintln!("{}", e); } } ``` or `run_raw()` ```rust use std::io::Cursor; fn main() { let mut buffer = vec![]; if let Err(e) = alog::run_raw( &alog::Config { ipv4: "XXX", ..Default::default() }, Cursor::new(b" test line"), &mut buffer, ) { eprintln!("{}", e); } assert_eq!(buffer, b"XXX test line"); } ``` ## About `Config::authuser` With version 0.6 `alog` can be used to replace the `$remote_user` field with '-', but this feature comes with a couple of peculiarities. This feature should work fine with standard Common / Combined Log formatted files, but... * There will be a significant hit on performance (synthetic benchmarking suggests ~625MB/s instead of ~1100MB/s on my machine, but still better than Perl's ~115MB/s ;) * Used with `Config::trim` set to `false` and malformatted files the performance hit will be even worse and removal of the `$remote_user` field will fail altogether if no `$time_local` field is found. * The `$time_local` field is expected to start with '[' followed by a decimal number. E.g.: "[10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700]" * There is an optimization in place to reduce the performance hit with real-life log files, but this leads to `$remote_user` fields *starting* with "- [" _not_ being replaced! So in `" - - [frank] [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0 200 2326"` "frank" will still be "frank". This optimization can be disabled. ## Project status `alog` started as a replacement for a <10 line Perl script running on an old backup host. So nothing shiny.. but it helped me learning some Rust (and crates.io) basics. With version 0.6 `alog` is feature complete. It doesn't do much, but it does it quite well. At some point I might re-use this crate and try harder to actually anonymize data. But for now, this is it. I will still fix bugs when (and if) I find them, so `alog` is now passively-maintained. [`ASCII whitespace character`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.char.html#method.is_ascii_whitespace