# About alpha-counter-cli is a command line utility using the [`alpha-counter`](https://crates.io/crates/alpha-counter) library to provide an alphabetic counter as would be used for numbering appendices. It provides the `--kind` option to create counters using upper and lower ASCII alphabets as well as any alphabet via the `--alphabet` option. Specify an alternate starting point via the `--start` option. Stop printing after 100 iterations, or define an alternate number via the `--take` option. # Examples ``` $ alpha-counter -V alpha-counter 0.2.5 ``` ``` $ alpha-counter -h Alphabetic Counter (A, B, C, ..., X, Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, ...) Usage: alpha-counter [OPTIONS] Options: -k, --kind Kind (upper, lower) [default: upper] -s, --start Start [default: 0] -t, --take Take [default: 100] -a, --alphabet Custom alphabet -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ``` $ alpha-counter A B C ... CT CU CV ``` ``` $ alpha-counter --kind lower a b c ... ct cu cv ``` ``` $ alpha-counter --start 23 --take 6 X Y Z AA AB AC ``` ``` $ alpha-counter --alphabet abc --take 10 a b c aa ab ac ba bb bc ca ```