[package] name = "Animation" description = "Components relating to animations." content = { type = "Asset", schema = true } version = "0.3.1" ambient_version = "0.3.1" [components.is_animation_player] type = "Empty" name = "Is animation player" description = "This entity is treated as an animation player. Attach an animation node as a child for it to play." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.animation_errors] type = { type = "Vec", element_type = "String" } name = "Animation errors" description = "A list of errors that were produced trying to play the animation." attributes = ["Debuggable"] [components.apply_animation_player] type = "EntityId" name = "Apply animation player" description = "Apply the designated animation player to this entity and its sub-tree." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.play_clip_from_url] type = "String" name = "Play clip from URL" description = "Make this entity a 'play animation clip' node. The value is the URL to the clip we'd like to play." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.looping] type = "Bool" name = "Looping" description = "When this is true, the animation clip will repeat infinitely." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.speed] type = "F32" name = "Speed" description = "Animation playback speed. Default is 1, higher values speeds up the animation." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.start_time] type = "Duration" name = "Start time" description = "Start time of an animation node." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.freeze_at_percentage] type = "F32" name = "Freeze at percentage" description = "Sample the input animation at a certain percentage of the animation track length." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.freeze_at_time] type = "F32" name = "Freeze at time" description = "Sample the input animation at a certain time (in seconds)." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.clip_duration] type = "F32" name = "Clip duration" description = "The clip duration is loaded from the clip, and then applied to the entity." attributes = ["Debuggable"] [components.clip_loaded] type = "Empty" name = "Clip loaded" description = "The clip has been loaded." attributes = ["Debuggable"] [components.clip_load_error] type = "String" name = "Clip load error" description = "There was an error loading the clip." attributes = ["Debuggable"] [components.blend] type = "F32" name = "Blend" description = "Blend two animations together. The values is the blend weight. Use `children` to set the animations. Blend 0 means we only sample from the first animation, 1 means only the second one, and values in between blend between them." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.mask_bind_ids] type = { type = "Vec", element_type = "String" } name = "Mask bind ids" description = "List of bind ids that will be masked." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.mask_weights] type = { type = "Vec", element_type = "F32" } name = "Mask weights" description = "Weights for each bind id in `mask_bind_ids`." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked"] [components.retarget_model_from_url] type = "String" name = "Retarget Model from URL" description = "Retarget the animation using the model at the given URL." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.retarget_animation_scaled] type = "Bool" name = "Retarget animation scaled" description = "Retarget animation scaled. True means normalize hip." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.apply_base_pose] type = "Empty" name = "Apply base pose" description = "Apply the base pose to this clip." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.bind_id] type = "String" name = "Bind id" description = "Animation bind ID." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.bind_ids] type = { type = "Vec", element_type = "String" } name = "Bind ids" description = "Animation bind IDs." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Store"]