[package] name = "Audio" description = "Audio functionality and state." content = { type = "Asset", schema = true } version = "0.3.1" ambient_version = "0.3.1" [components.is_audio_player] type = "Empty" name = "Is audio player" description = "The entity is an audio player." attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.is_spatial_audio_player] type = "Empty" name = "Is spatial audio player" description = "The entity is a spatial audio player." attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.spatial_audio_emitter] type = "EntityId" name = "Spatial audio emitter" description = "The entity is a spatial audio emitter." attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.spatial_audio_listener] type = "EntityId" name = "Spatial audio listener" description = "The entity is a spatial audio listener." attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.looping] type = "Bool" name = "Looping" description = """ Whether or not the audio should loop. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.onepole_lpf] type = "F32" name = "One pole low pass filter" description = """ With this component, the audio will be filtered with a one pole low pass filter. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.playing_sound] type = "Empty" name = "Playing sound" description = """ The entity with this comp is a playing sound. We can attach other components to it to control the sound parameters. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.amplitude] type = "F32" name = "Amplitude" description = """ The amplitude of the audio. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.panning] type = "F32" name = "Panning" description = """ The panning of the audio. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.lpf] type = "Vec2" name = "Low_pass filter" description = """ Low pass filter. The first value is the cutoff frequency, the second is the bandwidth. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.hpf] type = "Vec2" name = "High_pass filter" description = """ High pass filter. The first value is the cutoff frequency, the second is the bandwidth. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.audio_url] type = "String" name = "Audio URL" description = """ The URL of the assets. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.play_now] type = "Empty" name = "Trigger at this frame" description = """ The system will watch for this component and PLAY the audio at this frame, using the other components as parameters. Then set it back to false. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"] [components.stop_now] type = "Empty" name = "Stop at this frame" description = """ The system will watch for this component and STOP the audio at this frame, using the other components as parameters. Then set it back to false. """ attributes = ["MaybeResource", "Debuggable"]