[package] name = "Layout" description = "Layout components such as flow, margins etc." content = { type = "Asset", schema = true } version = "0.3.1" ambient_version = "0.3.1" [components.align_horizontal] type = "Align" name = "Align horizontal" description = "Layout alignment: horizontal." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.align_vertical] type = "Align" name = "Align vertical" description = "Layout alignment: vertical." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.docking] type = "Docking" name = "Docking" description = "Layout docking." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.fit_horizontal] type = "Fit" name = "Fit horizontal" description = "Layout fit: horizontal." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.fit_vertical] type = "Fit" name = "Fit vertical" description = "Layout fit: vertical." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.layout] type = "Layout" name = "Layout" description = "Layout." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.orientation] type = "Orientation" name = "Orientation" description = "Layout orientation." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.is_book_file] type = "Empty" name = "Is book file" description = "This is a file in a `layout_bookcase`." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.margin] type = "Vec4" name = "Margin" description = "Layout margin: [top, right, bottom, left]." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.padding] type = "Vec4" name = "Padding" description = "Layout padding: [top, right, bottom, left]." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.mesh_to_local_from_size] type = "Empty" name = "Mesh to local from size" description = "Update the `mesh_to_local` based on the width and height of this entity." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.min_height] type = "F32" name = "Minimum height" description = "The minimum height of a UI element." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.min_width] type = "F32" name = "Minimum width" description = "The minimum width of a UI element." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.max_height] type = "F32" name = "Maximum height" description = "The maximum height of a UI element." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.max_width] type = "F32" name = "Maximum width" description = "The maximum width of a UI element." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.is_screen] type = "Empty" name = "Is screen" description = "This entity will be treated as a screen. Used by the Screen ui component." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.space_between_items] type = "F32" name = "Space between items" description = "Space between items in a layout." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.width] type = "F32" name = "Width" description = "The width of a UI element." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.height] type = "F32" name = "Height" description = "The height of a UI element." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.gpu_ui_size] type = "Vec4" name = "GPU UI size" description = "Upload the width and height of this UI element to the GPU." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [enums.Align] description = "Layout alignment." [enums.Align.members] Begin = "Begin" Center = "Center" End = "End" [enums.Fit] description = "Layout fit." [enums.Fit.members] None = "None" Parent = "Parent" Children = "Children" [enums.Orientation] description = "Layout orientation." [enums.Orientation.members] Horizontal = "Horizontal" Vertical = "Vertical" [enums.Docking] description = "The edge to dock to." [enums.Docking.members] Left = "Left" Right = "Right" Top = "Top" Bottom = "Bottom" Fill = "Fill" [enums.Layout] description = "The type of the layout to use." [enums.Layout.members] Flow = "Bottom-up flow layout." Dock = "Top-down dock layout." Bookcase = "Min-max bookcase layout." WidthToChildren = "Width to children."