[package] name = "Text" description = "Text rendering." content = { type = "Asset", schema = true } version = "0.3.1" ambient_version = "0.3.1" [components.font_family] type = "String" name = "Font family" description = "Font family to be used. Can either be 'Default', 'FontAwesome', 'FontAwesomeSolid', 'Code' or a url to a font." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.font_size] type = "F32" name = "Font size" description = "Size of the font." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.font_style] type = "FontStyle" name = "Font style" description = "Style of the font." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [components.text] type = "String" name = "Text" description = "Create a text mesh on this entity." attributes = ["Debuggable", "Networked", "Store"] [enums.FontStyle] description = "Style of the font." [enums.FontStyle.members] Bold = "Use bold for this text." BoldItalic = "Use bold italic for this text." Medium = "Use medium for this text." MediumItalic = "Use medium italic for this text." Regular = "Use regular for this text." Italic = "Use italic for this text." Light = "Use light for this text." LightItalic = "Use light italic for this text."