#****************************************************************************** # # Makefile - Rules for building the libraries, examples and docs. # # Copyright (c) 2019, Ambiq Micro # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this # software without specific prior written permission. # # Third party software included in this distribution is subject to the # additional license terms as defined in the /docs/licenses directory. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This is part of revision 2.1.0 of the AmbiqSuite Development Package. # #****************************************************************************** #****************************************************************************** # # This is an example makefile for SparkFun Apollo3 boards as used in the # AmbiqSuite SDK. # # Recommended usage # make # make bootload_svl (uses the SparkFun Variable Loader to upload code) # make bootload_asb (uses the Ambiq Secure Bootlaoder to upload code) # make clean # # Filepaths # You can relocate this makefile easily by providing the path to the root of # the AmbiqSuite SDK. If that path is not specified then this file will # assume that it is located in # /boards//examples//gcc # and use relative paths # # User Configuration # You must also specify which COM_PORT to use if you want to use the # 'bootlaoder' targets. # Windows example: COM_PORT=COM4 # *nix example: COM_PORT=/dev/usbserialxxxx # # Python vs. Executable # For simplicity the upload tools are called as Python scripts by default. # Make sure PYTHON is set to the appropriate command to run Python3 from the # command line. # #****************************************************************************** #****************************************************************************** # # User Options # #****************************************************************************** # You can override these values on the command line e.g. make bootload COM_PORT=/dev/cu*** # COM_PORT is the serial port to use for uploading. For example COM#### on Windows or /dev/cu.usbserial-#### on *nix COM_PORT ?= # ASB_UPLOAD_BAUD is the baud rate setting of the Ambiq Secue Bootloader (ASB) as it is configured on the Apollo3. Defautls to 115200 if unset ASB_UPLOAD_BAUD ?= # SVL_UPLOAD_BAUD is the baud rate setting of the SparkFun Variable Loader (SVL). Defaults to 921600 if unset SVL_UPLOAD_BAUD ?= # PYTHON3 should evaluate to a call to the Python3 executable on your machine PYTHON3 ?= # *Optionally* specify absolute paths to the SDK and the BSP # You can do this on the command line - e.g. make bootload SDKPATH=~/$AMBIQ_SDK_ROOT_PATH # Make sure to use / instead of \ when on Windows SDKPATH ?=# Set as the path to the SDK root if not located at ../../../../.. COMMONPATH ?=# Set as the path to the BSP common folder if not located at ../../../../common BOARDPATH ?=# Set as the path to the board if not located at ../../.. PROJECTPATH ?=# Set as the path to the project if not located at .. BOARD ?=# If using a SparkFun board you can simply provide the name e.g. redboard_artemis_atp ### Project Settings TARGET := hm01b0_camera_uart COMPILERNAME := gcc PROJECT := $(TARGET)_gcc #****************************************************************************** # # Warning Messages # #****************************************************************************** ifeq ($(BOARD),) $(warning warning: no BOARD specified, will fall back to BOARDPATH for arbitrary bsp locations) else BOARDPATH=../../../../$(BOARD) $(warning Using BOARD=$(BOARD) at $(BOARDPATH)) endif ifeq ($(COM_PORT),) COM_PORT=COM4 $(warning warning: you have not defined COM_PORT. Assuming it is COM4) endif ifeq ($(PYTHON3),) PYTHON3=python3 $(warning warning: you have not defined PYTHON3. assuming it is accessible by 'python3') endif ifeq ($(ASB_UPLOAD_BAUD),) ASB_UPLOAD_BAUD=115200 $(warning defaulting to 115200 baud for ASB) endif ifeq ($(SVL_UPLOAD_BAUD),) SVL_UPLOAD_BAUD=921600 $(warning defaulting to 921600 baud for SVL) endif ifeq ($(SDKPATH),) SDKPATH =../../../../.. $(warning warning: you have not defined SDKPATH so will continue assuming that the SDK root is at $(SDKPATH)) else # When the SDKPATH is given export it export SDKPATH endif ifeq ($(COMMONPATH),) COMMONPATH =../../../../common $(warning warning: you have not defined COMMONPATH so will continue assuming that the COMMON root is at $(COMMONPATH)) else # When the COMMONPATH is given export it export COMMONPATH endif ifeq ($(BOARDPATH),) $(error Error: BOARDPATH must be provided) else # Ensure that boardpath does not include a trailing '/' ifeq ($(notdir $(BOARDPATH)),) override BOARDPATH:=$(patsubst %/, %,$(BOARDPATH)) $(warning BOARDPATH had a trivial 'notdir' so we tried changing it to: $(BOARDPATH)) endif BOARD=$(notdir $(BOARDPATH)) # When the BOARDPATH is given export it export BOARDPATH endif ifeq ($(PROJECTPATH),) PROJECTPATH =.. $(warning warning: you have not defined PROJECTPATH so will continue assuming that the PROJECT root is at $(PROJECTPATH)) else # When the PROJECTPATH is given export it export PROJECTPATH endif CONFIG := $(PROJECTPATH)/gcc/$(BOARD)/bin $(warning CONFIG=$(CONFIG)) #****************************************************************************** # # User Defines / Includes / Sources / Libraries # #****************************************************************************** # Global Defines DEFINES= -DPART_$(PART) DEFINES+= -DAM_CUSTOM_BDADDR DEFINES+= -DAM_PACKAGE_BGA DEFINES+= -DWSF_TRACE_ENABLED DEFINES+= -DAM_DEBUG_PRINTF DEFINES+= -DAM_PART_APOLLO3 DEFINES+= # Includes (Add paths to where example header files are located) INCLUDES= INCLUDES+= -I$(PROJECTPATH)/src INCLUDES+= -I$(BOARDPATH)/bsp INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH) INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/utils INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/devices INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/mcu/apollo3 INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/CMSIS/AmbiqMicro/Include INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/CMSIS/ARM/Include INCLUDES+= -I$(COMMONPATH)/third_party/hm01b0 INCLUDES+= # Compilation Units (Add all the .c files you need to compile) SRC= SRC+= main.cpp SRC+= startup_gcc.c SRC+= am_util_delay.c SRC+= am_util_faultisr.c SRC+= am_util_id.c SRC+= am_util_stdio.c SRC+= HM01B0.c SRC+= # VPATH (Add paths to where your source files are located) VPATH= VPATH+= $(PROJECTPATH)/src VPATH+= $(SDKPATH)/utils VPATH+= $(COMMONPATH)/examples/hm01b0_camera_uart VPATH+= $(COMMONPATH)/tools_sfe/templates VPATH+= $(COMMONPATH)/third_party/hm01b0 VPATH+= # LIBS (Precompiled libraries to include in the linker step) LIBS= LIBS+= $(BOARDPATH)/bsp/gcc/bin/libam_bsp.a LIBS+= $(SDKPATH)/mcu/apollo3/hal/gcc/bin/libam_hal.a LIBS+= #****************************************************************************** # # Warning Messages # #****************************************************************************** ### Bootloader Tools ASB_UPLOADER=$(PYTHON3) $(COMMONPATH)/tools_sfe/asb/asb.py SVL_UPLOADER=$(PYTHON3) $(COMMONPATH)/tools_sfe/svl/svl.py SHELL:=/bin/bash #### Setup #### TOOLCHAIN ?= arm-none-eabi PART = apollo3 CPU = cortex-m4 FPU = fpv4-sp-d16 # Default to FPU hardware calling convention. However, some customers and/or # applications may need the software calling convention. #FABI = softfp FABI = hard STARTUP_FILE := ./startup_$(COMPILERNAME).c #### Required Executables #### CC = $(TOOLCHAIN)-gcc GCC = $(TOOLCHAIN)-gcc CPP = $(TOOLCHAIN)-cpp CXX = $(TOOLCHAIN)-g++ LD = $(TOOLCHAIN)-ld CP = $(TOOLCHAIN)-objcopy OD = $(TOOLCHAIN)-objdump RD = $(TOOLCHAIN)-readelf AR = $(TOOLCHAIN)-ar SIZE = $(TOOLCHAIN)-size RM = $(shell which rm 2>/dev/null) EXECUTABLES = CC LD CP OD AR RD SIZE GCC CXX K := $(foreach exec,$(EXECUTABLES),\ $(if $(shell which $($(exec)) 2>/dev/null),,\ $(info $(exec) not found on PATH ($($(exec))).)$(exec))) $(if $(strip $(value K)),$(info Required Program(s) $(strip $(value K)) not found)) ifneq ($(strip $(value K)),) all clean: $(info Tools $(TOOLCHAIN)-$(COMPILERNAME) not installed.) $(RM) -rf bin else #****************************************************************************** # # Machinery # #****************************************************************************** XSRC = $(filter %.cpp,$(SRC)) ZSRC = $(filter %.cc,$(SRC)) CSRC = $(filter %.c,$(SRC)) ASRC = $(filter %.s,$(SRC)) OBJS = $(XSRC:%.cpp=$(CONFIG)/%.o) OBJS+= $(ZSRC:%.cc=$(CONFIG)/%.o) OBJS+= $(CSRC:%.c=$(CONFIG)/%.o) OBJS+= $(ASRC:%.s=$(CONFIG)/%.o) DEPS = $(XSRC:%.cpp=$(CONFIG)/%.d) DEPS+= $(ZSRC:%.cc=$(CONFIG)/%.d) DEPS+= $(CSRC:%.c=$(CONFIG)/%.d) DEPS+= $(ASRC:%.s=$(CONFIG)/%.d) CSTD = -std=c99 CFLAGS = -mthumb -mcpu=$(CPU) -mfpu=$(FPU) -mfloat-abi=$(FABI) CFLAGS+= -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections CFLAGS+= -MMD -MP $(CSTD) -Wall -g CFLAGS+= -O0 CFLAGS+= $(DEFINES) CFLAGS+= $(INCLUDES) CFLAGS+= XSTD = -std=gnu++11 XFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) XFLAGS+= -fno-exceptions LFLAGS = -mthumb -mcpu=$(CPU) -mfpu=$(FPU) -mfloat-abi=$(FABI) LFLAGS+= -nostartfiles -static LFLAGS+= -Wl,--gc-sections,--entry,Reset_Handler,-Map,$(CONFIG)/$(TARGET).map LFLAGS+= -Wl,--start-group -lm -lc -lgcc $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group LFLAGS+= # Additional user specified CFLAGS CFLAGS+=$(EXTRA_CFLAGS) CPFLAGS = -Obinary ODFLAGS = -S #****************************************************************************** # # Targets / Rules # #****************************************************************************** all: asb asb: directories $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.bin svl: directories $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.bin directories: @mkdir -p $(CONFIG) $(CONFIG)/%.o: %.cpp $(CONFIG)/%.d @echo " Compiling $(COMPILERNAME) $<" ;\ $(CXX) -c $(XSTD) $(XFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CONFIG)/%.o: %.cc $(CONFIG)/%.d @echo " Compiling $(COMPILERNAME) $<" ;\ $(CXX) -c $(XSTD) $(XFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CONFIG)/%.o: %.c $(CONFIG)/%.d @echo " Compiling $(COMPILERNAME) $<" ;\ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CONFIG)/%.o: %.s $(CONFIG)/%.d @echo " Assembling $(COMPILERNAME) $<" ;\ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.axf: LINKER_FILE = $(COMMONPATH)/tools_sfe/templates/asb_linker.ld $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.axf: $(OBJS) $(LIBS) @echo " Linking $(COMPILERNAME) $@ with script $(LINKER_FILE)";\ $(CC) -Wl,-T,$(LINKER_FILE) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LFLAGS) $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.axf: LINKER_FILE = $(COMMONPATH)/tools_sfe/templates/asb_svl_linker.ld $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.axf: $(OBJS) $(LIBS) @echo " Linking $(COMPILERNAME) $@ with script $(LINKER_FILE)";\ $(CC) -Wl,-T,$(LINKER_FILE) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LFLAGS) $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_%.bin: $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_%.axf @echo " Copying $(COMPILERNAME) $@..." ;\ $(CP) $(CPFLAGS) $< $@ ;\ $(OD) $(ODFLAGS) $< > $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET).lst bootload_asb: directories $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.bin $(ASB_UPLOADER) --bin $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.bin --load-address-blob 0x20000 --magic-num 0xCB -o $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET) --version 0x0 --load-address-wired 0xC000 -i 6 --options 0x1 -b $(ASB_UPLOAD_BAUD) -port $(COM_PORT) -r 2 -v bootload_svl: directories $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.bin $(SVL_UPLOADER) $(COM_PORT) -f $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.bin -b $(SVL_UPLOAD_BAUD) -v bootload: bootload_svl clean: @echo "Cleaning..." ;\ $(RM) -f $(OBJS) $(DEPS) \ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET).bin $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET).axf \ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET).lst $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET).map \ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.bin $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.axf \ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.lst $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_svl.map \ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.bin $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.axf \ $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.lst $(CONFIG)/$(TARGET)_asb.map $(CONFIG)/%.d: ; $(SDKPATH)/mcu/apollo3/hal/gcc/bin/libam_hal.a: $(MAKE) -C $(SDKPATH)/mcu/apollo3/hal/gcc $(SDKPATH)/third_party/uecc/gcc/bin/lib_uecc.a: $(MAKE) -C $(SDKPATH)/third_party/uecc $(BOARDPATH)/bsp/gcc/bin/libam_bsp.a: $(MAKE) -C $(BOARDPATH)/bsp/gcc # Automatically include any generated dependencies -include $(DEPS) endif .PHONY: all clean directories bootload bootload_asb bootload_svl