// based on demo from Himax /* Copyright (c) 2019 SparkFun Electronics Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "am_mcu_apollo.h" #include "am_bsp.h" #include "am_util.h" #include "HM01B0.h" #include "HM01B0_RAW8_QVGA_8bits_lsb_5fps.h" #include "platform.h" //#define DEMO_HM01B0_TEST_MODE_ENABLE #define DEMO_HM01B0_FRAMEBUFFER_DUMP_ENABLE //***************************************************************************** // // HM01B0 Configuration // //***************************************************************************** static hm01b0_cfg_t s_HM01B0Cfg = { // i2c settings .ui16SlvAddr = HM01B0_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, .eIOMMode = HM01B0_IOM_MODE, .ui32IOMModule = HM01B0_IOM_MODULE, .sIOMCfg = { .eInterfaceMode = HM01B0_IOM_MODE, .ui32ClockFreq = HM01B0_I2C_CLOCK_FREQ, }, .pIOMHandle = NULL, .ui8PinSCL = HM01B0_PIN_SCL, .ui8PinSDA = HM01B0_PIN_SDA, // MCLK settings .ui32CTimerModule = HM01B0_MCLK_GENERATOR_MOD, .ui32CTimerSegment = HM01B0_MCLK_GENERATOR_SEG, .ui32CTimerOutputPin = HM01B0_PIN_MCLK, // data interface .ui8PinD0 = HM01B0_PIN_D0, .ui8PinD1 = HM01B0_PIN_D1, .ui8PinD2 = HM01B0_PIN_D2, .ui8PinD3 = HM01B0_PIN_D3, .ui8PinD4 = HM01B0_PIN_D4, .ui8PinD5 = HM01B0_PIN_D5, .ui8PinD6 = HM01B0_PIN_D6, .ui8PinD7 = HM01B0_PIN_D7, .ui8PinVSYNC = HM01B0_PIN_VSYNC, .ui8PinHSYNC = HM01B0_PIN_HSYNC, .ui8PinPCLK = HM01B0_PIN_PCLK, #ifdef HM01B0_PIN_TRIG .ui8PinTrig = HM01B0_PIN_TRIG, #endif // HM01B0_PIN_TRIG #ifdef HM01B0_PIN_INT .ui8PinInt = HM01B0_PIN_INT, #endif // HM01B0_PIN_INT .pfnGpioIsr = NULL, }; static uint8_t s_ui8FrameBuffer[HM01B0_PIXEL_X_NUM * HM01B0_PIXEL_Y_NUM]; //***************************************************************************** // // Forward declarations // //***************************************************************************** void boost_mode_enable(bool bEnable); void am_gpio_isr(void); void framebuffer_dump(uint8_t *pui8Buffer, uint32_t ui32BufferLen); //***************************************************************************** // // High Speed UART Configuration // //***************************************************************************** static const am_hal_uart_config_t g_sBspUartConfigHS = { // // Standard UART settings: 115200-8-N-1 // .ui32BaudRate = 115200, .ui32DataBits = AM_HAL_UART_DATA_BITS_8, .ui32Parity = AM_HAL_UART_PARITY_NONE, .ui32StopBits = AM_HAL_UART_ONE_STOP_BIT, .ui32FlowControl = AM_HAL_UART_FLOW_CTRL_NONE, // // Set TX and RX FIFOs to interrupt at half-full. // .ui32FifoLevels = (AM_HAL_UART_TX_FIFO_1_2 | AM_HAL_UART_RX_FIFO_1_2), // // The default interface will just use polling instead of buffers. // .pui8TxBuffer = 0, .ui32TxBufferSize = 0, .pui8RxBuffer = 0, .ui32RxBufferSize = 0, }; //***************************************************************************** // // Main function. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { uint32_t ui32Err = HM01B0_ERR_OK; uint16_t ui16ModelId = 0x0000; uint8_t ui8Mode = 0xFF; am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0); // // Set the default cache configuration // am_hal_cachectrl_config(&am_hal_cachectrl_defaults); am_hal_cachectrl_enable(); // // Configure the board for low power operation. // am_bsp_low_power_init(); #ifdef AM_BSP_GPIO_CAMERA_HM01B0_DVDDEN // // Turn on the camera regulator // am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_GPIO_CAMERA_HM01B0_DVDDEN, g_AM_HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT_12); am_hal_gpio_output_set(AM_BSP_GPIO_CAMERA_HM01B0_DVDDEN); #endif // AM_BSP_GPIO_CAMERA_HM01B0_DVDDEN // // Enable the UART print interface at high speed // am_bsp_uart_printf_enable_custom(&g_sBspUartConfigHS); // // Clear the terminal and print the banner. // am_util_stdio_terminal_clear(); am_util_stdio_printf("HM01B0 Demo\n"); am_util_stdio_printf(" SCL:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinSCL); am_util_stdio_printf(" SDA:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinSDA); am_util_stdio_printf(" MCLK:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui32CTimerOutputPin); am_util_stdio_printf(" VSYNC:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinVSYNC); am_util_stdio_printf(" HSYNC\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinHSYNC); am_util_stdio_printf(" PCLK:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinPCLK); am_util_stdio_printf(" D0:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD0); am_util_stdio_printf(" D1:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD1); am_util_stdio_printf(" D2:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD2); am_util_stdio_printf(" D3:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD3); am_util_stdio_printf(" D4:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD4); am_util_stdio_printf(" D5:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD5); am_util_stdio_printf(" D6:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD6); am_util_stdio_printf(" D7:\tPin %d\n", s_HM01B0Cfg.ui8PinD7); // // Enable interrupts so we can receive messages from the boot host. // am_hal_interrupt_master_enable(); boost_mode_enable(true); hm01b0_power_up(&s_HM01B0Cfg); // todo: check the delay time to just fit the spec. am_util_delay_ms(1); hm01b0_mclk_enable(&s_HM01B0Cfg); // todo: check the delay time to just fit the spec. am_util_delay_ms(1); hm01b0_init_if(&s_HM01B0Cfg); hm01b0_get_modelid(&s_HM01B0Cfg, &ui16ModelId); am_util_stdio_printf("HM01B0 Model ID 0x%04X\n", ui16ModelId); hm01b0_init_system(&s_HM01B0Cfg, (hm_script_t *)sHM01B0InitScript, sizeof(sHM01B0InitScript)/sizeof(hm_script_t)); #ifdef DEMO_HM01B0_TEST_MODE_ENABLE am_util_stdio_printf("HM01B0 Enable walking 1s test mode\n"); hm01b0_test_walking1s(&s_HM01B0Cfg); #else hm01b0_cal_ae(&s_HM01B0Cfg, 10, s_ui8FrameBuffer, sizeof(s_ui8FrameBuffer)); #endif while(1) { hm01b0_ae_cfg_t sAECfg; hm01b0_get_mode(&s_HM01B0Cfg, &ui8Mode); am_util_stdio_printf("HM01B0 current mode %d\n", ui8Mode); ui32Err = hm01b0_get_ae(&s_HM01B0Cfg, &sAECfg); am_util_stdio_printf("AE convergance(0x%02X) TargetMean 0x%02X, ConvergeInTh 0x%02X, AEMean 0x%02X\n", ui32Err, sAECfg.ui8AETargetMean, sAECfg.ui8ConvergeInTh, sAECfg.ui8AEMean); hm01b0_cmd_update(&s_HM01B0Cfg); hm01b0_set_mode(&s_HM01B0Cfg, HM01B0_REG_MODE_SELECT_STREAMING_NFRAMES, 1); hm01b0_blocking_read_oneframe(&s_HM01B0Cfg, s_ui8FrameBuffer, sizeof(s_ui8FrameBuffer)); #ifdef DEMO_HM01B0_TEST_MODE_ENABLE hm01b0_test_walking1s_check_data_sanity(s_ui8FrameBuffer, sizeof(s_ui8FrameBuffer), 10); am_util_delay_ms(3000); #endif #ifdef DEMO_HM01B0_FRAMEBUFFER_DUMP_ENABLE framebuffer_dump(s_ui8FrameBuffer, sizeof(s_ui8FrameBuffer)); #endif memset(s_ui8FrameBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(s_ui8FrameBuffer)); // give some time for user to stop the external itm logging. am_util_delay_ms(5000); } hm01b0_deinit_if(&s_HM01B0Cfg); hm01b0_mclk_disable(&s_HM01B0Cfg); hm01b0_power_down(&s_HM01B0Cfg); boost_mode_enable(false); // // Loop forever. // while (1) { // // Go to Deep Sleep. // am_hal_sysctrl_sleep(AM_HAL_SYSCTRL_SLEEP_DEEP); } } //***************************************************************************** // // Helper Functions // //***************************************************************************** // GPIO ISR void am_gpio_isr(void) { if (s_HM01B0Cfg.pfnGpioIsr) s_HM01B0Cfg.pfnGpioIsr(); } // frame buffer dump void framebuffer_dump(uint8_t *pui8Buffer, uint32_t ui32BufferLen) { am_util_stdio_printf("+++ frame +++"); for (uint32_t ui32Idx = 0; ui32Idx < ui32BufferLen; ui32Idx++) { if ((ui32Idx & 0xF) == 0x00) { am_util_stdio_printf("\n0x%08X ", ui32Idx); // this delay is to let itm have time to flush out data. am_util_delay_ms(1); } am_util_stdio_printf("%02X ", *(pui8Buffer + ui32Idx)); } am_util_stdio_printf("\n--- frame ---\n"); am_util_delay_ms(1); } // burst mode enable void boost_mode_enable(bool bEnable){ am_hal_burst_avail_e eBurstModeAvailable; am_hal_burst_mode_e eBurstMode; // Check that the Burst Feature is available. if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS == am_hal_burst_mode_initialize(&eBurstModeAvailable)){ if (AM_HAL_BURST_AVAIL == eBurstModeAvailable){ am_util_stdio_printf("Apollo3 Burst Mode is Available\n"); } else{ am_util_stdio_printf("Apollo3 Burst Mode is Not Available\n"); while(1){}; } } else{ am_util_stdio_printf("Failed to Initialize for Burst Mode operation\n"); } // Make sure we are in "Normal" mode. if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS == am_hal_burst_mode_disable(&eBurstMode)){ if (AM_HAL_NORMAL_MODE == eBurstMode){ am_util_stdio_printf("Apollo3 operating in Normal Mode (48MHz)\n"); } } else{ am_util_stdio_printf("Failed to Disable Burst Mode operation\n"); } // Put the MCU into "Burst" mode. if (bEnable) { if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS == am_hal_burst_mode_enable(&eBurstMode)){ if (AM_HAL_BURST_MODE == eBurstMode){ am_util_stdio_printf("Apollo3 operating in Burst Mode (96MHz)\n"); } } else{ am_util_stdio_printf("Failed to Enable Burst Mode operation\n"); } } }