mod types_conversions; /// must be one of user interrupts, i.e. 0x20+ /// /// This is the number of the interrupts that we are going to use between the /// user-kernel pub const SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_NUMBER: u8 = 0xFE; pub const NUM_SYSCALLS: usize = 17; mod numbers { pub const SYS_OPEN: u64 = 0; pub const SYS_WRITE: u64 = 1; pub const SYS_READ: u64 = 2; pub const SYS_CLOSE: u64 = 3; #[deprecated(note = "Use SYS_SET_FILE_META instead")] pub const SYS_BLOCKING_MODE: u64 = 4; pub const SYS_EXIT: u64 = 5; pub const SYS_SPAWN: u64 = 6; pub const SYS_INC_HEAP: u64 = 7; pub const SYS_CREATE_PIPE: u64 = 8; pub const SYS_WAIT_PID: u64 = 9; pub const SYS_STAT: u64 = 10; pub const SYS_OPEN_DIR: u64 = 11; pub const SYS_READ_DIR: u64 = 12; pub const SYS_GET_CWD: u64 = 13; pub const SYS_CHDIR: u64 = 14; pub const SYS_SET_FILE_META: u64 = 15; pub const SYS_GET_FILE_META: u64 = 16; } pub use numbers::*; /// Creates a syscall, the first argument is the syscall number (in RAX), then the arguments are as follows /// RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, R8, R9, R10 (7 arguments max) #[macro_export] macro_rules! call_syscall { ($syscall_num:expr $(,)?) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; { }; { }) }; ($syscall_num:expr, $($args:expr),* $(,)?) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; { }; {$($args),*}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {}) => { call_syscall!(@final $syscall_num, {$($generated)*}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("rcx") $one, $($generated)*}; {}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr, $two:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("rdx") $two, $($generated)*}; {$one}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr, $two:expr, $three:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("rsi") $three, $($generated)*}; {$one, $two}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr, $two:expr, $three:expr, $four:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("rdi") $four, $($generated)*}; {$one, $two, $three}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr, $two:expr, $three:expr, $four:expr, $five:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("r8") $five, $($generated)*}; {$one, $two, $three, $four}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr, $two:expr, $three:expr, $four:expr, $five:expr, $six:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("r9") $six, $($generated)*}; {$one, $two, $three, $four, $five}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$one:expr, $two:expr, $three:expr, $four:expr, $five:expr, $six:expr, $seven:expr}) => { call_syscall!(@step $syscall_num; {in("r10") $seven, $($generated)*}; {$one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six}) }; (@step $syscall_num: expr; {$($generated:tt)*}; {$($args:expr),*}) => { compile_error!("Too many arguments for syscall") }; (@final $syscall_num: expr, {$($generated:tt)*}) => { { let result: u64; ::core::arch::asm!("int 0xFE", inout("rax") $syscall_num => result, $($generated)* options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags)); $crate::syscalls::syscall_result_from_u64(result) } }; } /// Get the syscall arguments from the interrupt state, the arguments come from /// the registers RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, R8, R9, R10 #[macro_export] macro_rules! sys_arg { ($num:tt, $context_struct:expr) => { sys_arg!(@impl $num, $context_struct => u64) }; ($num:tt, $context_struct:expr => $func:ident($ty:ty)) => { sys_arg!($num, $context_struct => $ty).and_then($func) }; ($num:tt, $context_struct:expr => $ty:ty) => { syscall_arg_to_u64::<$ty>(sys_arg!(@impl $num, $context_struct)) }; (@impl 0, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.rcx }; (@impl 1, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.rdx }; (@impl 2, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.rsi }; (@impl 3, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.rdi }; (@impl 4, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.r8 }; (@impl 5, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.r9 }; (@impl 6, $context_struct:expr) => { $context_struct.r10 }; (@impl $rest:tt, $context_struct:expr) => { compile_error!("Not valid argument number") }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! to_arg_err { ($num:tt, $err:expr) => { to_arg_err!(@impl $num, $err) }; (@impl 0, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(::core::option::Option::Some($err), None, None, None, None, None, None) }; (@impl 1, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(None, ::core::option::Option::Some($err), None, None, None, None, None) }; (@impl 2, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(None, None, ::core::option::Option::Some($err), None, None, None, None) }; (@impl 3, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(None, None, None, ::core::option::Option::Some($err), None, None, None) }; (@impl 4, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(None, None, None, None, ::core::option::Option::Some($err), None, None) }; (@impl 5, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(None, None, None, None, None, ::core::option::Option::Some($err), None) }; (@impl 6, $err:expr) => { $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument(None, None, None, None, None, None, ::core::option::Option::Some($err)) }; (@impl $rest:tt, $err:expr) => { compile_error!("Not valid argument number") }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! verify_args { () => {((), (), (), (), (), (), ())}; ($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr, $arg3:expr, $arg4:expr, $arg5:expr, $arg6:expr, $arg7:expr) => { match ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6, $arg7) { ( Ok(a), Ok(b), Ok(c), Ok(d), Ok(e), Ok(f), Ok(g), ) => {(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)} err => { return $crate::syscalls::SyscallResult::Err( $crate::syscalls::SyscallError::InvalidArgument( err.0.err(), err.1.err(), err.2.err(), err.3.err(), err.4.err(), err.5.err(), err.6.err(), ), ) } } }; ($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr, $arg3:expr, $arg4:expr, $arg5:expr, $arg6:expr, $arg7:expr, $extra:expr) => { compile_error!("Too many arguments for syscall") }; // general ($($args:expr),* $(,)?) => { verify_args!($($args ,)* Ok(())) }; } pub trait FromSyscallArgU64 { fn from_syscall_arg_u64(value: u64) -> Result where Self: Sized; } pub fn syscall_arg_to_u64(value: u64) -> Result { T::from_syscall_arg_u64(value) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(u8)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum SyscallArgError { // 0 is valid (used by Option::None) GeneralInvalid = 1, InvalidUserPointer = 2, NotValidUtf8 = 3, InvalidHeapIncrement = 4, DuplicateFileMappings = 5, } impl SyscallArgError { fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result, ()> { match value { 0 => Ok(None), 1 => Ok(Some(SyscallArgError::GeneralInvalid)), 2 => Ok(Some(SyscallArgError::InvalidUserPointer)), 3 => Ok(Some(SyscallArgError::NotValidUtf8)), 4 => Ok(Some(SyscallArgError::InvalidHeapIncrement)), 5 => Ok(Some(SyscallArgError::DuplicateFileMappings)), _ => Err(()), } } } #[repr(align(8))] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(u8)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum SyscallError { SyscallNotFound = 0, InvalidError = 1, CouldNotOpenFile = 2, InvalidFileIndex = 3, CouldNotWriteToFile = 4, CouldNotReadFromFile = 5, CouldNotLoadElf = 6, CouldNotAllocateProcess = 7, HeapRangesExceeded = 8, EndOfFile = 9, FileNotFound = 10, PidNotFound = 11, ProcessStillRunning = 12, IsNotDirectory = 13, IsDirectory = 14, BufferTooSmall = 15, InvalidArgument( Option, Option, Option, Option, Option, Option, Option, ), } pub type SyscallResult = Result; impl From for SyscallResult { fn from(error: SyscallError) -> Self { SyscallResult::Err(error) } } /// Creates an error u64 value for syscall, each byte controls the error for that /// argument, if the byte is 0, then the argument is valid, otherwise it is /// invalid. and it represent the error code /// the error value contains up to 7 arguments errors, the most significant bit /// indicate a negative number. /// /// This function will always set the msb to 1 fn create_syscall_error( arg1: Option, arg2: Option, arg3: Option, arg4: Option, arg5: Option, arg6: Option, arg7: Option, ) -> u64 { let mut error = 0u64; error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0); error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0) << 8; error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0) << 16; error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0) << 24; error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0) << 32; error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0) << 40; error |=|e| e as u64).unwrap_or(0) << 48; error |= 1 << 63; error } #[inline(always)] pub fn syscall_handler_wrapper(syscall_number: u64, f: F) -> u64 where F: FnOnce() -> SyscallResult, { if syscall_number >= NUM_SYSCALLS as u64 { return syscall_result_to_u64(SyscallResult::Err(SyscallError::SyscallNotFound)); } let result = f(); syscall_result_to_u64(result) } pub fn syscall_result_to_u64(result: SyscallResult) -> u64 { match result { SyscallResult::Ok(value) => { assert!( value & (1 << 63) == 0, "syscall result should not have msb set" ); value } SyscallResult::Err(error) => { let err_upper = match error { SyscallError::SyscallNotFound => -1i64 as u64, SyscallError::InvalidArgument(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) => { create_syscall_error(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) } SyscallError::CouldNotOpenFile => 2 << 56, SyscallError::InvalidFileIndex => 3 << 56, SyscallError::CouldNotWriteToFile => 4 << 56, SyscallError::CouldNotReadFromFile => 5 << 56, SyscallError::CouldNotLoadElf => 6 << 56, SyscallError::CouldNotAllocateProcess => 7 << 56, SyscallError::HeapRangesExceeded => 8 << 56, SyscallError::EndOfFile => 9 << 56, SyscallError::FileNotFound => 10 << 56, SyscallError::PidNotFound => 11 << 56, SyscallError::ProcessStillRunning => 12 << 56, SyscallError::IsNotDirectory => 13 << 56, SyscallError::IsDirectory => 14 << 56, SyscallError::BufferTooSmall => 15 << 56, SyscallError::InvalidError => panic!("Should never be used"), }; err_upper | (1 << 63) } } } pub fn syscall_result_from_u64(value: u64) -> SyscallResult { if value & (1 << 63) == 0 { SyscallResult::Ok(value) } else { // remove last bit let value = value & !(1 << 63); // last byte let err_byte = (value >> 56) as u8; let invalid_error_code = |_| SyscallError::InvalidError; let err = match err_byte { 0 => { let arg1 = SyscallArgError::try_from((value & 0xFF) as u8).map_err(invalid_error_code)?; let arg2 = SyscallArgError::try_from(((value >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8) .map_err(invalid_error_code)?; let arg3 = SyscallArgError::try_from(((value >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8) .map_err(invalid_error_code)?; let arg4 = SyscallArgError::try_from(((value >> 24) & 0xFF) as u8) .map_err(invalid_error_code)?; let arg5 = SyscallArgError::try_from(((value >> 32) & 0xFF) as u8) .map_err(invalid_error_code)?; let arg6 = SyscallArgError::try_from(((value >> 40) & 0xFF) as u8) .map_err(invalid_error_code)?; let arg7 = SyscallArgError::try_from(((value >> 48) & 0xFF) as u8) .map_err(invalid_error_code)?; SyscallError::InvalidArgument(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) } 1 => SyscallError::InvalidError, 2 => SyscallError::CouldNotOpenFile, 3 => SyscallError::InvalidFileIndex, 4 => SyscallError::CouldNotWriteToFile, 5 => SyscallError::CouldNotReadFromFile, 6 => SyscallError::CouldNotLoadElf, 7 => SyscallError::CouldNotAllocateProcess, 8 => SyscallError::HeapRangesExceeded, 9 => SyscallError::EndOfFile, 10 => SyscallError::FileNotFound, 11 => SyscallError::PidNotFound, 12 => SyscallError::ProcessStillRunning, 13 => SyscallError::IsNotDirectory, 14 => SyscallError::IsDirectory, 15 => SyscallError::BufferTooSmall, _ => SyscallError::InvalidError, }; SyscallResult::Err(err) } }