// This file is autogenerated. Do not edit. // To make changes to this file, edit codegen.rb and/or codegen.erb and run make <% classes.each do |klass| %> #[allow(unused_imports)] #[allow(missing_copy_implementations)] pub mod <%= klass["name"] %> { use bit_vec::BitVec; use table::{Table, decode_table, encode_table}; use framing::{ContentHeaderFrame, MethodFrame}; use error::*; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt}; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use codegen_macros::{ArgumentsReader, ArgumentsWriter}; use method; <% if klass["properties"] && klass["properties"].any? -%> // properties struct for <%= klass["name"] %> properties_struct!(<%= klass["properties_struct_name"] %>, <%= klass["properties_fields"].map{ |f| "#{f[0]} => #{f[1]}" }.join(",\n") %> ); <% end -%> <% klass["methods"].each do |method| -%> // Method <%= method["id"] %>:<%=method["name"] %> method_struct!(<%= method["method_name"] %>, "<%= klass["name"] %>.<%= method["name"] %>", <%= klass["id"] %>, <%= method["id"] %>, <%= method["fields"].map{ |f| "#{f[0]} => #{f[1]}" }.join(",\n") %> ); unsafe impl Send for <%= method["method_name"] %> {} <% end #methods each-%> } <% end #classes each -%>