analog Documentation ==================== Symbology --------- `analog` replaces Rust's keywords with non-alphanumeric symbols. Here is a general overview of which concepts relate to which symbols... ```rust = ~ assignment/declaration ^ ~ mutablity # ~ struct @ ~ enum + ~ pub/mod ~ ~ comment ? ~ conditional | ~ looping ``` Here is an example... ```rust ~ this is a comment ~ struct declaration #= Planet name: &str number: i32 star: Star ~ pub enum declaration @+ Star MainSequence RedGiant WhiteDwarf RedDwarf Supergiant ~ variable = world Planet name: "Earth" number: 3 star: Star::MainSequence ~ function := hello(x: &str) println!("Hello {}", x) hello( ``` For a comprehensive list of keywords, take a look at the [symbology](./ Indentation ----------- Blocks of code are defined through indentation rather than braces. Valid indentation is 4 space characters. *Tabs and any other number of spaces are considered invalid syntax.* ```rust := block() println!("this is a block of code,") println!("it is also a function.") println!("") ``` We can forego closing braces on function calls when indenting. ```rust function( "no end brace required" println! "macros only require `!`" ``` Comments -------- Comments are denoted by `~`. ```rust ~ line // ~! inner line doc //! ~~ outer line doc /// ~* block *~ /* */ ~*! inner block doc *~ /*! */ ~** outer block doc *~ /** */ ~ this is a comment = pi 3.14 ~ will be a variable ``` Variables --------- Variables are declared with `=`. ```rust ~ literals = pi 3.1415927 = sym 'π' = pie: String "rhubarb" = ^array: [i32; 3] [0; 3] = strs: Vec<&str> vec! "list" "items" "as needed" ``` Functions --------- `fn` is declared with `:=`. ```rust := f() ~ no args := f(a: &str) ~ with args := f() -> &str ~ returns a value :== f() ~ const fn ``` To `return` a value, we use `>>`. This is equivalent to removing the trailing `;`. ```rust := one_more(x: i8) -> (i8, i8) = y x + 1 >> (x, y) = both one_more(2) ``` Input parameters can be indented with `-`. When indenting, we must denote this with `function(-)`. ```rust := group_params(-) -> Vec<&str> - param1: &str - param2: &str - param3: &str println!("function body begins here") println!("lets group...") >> vec![param1, param2, param3] ``` Return signature can also be indented after the parameters. ```rust := art_is_hard(-) - param1: &str - param2: &str - param3: &str -> Vec<&str> >> vec![param3, param2, param1] ``` ### Chaining ```rust = build Building::new().name("greenhouse").build() = build Building::new() .name("greenhouse") .build() ``` ### Closures Closures can be called with `/x/`. ```rust ~ inline = double /x/ x * 2 ~ indented = double /x/ x * 2 ``` Using a `Fn` parameter... ```rust := ten_times(f: F) <<< F: Fn(i32) |i| 0..10 f(i) ten_times(/x i32/ println!("hello {}", x) ``` We can `move` with `\\`. ```rust = data vec![1, 2, 3] = closure \\ // println!("captured {:?} by value", data) ``` ### Generics / Trait Bounds ```rust := new() -> T T::default() ``` We can declare a `where` clause with `<<<`. ```rust := what(t: &T, u: &U) <<< T: Display + Clone U: Clone + Debug println!("{}", t) ``` We can specify return types which `impl` traits with the `#` prefix. ```rust := ever >> #Display > "like this" ``` Reference/Dereference --------------------- References and Dereferences must be prefixes (no trailing whitespace). ```rust = x 5 = y &x assert_eq!(5, x) assert_eq!(5, *y) ~ valid = z &&&x ~ invalid = z &&& x ``` We can declare `ref` with `&&`. ```rust = maybe_name Some(String::from("Alice")) ??? maybe_name Some(&& n) println!("Hello, {}", n) _ println!("Hello, world") println!("Hello again, {}", maybe_name.unwrap_or("world".into())) ``` Mutability ---------- `mut` is defined with the `^` prefix. We must call mutable variables with this prefix. ```rust ~ declaration = ^x 4 println!("is {}", x) ~ mutation ^x += 1 ^x += 2 println!("then {}", x) ~ shadowing = x "shadow" println!("I am a {}", x) ``` Lifetimes --------- Lifetimes are declared with the `` ` `` postfix. ```rust == TRACK: &str`static "thoughtograph" := noise<`static>() - i &str`static - o &str`static || print!("{} {}", i, o) ``` Macros ------ ```rust = value json! { "num": 200, "is": true, "features": [ "serde", "json" ] } println!("{:?}", value) ``` If we wish to use analog syntax in macro calls, we call `macro!!`. ```rust println!! "Door {} is {}.", (i + 1), ?? is_open "open" !! "closed" ~ equates to println! "Door {} is {}.", (i + 1), if is_open { "open" } else { "closed" } ``` Consts ------ To declare a `const`, we use `==`. ```rust == FOLDER &str`static "/places/found/" ``` Literals -------- ### Boolean ```rust true false ``` ### Strings ```rust = a "I am a str" = b: String "I am a String" ``` ### Integer ```rust ~ implicit = int 3 ~ explicit = int: i8 -3 ~ explicit (suffix) = int -3i8 ``` ### Float ```rust ~ implicit = float 3.0 ~ explicit = float: f32 1.8 ~ explicit (suffix) = int -3f32 ``` #### Array ```rust ~ implicit = array [1, 2, 3] ~ explicit = array: [u8; 3] [1, 2, 3] ~ single value initialization = array [u8; 3] [0; 3] ~ access by index println!("{}", array[0]) ``` ### Unit ```rust = nothing () ``` ### Tuple ```rust ~ implicit = tuple (88, true) ~ explicit = tuple (u8, bool) (88, true) ~ access by index println!("{}", tuple.0) ``` ### Tuple Struct ```rust ~ declaration #= TupleStruct (&str, &str) ~ assignment = named TupleStruct ("easy", "pie") ~ access by index println!("{}", named.0) ``` ### Struct ```rust ~ declaration #= Recipe onions: i32 peppers: i32 rice: bool ~ initialization = tasty Recipe onions: 2 peppers: 4 rice: true ~ access field println!("{}", recipe.peppers) ``` #### Enums ```rust ~ declaration @= Action Refresh Flip KeyPress(char) Click x: i64 y: i64 ~ access variant = flip Action::Flip = press Action::KeyPress('p') = click Action::Click x: 7 y: 0 ``` `#:` Impl --------- We can define `impl` blocks with `#:`. ```rust #= When x: i32 y: i32 z: i32 #: When := origin() -> Self >> Self x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 := up(^self) -> Self ^self.z += 1 ``` To implement a trait on a type we use `<<`. ```rust + std::fmt #= Point x: f64 y: f64 #: Point << fmt::Display := fmt(&self, f: &^fmt::Formatter<`_>) -> fmt::Result write!(f, "({self.x}, {self.y})", self.x, self.y) = origin: Point x: 0 y: 0 println!("{}", origin) ``` Lets add some generics... ```rust ~ inline #: SpecialType << CustomTrait := some_fn ~ indented #: SpecialType << CustomTrait <<< A: TraitA B: TraitC TraitD := some_fn ``` `##` Alias ---------- We can define a `type` alias with `##`. ```rust ## Point (u8, u8) = here Point(48, 62) println!("{} {}", here.1, here.0) ``` We can typecast with `@type` `as` a postfix. ```rust = int 28 println!("{}", int@f64) ``` `###` Trait ----------- We can define a `trait` with `###`. ```rust ### Top := twist() -> bool := spin(speed: i32) -> i32 := color(self) -> Self ``` `+` Pub / Use / Mod ------------------- ### Visibility We can declare `pub` on struct and enums with `+` in place of `=`. We can declare `pub` on fields with `+` as a prefix. ```rust #+ Star id i32 +name &str +date i32 ``` ### Use We can `use` any Rust module with the `+` operator. ```rust ~ use + serde_json::Result ~ grouping + serde_json::{ json, Value } ~ indented + serde_json::{ json, Value ~ pub use ++ versions::Versioning ``` ### Mod We can declare a `mod` with `+=` ```rust ~ reads from file `` += fungi ~ anything nested will be part of that mod += grow := now_thats println!("progress") ~ pub mod ++= aquatic ``` `?` Conditionals ---------------- Any statement that begins with a `?` will perform some form of comparison. There are `if` statements and `match` statements. ```rust ?? x < 5 ~ if x is less than 5 ??= x y ~ if let x = y ??? x ~ match x ``` ### If When a line begins with a `??`: - `??` can be read as "if" - `!!` can be read as "else" ```rust = num 8 ?? num == 12 println!("looks like you") !! println!("differentation") ``` ```rust = day "day" = suns 2 ?? "night" == day println!("uh oh...") !! ?? suns > 1 println!("whew!") !! println!("logical.") ``` ### If Let An `if let` statement is written as `??=`. ```rust = num Some<7> ??= Some num println!("there is some {}", n) ``` ### Matching We can declare a `match` statement with `???`. We define LHS and RHS with `->`. ```rust = num 9 ??? num 1 -> println!("one") 2 -> println!("two") 3 -> println!("three") 4 -> println!("four") 5 -> println!("five") _ -> println!("something else") ``` We can imply `->` with indentation. ```rust ??? num 0 | 1 "not many", 2 ..= 9 "a few", _ "lots" ``` We can still use subpattern binding. ```rust #= Tup(i32, i32) ??? Tup(1, 2) Tup(z @ 1, _) | Tup(_, z @ 2) assert_eq!(z, 1) _ -> panic!() ``` `|` Loops --------- Any statement that begins with `|` will perform some form of loop. ```rust || ~ loop |?| x < 3 ~ while x is less than 3 |?= x| y ~ while let x = y |x| y ~ for x in y |x y| z ~ for x y in z ``` ### Loop `||` is an infinite loop. - `<<<` will `break` the loop - `>>>` will `continue` ```rust || = $count 1 ?? $count == 3 println!("three") >>> println!("{}" count) ?? count == 5 println!("no more needed") <<< ``` Labels can be declared with the `` ` `` postfix. ```rust ||`label println!("label") <<< ``` ### While We can write a `while` statement with `|?|` followed by a comparison operator. `|?| x < 3` can be read as "while x is less than 3". ```rust = ^n 1 |?| ^n < 3 ^n += 1 ``` ### While Let A `while let` statement is written as `|?= |`. ```rust = ^x vec![1, 2, 3] |?= Some| ^x.pop println!("y {}", y) |?= _| 5 println!("Irrefutable patterns are always true") <<< ``` ### For `|n| i` can be read as "for `n` in i". ```rust = nums [1, 2, 3] |n| nums println!("{}", n) ?? n == 3 println!("number 3 is in the list") ``` Attributes ---------- ```rust #![allow(warnings)] + std::fmt::Display #[derive(Display, Clone, Copy)] #= Point x: i64 y: i64 ``` Fin --- If you have found something unclear, please file an issue.