# andotp-import This is a simple crate to read encrypted backups created by the [andOTP](https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP/) Android app. ## Usage Create an encrypted backup in the app and copy it to where you need it. The code below will prompt for a password, open the backup file and print all current TOTP codes. ```rust fn main() { let pw = rpassword::prompt_password("password: ").unwrap(); let accts = andotp_import::read_from_file("./otp_accounts_2023-10-02_18-58-25.json.aes", &pw).unwrap(); for (acct, totp) in accts { println!("{} {}", acct.label, totp.generate_current().unwrap()); } } ``` The full API documentation is available at [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/andotp-import/). ## License MIT License, see [`LICENSE`](./LICENSE)