use android_tools::{aapt2::Aapt2, sdk_path_from_env}; #[test] /// [`AAPT2`] merges all the intermediate files generated from the compilation phase /// such as resource tables, binary XML files, and processed PNG files and packages them into a single APK /// /// [AAPT2]: fn test_link_files_with_aapt2_to_generate_apk() { // Creates a temporary directory that will be dropped after test finished let tempfile = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let tempdir = tempfile.path().to_path_buf(); // Specifies path to resources let user_dirs = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let res_path = user_dirs .join("tests") .join("resources") .join("res") .join("android") .join("mipmap-hdpi"); // Compiles resources let compiled_res_path = tempdir.join("compiled_res"); if !compiled_res_path.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(&compiled_res_path).unwrap(); } let aapt2_compile = Aapt2.compile_incremental( dunce::simplified(&res_path), dunce::simplified(&compiled_res_path), ); let compiled_res =; // Defines path to android manifest needed to aapt2 link let manifest_path = user_dirs .join("tests") .join("resources") .join("manifest") .join("AndroidManifest.xml"); assert!(manifest_path.exists()); // Defines apk path and name let target_sdk_version = 30; let apk_path = tempdir.join("test.apk"); // Defines path to Android SDK tools let sdk_path = sdk_path_from_env().unwrap(); let platforms_path = sdk_path.join("platforms"); let platform_dir = platforms_path.join(format!("android-{}", target_sdk_version)); if !platform_dir.exists() { panic!("Platform not found"); } let android_jar = platform_dir.join("android.jar"); if !android_jar.exists() { panic!("Android.jar not found"); } // Links compiled resources in `.flat` extension with specified manifest file and generates an APK let mut aapt2_link = Aapt2.link_compiled_res(Some(compiled_res), &apk_path, &manifest_path); aapt2_link.android_jar(android_jar).verbose(true);; }