use std::{ io::{self, Error, ErrorKind, Read, Write}, time::Duration, }; use crate::usb::{self, DeviceInfo, InterfaceInfo, SyncReader, SyncWriter}; use crate::SerialConfig; use nusb::transfer::{Control, ControlType, Direction, Recipient}; use serialport::{DataBits, Parity, SerialPort, StopBits}; const USB_INTR_CLASS_COMM: u8 = 0x02; const USB_INTR_SUBCLASS_ACM: u8 = 0x02; const USB_INTR_CLASS_CDC_DATA: u8 = 0x0A; const SET_LINE_CODING: u8 = 0x20; const SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: u8 = 0x22; const SEND_BREAK: u8 = 0x23; /// This is currently a thin wrapper of USB operations, it requires hardware buffers /// at the device side. It uses the CDC ACM Data Interface Class to transfer data /// (the Communication Interface Class is used for probing and serial configuration). /// /// Reference: *USB Class Definitions for Communication Devices, Version 1.1*, /// especially section, and 6.2(.13). pub struct CdcSerial { usb_path_name: String, // the name from `android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice` ctrl_index: u16, // communication interface id as the control transfer index intr_comm: nusb::Interface, // communication interface keeper reader: SyncReader, // for the bulk IN endpoint of data interface writer: SyncWriter, // for the bulk OUT endpoint of data interface timeout: Duration, // standard `Read` and `Write` timeout ser_conf: Option, // keeps the latest settings dtr_rts: (bool, bool), // keeps the latest settings, (false, false) by default } impl CdcSerial { /// Probes for CDC-ACM devices. It checks the current configuration of each device. /// Returns an empty vector if no device is found. pub fn probe() -> io::Result> { let devs = usb::list_devices()?; Ok(devs .into_iter() .filter(|dev| Self::find_interfaces(dev).is_some()) .collect()) } /// Connects to the CDC-ACM device, returns the `CdcSerial` handler. /// Please get permission for the device before calling this function. /// - `timeout`: Set for standard `Read` and `Write` traits. pub fn build(dev_info: &DeviceInfo, timeout: Duration) -> io::Result { let (intr_comm, intr_data) = Self::find_interfaces(dev_info) .ok_or(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Not a CDC-ACM device"))?; let ctrl_index = intr_comm.interface_number() as u16; let device = dev_info.open_device()?; let intr_comm = device.detach_and_claim_interface(intr_comm.interface_number())?; let intr_data = device.detach_and_claim_interface(intr_data.interface_number())?; // Note: It doesn't select a setting with the highest bandwidth. let (mut addr_r, mut addr_w) = (None, None); for alt in intr_data.descriptors() { let endps: Vec<_> = alt.endpoints().collect(); let endp_r = endps.iter().find(|endp| endp.direction() == Direction::In); let endp_w = endps.iter().find(|endp| endp.direction() == Direction::Out); if endp_r.is_some() && endp_w.is_some() { addr_r = Some(endp_r.unwrap().address()); addr_w = Some(endp_w.unwrap().address()); break; } } let (reader, writer) = if let (Some(r), Some(w)) = (addr_r, addr_w) { ( SyncReader::new(intr_data.bulk_in_queue(r)), SyncWriter::new(intr_data.bulk_out_queue(w)), ) } else { return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Data endpoints not found")); }; Ok(Self { usb_path_name: dev_info.path_name().clone(), ctrl_index, intr_comm, reader, writer, timeout, ser_conf: None, dtr_rts: (false, false), }) } /// Returns (intr_comm, intr_data) if it is a CDC-ACM device. fn find_interfaces(dev_info: &DeviceInfo) -> Option<(InterfaceInfo, InterfaceInfo)> { let (comm, data) = ( dev_info.interfaces().find(|intr| { intr.class() == USB_INTR_CLASS_COMM && intr.sub_class() == USB_INTR_SUBCLASS_ACM }), dev_info .interfaces() .find(|intr| intr.class() == USB_INTR_CLASS_CDC_DATA), ); if let (Some(comm), Some(data)) = (comm, data) { Some((*comm, *data)) } else { None } } /// Applies serial parameters. pub fn set_config(&mut self, conf: SerialConfig) -> io::Result<()> { let conf_bytes: [u8; 7] = conf.line_coding_bytes(); self.control_set(SET_LINE_CODING, 0, &conf_bytes)?; self.ser_conf.replace(conf); Ok(()) } /// Sets DTR and RTS states. fn set_dtr_rts(&mut self, dtr: bool, rts: bool) -> io::Result<()> { let val_dtr = if dtr { 0x1 } else { 0x0 }; let val_rts = if rts { 0x2 } else { 0x0 }; let val = (val_dtr | val_rts) as u16; self.control_set(SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE, val, &[])?; self.dtr_rts = (dtr, rts); Ok(()) } /// Sets the break state. fn set_break_state(&self, val: bool) -> io::Result<()> { let val = if val { 0xffff } else { 0 } as u16; self.control_set(SEND_BREAK, val, &[]) } fn control_set(&self, request: u8, value: u16, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> { use nusb::transfer::TransferError; let sz_write = self .intr_comm .control_out_blocking( Control { control_type: ControlType::Class, recipient: Recipient::Interface, request, value, index: self.ctrl_index, }, buf, self.timeout * 2, ) .map_err(|e| match e { TransferError::Disconnected => Error::from(ErrorKind::NotConnected), _ => Error::other(e), })?; if sz_write == buf.len() { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::new( ErrorKind::Interrupted, "control_set(), wrong written size", )) } } } impl Read for CdcSerial { #[inline] fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result {, self.timeout) } } impl Write for CdcSerial { #[inline] fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.writer.write(buf, self.timeout) } /// Does nothing. fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) } } impl SerialConfig { fn line_coding_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 7] { let mut bytes = [0u8; 7]; bytes[..4].copy_from_slice(&self.baud_rate.to_le_bytes()); bytes[4] = match self.stop_bits { StopBits::One => 0u8, StopBits::Two => 2u8, }; bytes[5] = match self.parity { Parity::None => 0u8, Parity::Odd => 1u8, Parity::Even => 2u8, }; bytes[6] = match self.data_bits { DataBits::Five => 5, DataBits::Six => 6, DataBits::Seven => 7, DataBits::Eight => 8, }; bytes } } #[inline(always)] fn err_map_to_serialport(err: Error) -> serialport::Error { let desc = err.to_string(); let kind = match err.kind() { ErrorKind::NotConnected => serialport::ErrorKind::NoDevice, ErrorKind::InvalidInput => serialport::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, _ => serialport::ErrorKind::Io(err.kind()), }; serialport::Error::new(kind, desc) } fn err_unsupported_op() -> serialport::Error { err_map_to_serialport(Error::new( ErrorKind::Unsupported, "unsupported function in trait `Serialport`", )) } impl CdcSerial { #[inline] fn get_conf_for_serialport(&self) -> Result<&SerialConfig, serialport::Error> { self.ser_conf.as_ref().ok_or(serialport::Error::new( serialport::ErrorKind::Io(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound), "serial configuration haven't been set", )) } } impl SerialPort for CdcSerial { fn name(&self) -> Option { Some(self.usb_path_name.clone()) } fn baud_rate(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(self.get_conf_for_serialport()?.baud_rate) } fn data_bits(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(self.get_conf_for_serialport()?.data_bits) } fn parity(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(self.get_conf_for_serialport()?.parity) } fn stop_bits(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(self.get_conf_for_serialport()?.stop_bits) } fn flow_control(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(serialport::FlowControl::None) } fn timeout(&self) -> Duration { self.timeout } fn set_baud_rate(&mut self, baud_rate: u32) -> serialport::Result<()> { let mut conf = self.ser_conf.unwrap_or_default(); conf.baud_rate = baud_rate; self.set_config(conf).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } fn set_data_bits(&mut self, data_bits: serialport::DataBits) -> serialport::Result<()> { let mut conf = self.ser_conf.unwrap_or_default(); conf.data_bits = data_bits; self.set_config(conf).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } fn set_parity(&mut self, parity: serialport::Parity) -> serialport::Result<()> { let mut conf = self.ser_conf.unwrap_or_default(); conf.parity = parity; self.set_config(conf).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } fn set_stop_bits(&mut self, stop_bits: serialport::StopBits) -> serialport::Result<()> { let mut conf = self.ser_conf.unwrap_or_default(); conf.stop_bits = stop_bits; self.set_config(conf).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } fn set_flow_control( &mut self, _flow_control: serialport::FlowControl, ) -> serialport::Result<()> { Err(err_unsupported_op()) } /// Sets timeout for standard `Read` and `Write` implementations to do USB bulk transfers. fn set_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Duration) -> serialport::Result<()> { self.timeout = timeout; Ok(()) } #[inline(always)] fn write_request_to_send(&mut self, value: bool) -> serialport::Result<()> { let (dtr, _) = self.dtr_rts; let rts = value; self.set_dtr_rts(dtr, rts).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } #[inline(always)] fn write_data_terminal_ready(&mut self, value: bool) -> serialport::Result<()> { let (_, rts) = self.dtr_rts; let dtr = value; self.set_dtr_rts(dtr, rts).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } /// Unsupported. fn read_clear_to_send(&mut self) -> serialport::Result { Err(err_unsupported_op()) } /// Unsupported. fn read_data_set_ready(&mut self) -> serialport::Result { Err(err_unsupported_op()) } /// Unsupported. fn read_ring_indicator(&mut self) -> serialport::Result { Err(err_unsupported_op()) } /// Unsupported. fn read_carrier_detect(&mut self) -> serialport::Result { Err(err_unsupported_op()) } /// Returns 0 because no buffer is maintained here, and all operations are synchronous. #[inline(always)] fn bytes_to_read(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(0) } /// Returns 0 because no buffer is maintained here, and all operations are synchronous. #[inline(always)] fn bytes_to_write(&self) -> serialport::Result { Ok(0) } /// Does nothing. fn clear(&self, _buffer_to_clear: serialport::ClearBuffer) -> serialport::Result<()> { Ok(()) } #[inline(always)] fn set_break(&self) -> serialport::Result<()> { self.set_break_state(true).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } #[inline(always)] fn clear_break(&self) -> serialport::Result<()> { self.set_break_state(false).map_err(err_map_to_serialport) } /// Unsupported. fn try_clone(&self) -> serialport::Result> { Err(err_unsupported_op()) } }