use jni::objects::JObject; use jni_min_helper::*; use crate::Error; use futures_lite::StreamExt; use std::{io::ErrorKind, pin::Pin, task, time::Duration}; use crate::usb::{jerr, list_devices, DeviceInfo}; const USB_SERVICE: &str = "usb"; const ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: &str = "android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED"; const ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: &str = "android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED"; const EXTRA_DEVICE: &str = "device"; const ACTION_USB_PERMISSION: &str = "rust.android_usbser.USB_PERMISSION"; // custom const EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED: &str = "permission"; /// Gets a gloabal reference of `android.hardware.usb.UsbManager`. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn usb_manager() -> Result<&'static jni::objects::JObject<'static>, Error> { use std::sync::OnceLock; static USB_MAN: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); if let Some(ref_man) = USB_MAN.get() { Ok(ref_man.as_obj()) } else { let usb_man = get_usb_manager()?; let _ = USB_MAN.set(usb_man.clone()); Ok(USB_MAN.get().unwrap().as_obj()) } } fn get_usb_manager() -> Result { let env = &mut jni_attach_vm().map_err(jerr)?; let context = android_context(); let usb_service = USB_SERVICE.new_jobject(env).map_err(jerr)?; let usb_man = env .call_method( context, "getSystemService", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;", &[(&usb_service).into()], ) .get_object(env) .map_err(jerr)?; if !usb_man.is_null() { Ok(env.new_global_ref(&usb_man).map_err(jerr)?) } else { Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Unsupported, "USB_SERVICE not found")) } } /// Checks if the Android application is opened by an intent with /// `android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED`. If so, it takes the `DeviceInfo` /// for the caller to open the device. /// /// Please check it only on startup, in this case `has_permission()` usually returns `true`. /// Otherwise, it might keep a invalid value after disconnection, but the permission is lost /// even if the device connects again and gets the same filesystem path. pub fn check_attached_intent() -> Result { // Note: `getIntent()` and `setIntent()` are functions of `Activity` (not `Context`) let env = &mut jni_attach_vm().map_err(jerr)?; let activity = android_context(); // the Intent instance is taken from Activity by getIntent() let intent_startup = env .call_method(activity, "getIntent", "()Landroid/content/Intent;", &[]) .get_object(env) .map_err(jerr)?; // checks if the action of current intent is ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED let action_startup = BroadcastReceiver::get_intent_action(&intent_startup, env).map_err(jerr)?; if action_startup.trim() != ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED { // set the intent back, may fail let _ = env .call_method( activity, "setIntent", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V", &[(&intent_startup).into()], ) .clear_ex(); return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::NotFound)); } let dev_info = get_extra_device(&intent_startup)?; if dev_info.check_connection() { Ok(dev_info) } else { Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::NotConnected)) } } fn get_extra_device(intent: &JObject<'_>) -> Result { let env = &mut jni_attach_vm().map_err(jerr)?; let extra_device = EXTRA_DEVICE.new_jobject(env).map_err(jerr)?; let java_dev = env .call_method( intent, "getParcelableExtra", // TODO: this is deprecated in API 33 and above without the class parameter. "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/Parcelable;", &[(&extra_device).into()], ) .get_object(env) .map_err(jerr)?; if !java_dev.is_null() { DeviceInfo::build(env, &java_dev) } else { Err(Error::new( ErrorKind::NotFound, "Unexpected: the Intent has no EXTRA_DEVICE", )) } } /// Gets a watcher of device connection / disconnection events. pub fn watch_devices() -> Result { BroadcastWaiter::build([ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED, ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED]) .map(|waiter| HotplugWatch { waiter }) .map_err(jerr) } /// Stream of device connection / disconnection events. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct HotplugWatch { waiter: BroadcastWaiter } /// Event returned from the `HotplugWatch` stream. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum HotplugEvent { Connected(DeviceInfo), Disconnected(DeviceInfo) } #[derive(Debug)] struct HotplugWatchFuture<'a> { watch: &'a mut HotplugWatch } impl HotplugWatch { /// Returns the amount of received events available for checking. pub fn count_available(&self) -> usize { self.waiter.count_received() } /// Takes the next received event if available. This shouldn't conflict /// with the asynchonous feature (which requires a mutable reference). pub fn take_next(&mut self) -> Option { (self.count_available() > 0).then_some(())?; self.wait_blocking(Duration::from_millis(1)) } /// Waits for receiving an event; returns directly if an event is available. /// Note: Waiting in the `android_main()` thread will prevent it from receiving. pub fn wait_blocking(&mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Option { let fut = HotplugWatchFuture { watch: self }; block_for_timeout(fut, timeout) } } impl futures_core::Stream for HotplugWatch { type Item = HotplugEvent; fn poll_next( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>, ) -> task::Poll> { // `BroadcastWaiter` implementation makes `Ready(None)` impossible here if let task::Poll::Ready(Some(intent)) = self.waiter.poll_next(cx) { let Ok(env) = &mut jni_attach_vm() else { return task::Poll::Ready(None); // almost impossible }; let Ok(action) = BroadcastWaiter::get_intent_action(&intent, env) else { return task::Poll::Ready(None); // almost impossible }; match action.trim() { ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED => { let Ok(dev) = get_extra_device(intent.as_obj()) else { return task::Poll::Ready(None); }; task::Poll::Ready(Some(HotplugEvent::Connected(dev))) } ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED => { let Ok(dev) = get_extra_device(intent.as_obj()) else { return task::Poll::Ready(None); }; task::Poll::Ready(Some(HotplugEvent::Disconnected(dev))) } _ => task::Poll::Pending, } } else { task::Poll::Pending } } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { self.waiter.size_hint() } } impl<'a> std::future::Future for HotplugWatchFuture<'a> { type Output = HotplugEvent; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> task::Poll { if let task::Poll::Ready(Some(event)) = { task::Poll::Ready(event) } else { task::Poll::Pending } } } impl DeviceInfo { /// Returns true if the caller has permission to access the device. pub fn has_permission(&self) -> Result { let usb_man = usb_manager()?; let env = &mut jni_attach_vm().map_err(jerr)?; env.call_method( &usb_man, "hasPermission", "(Landroid/hardware/usb/UsbDevice;)Z", &[self.internal.as_obj().into()], ) .get_boolean() .map_err(jerr) } /// Checks if the device is still in the list of connected devices. /// Note: The implementation can be optimized. #[inline(always)] pub fn check_connection(&self) -> bool { let vec_dev = list_devices().unwrap_or_default(); // heavy vec_dev.into_iter().any(|ref d| d == self) } /// Performs a permission request for the device. /// /// Returns `Ok(None)` if the permission is already granted. Otherwise it returns a /// `PermissionRequest` handler. /// /// The activity might be paused by `requestPermission()` here, but resumed on receving result. /// The state of `PermissionRequest` can be checked on `android_activity::MainEvent::Resume`, /// Otherwise block in a background thread (it wouldn't be paused/resumed automatically). pub fn request_permission(&self) -> Result, Error> { if !self.check_connection() { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::NotConnected)); } if self.has_permission()? { return Ok(None); } let usb_man = usb_manager()?; let env = &mut jni_attach_vm().map_err(jerr)?; let context = android_context(); let str_perm = ACTION_USB_PERMISSION.new_jobject(env).map_err(jerr)?; let intent = env .new_object( "android/content/Intent", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", &[(&str_perm).into()], ) .auto_local(env) .map_err(jerr)?; let flags = if android_api_level() < 31 { 0 // should it be FLAG_IMMUTABLE since API 23? } else { 0x02000000 // FLAG_MUTABLE (since API 31, Android 12) }; let pending = env .call_static_method( "android/app/PendingIntent", "getBroadcast", "(Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/content/Intent;I)Landroid/app/PendingIntent;", &[context.into(), 0_i32.into(), (&intent).into(), flags.into()], ) .get_object(env) .map_err(jerr)?; env.call_method( &usb_man, "requestPermission", "(Landroid/hardware/usb/UsbDevice;Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V", &[(&self.internal).into(), (&pending).into()], ) .clear_ex() .map_err(|_| Error::other("Unexpected error from `requestPermission()`"))?; if self.has_permission()? { return Ok(None); // almost impossible } BroadcastWaiter::build([ACTION_USB_PERMISSION]) .map(|waiter| Some(PermissionRequest { dev_info: self.clone(), waiter })) .map_err(jerr) } /// Opens the device. Returns error `PermissionDenied` if the permission is not granted. pub fn open_device(&self) -> Result { if !self.has_permission()? { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::PermissionDenied)); } let raw_fd = { let usb_man = usb_manager()?; let env = &mut jni_attach_vm().map_err(jerr)?; let conn = env .call_method( &usb_man, "openDevice", "(Landroid/hardware/usb/UsbDevice;)Landroid/hardware/usb/UsbDeviceConnection;", &[(&self.internal).into()], ) .get_object(env) .map_err(jerr)?; if conn.is_null() { return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, "`openDevice()` failed`")); } env.call_method(&conn, "getFileDescriptor", "()I", &[]) .get_int() .map_err(jerr)? }; // Safety: `close()` is not called automatically when the JNI `AutoLocal` of `conn` // and the corresponding Java object is destroyed. (check `UsbDeviceConnection` source) use std::os::fd::*; let owned_fd = unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(raw_fd as RawFd) }; nusb::Device::from_fd(owned_fd) } } /// Represents an ongoing permission request. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PermissionRequest { dev_info: DeviceInfo, waiter: BroadcastWaiter } impl PermissionRequest { /// Returns a reference of the associated `DeviceInfo` which can be cloned. pub fn device_info(&self) -> &DeviceInfo { &self.dev_info } /// Checks if the request has completed. pub fn responsed(&self) -> bool { self.waiter.count_received() > 0 } /// Takes the `EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED` extra from the received result. /// This can be called *after* `responsed()` returned true. pub fn take_response(self) -> Option { self.responsed().then_some(())?; block_for_timeout(self, Duration::from_millis(10)) } /// Blocking permission request. Returns directly if the permission is already granted. /// Note: Blocking the `android_main()` thread will prevent it from receiving the result. pub fn wait_blocking(self, timeout: Duration) -> Result { block_for_timeout(self, timeout).ok_or(Error::from(ErrorKind::TimedOut)) } } impl std::future::Future for PermissionRequest { type Output = bool; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> task::Poll { // `BroadcastWaiter` implementation makes `Ready(None)` impossible here if let task::Poll::Ready(Some(intent)) = self.waiter.poll_next(cx) { let Ok(env) = &mut jni_attach_vm() else { return task::Poll::Ready(false); // almost impossible }; let Ok(dev_info) = get_extra_device(intent.as_obj()) else { return task::Poll::Ready(false); }; if dev_info == self.dev_info { let Ok(extra_name) = EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED.new_jobject(env) else { return task::Poll::Ready(false); // almost impossible }; let granted = env .call_method( &intent, "getBooleanExtra", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z", &[(&extra_name).into(), false.into()], ) .get_boolean() .unwrap_or(false); let _ = self.waiter.receiver().unregister(); task::Poll::Ready(granted) } else { task::Poll::Pending } } else { task::Poll::Pending } } }