/* AngelCode Scripting Library Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. The original version of this library can be located at: http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/ Andreas Jonsson andreas@angelcode.com */ // // as_context.h // // This class handles the execution of the byte code // #ifndef AS_CONTEXT_H #define AS_CONTEXT_H #include "as_config.h" #include "as_atomic.h" #include "as_array.h" #include "as_string.h" #include "as_objecttype.h" #include "as_callfunc.h" BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE class asCScriptFunction; class asCScriptEngine; class asCContext : public asIScriptContext { public: // Memory management int AddRef() const; int Release() const; // Miscellaneous asIScriptEngine *GetEngine() const; // Execution int Prepare(asIScriptFunction *func); int Unprepare(); int Execute(); int Abort(); int Suspend(); asEContextState GetState() const; int PushState(); int PopState(); bool IsNested(asUINT *nestCount = 0) const; // Object pointer for calling class methods int SetObject(void *obj); // Arguments int SetArgByte(asUINT arg, asBYTE value); int SetArgWord(asUINT arg, asWORD value); int SetArgDWord(asUINT arg, asDWORD value); int SetArgQWord(asUINT arg, asQWORD value); int SetArgFloat(asUINT arg, float value); int SetArgDouble(asUINT arg, double value); int SetArgAddress(asUINT arg, void *addr); int SetArgObject(asUINT arg, void *obj); int SetArgVarType(asUINT arg, void *ptr, int typeId); void *GetAddressOfArg(asUINT arg); // Return value asBYTE GetReturnByte(); asWORD GetReturnWord(); asDWORD GetReturnDWord(); asQWORD GetReturnQWord(); float GetReturnFloat(); double GetReturnDouble(); void *GetReturnAddress(); void *GetReturnObject(); void *GetAddressOfReturnValue(); // Exception handling int SetException(const char *descr); int GetExceptionLineNumber(int *column, const char **sectionName); asIScriptFunction *GetExceptionFunction(); const char * GetExceptionString(); int SetExceptionCallback(asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv); void ClearExceptionCallback(); // Debugging int SetLineCallback(asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv); void ClearLineCallback(); asUINT GetCallstackSize() const; asIScriptFunction *GetFunction(asUINT stackLevel); int GetLineNumber(asUINT stackLevel, int *column, const char **sectionName); int GetVarCount(asUINT stackLevel); const char *GetVarName(asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel); const char *GetVarDeclaration(asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel, bool includeNamespace); int GetVarTypeId(asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel); void *GetAddressOfVar(asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel); bool IsVarInScope(asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel); int GetThisTypeId(asUINT stackLevel); void *GetThisPointer(asUINT stackLevel); asIScriptFunction *GetSystemFunction(); // User data void *SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type); void *GetUserData(asPWORD type) const; public: // Internal public functions asCContext(asCScriptEngine *engine, bool holdRef); virtual ~asCContext(); //protected: friend class asCScriptEngine; void CallLineCallback(); void CallExceptionCallback(); int CallGeneric(asCScriptFunction *func); void DetachEngine(); void ExecuteNext(); void CleanStack(); void CleanStackFrame(); void CleanArgsOnStack(); void CleanReturnObject(); void DetermineLiveObjects(asCArray &liveObjects, asUINT stackLevel); void PushCallState(); void PopCallState(); void CallScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func); void CallInterfaceMethod(asCScriptFunction *func); void PrepareScriptFunction(); bool ReserveStackSpace(asUINT size); void SetInternalException(const char *descr); // Must be protected for multiple accesses mutable asCAtomic m_refCount; bool m_holdEngineRef; asCScriptEngine *m_engine; asEContextState m_status; bool m_doSuspend; bool m_doAbort; bool m_externalSuspendRequest; asCScriptFunction *m_currentFunction; asCScriptFunction *m_callingSystemFunction; // The call stack holds program pointer, stack pointer, etc for caller functions asCArray m_callStack; // Dynamically growing local stack asCArray m_stackBlocks; asUINT m_stackBlockSize; asUINT m_stackIndex; asDWORD *m_originalStackPointer; // Exception handling bool m_isStackMemoryNotAllocated; bool m_needToCleanupArgs; bool m_inExceptionHandler; asCString m_exceptionString; int m_exceptionFunction; int m_exceptionSectionIdx; int m_exceptionLine; int m_exceptionColumn; // The last prepared function, and some cached values related to it asCScriptFunction *m_initialFunction; int m_returnValueSize; int m_argumentsSize; // callbacks bool m_lineCallback; asSSystemFunctionInterface m_lineCallbackFunc; void * m_lineCallbackObj; bool m_exceptionCallback; asSSystemFunctionInterface m_exceptionCallbackFunc; void * m_exceptionCallbackObj; asCArray m_userData; // Registers available to JIT compiler functions asSVMRegisters m_regs; }; // TODO: Move these to as_utils.h int as_powi(int base, int exponent, bool& isOverflow); asDWORD as_powu(asDWORD base, asDWORD exponent, bool& isOverflow); asINT64 as_powi64(asINT64 base, asINT64 exponent, bool& isOverflow); asQWORD as_powu64(asQWORD base, asQWORD exponent, bool& isOverflow); // Optional template version of powi if overflow detection is not used. #if 0 template T as_powi(T base, T exponent) { // Test for sign bit (huge number is OK) if( exponent & (T(1)<<(sizeof(T)*8-1)) ) return 0; else { int result = 1; while( exponent ) { if( exponent & 1 ) result *= base; exponent >>= 1; base *= base; } return result; } } #endif END_AS_NAMESPACE #endif