/* AngelCode Scripting Library Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. The original version of this library can be located at: http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/ Andreas Jonsson andreas@angelcode.com */ // // as_datatype.cpp // // This class describes the datatype for expressions during compilation // #include "as_config.h" #include "as_datatype.h" #include "as_tokendef.h" #include "as_typeinfo.h" #include "as_objecttype.h" #include "as_scriptengine.h" #include "as_tokenizer.h" BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE asCDataType::asCDataType() { tokenType = ttUnrecognizedToken; typeInfo = 0; isReference = false; isReadOnly = false; isAuto = false; isObjectHandle = false; isConstHandle = false; isHandleToAsHandleType = false; ifHandleThenConst = false; } asCDataType::asCDataType(const asCDataType &dt) { tokenType = dt.tokenType; typeInfo = dt.typeInfo; isReference = dt.isReference; isReadOnly = dt.isReadOnly; isAuto = dt.isAuto; isObjectHandle = dt.isObjectHandle; isConstHandle = dt.isConstHandle; isHandleToAsHandleType = dt.isHandleToAsHandleType; ifHandleThenConst = dt.ifHandleThenConst; } asCDataType::~asCDataType() { } bool asCDataType::IsValid() const { if( tokenType == ttUnrecognizedToken && !isObjectHandle ) return false; return true; } asCDataType asCDataType::CreateType(asCTypeInfo *ti, bool isConst) { asCDataType dt; dt.tokenType = ttIdentifier; dt.typeInfo = ti; dt.isReadOnly = isConst; return dt; } asCDataType asCDataType::CreateAuto(bool isConst) { asCDataType dt; dt.tokenType = ttIdentifier; dt.isReadOnly = isConst; dt.isAuto = true; return dt; } asCDataType asCDataType::CreateObjectHandle(asCTypeInfo *ot, bool isConst) { asCDataType dt; asASSERT(CastToObjectType(ot)); dt.tokenType = ttIdentifier; dt.typeInfo = ot; dt.isObjectHandle = true; dt.isConstHandle = isConst; return dt; } asCDataType asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(eTokenType tt, bool isConst) { asCDataType dt; dt.tokenType = tt; dt.isReadOnly = isConst; return dt; } asCDataType asCDataType::CreateNullHandle() { asCDataType dt; dt.tokenType = ttUnrecognizedToken; dt.isReadOnly = true; dt.isObjectHandle = true; dt.isConstHandle = true; return dt; } bool asCDataType::IsNullHandle() const { if( tokenType == ttUnrecognizedToken && typeInfo == 0 && isObjectHandle ) return true; return false; } asCString asCDataType::Format(asSNameSpace *currNs, bool includeNamespace) const { if( IsNullHandle() ) return ""; asCString str; if( isReadOnly ) str = "const "; // If the type is not declared in the current namespace, then the namespace // must always be informed to guarantee that the correct type is informed if (includeNamespace || (typeInfo && typeInfo->nameSpace != currNs)) { if (typeInfo && typeInfo->nameSpace && typeInfo->nameSpace->name != "") str += typeInfo->nameSpace->name + "::"; } if (typeInfo && typeInfo->nameSpace == 0) { // If funcDef->nameSpace is null it means the funcDef was declared as member of // another type, in which case the scope should be built with the name of that type str += CastToFuncdefType(typeInfo)->parentClass->name + "::"; } if( tokenType != ttIdentifier ) { str += asCTokenizer::GetDefinition(tokenType); } else if( IsArrayType() && typeInfo && !typeInfo->engine->ep.expandDefaultArrayToTemplate ) { asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); asASSERT( ot && ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength() == 1 ); str += ot->templateSubTypes[0].Format(currNs, includeNamespace); str += "[]"; } else if(typeInfo) { str += typeInfo->name; asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); if( ot && ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength() > 0 ) { str += "<"; for( asUINT subtypeIndex = 0; subtypeIndex < ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength(); subtypeIndex++ ) { str += ot->templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].Format(currNs, includeNamespace); if( subtypeIndex != ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength()-1 ) str += ","; } str += ">"; } } else if( isAuto ) { str += ""; } else { str = ""; } if( isObjectHandle ) { str += "@"; if( isConstHandle ) str += "const"; } if( isReference ) str += "&"; return str; } asCDataType &asCDataType::operator =(const asCDataType &dt) { tokenType = dt.tokenType; isReference = dt.isReference; typeInfo = dt.typeInfo; isReadOnly = dt.isReadOnly; isObjectHandle = dt.isObjectHandle; isConstHandle = dt.isConstHandle; isAuto = dt.isAuto; isHandleToAsHandleType = dt.isHandleToAsHandleType; ifHandleThenConst = dt.ifHandleThenConst; return (asCDataType &)*this; } int asCDataType::MakeHandle(bool b, bool acceptHandleForScope) { if( !b ) { isObjectHandle = false; isConstHandle = false; isHandleToAsHandleType = false; } else { if( isAuto ) { isObjectHandle = true; } else if( !isObjectHandle ) { // Only reference types are allowed to be handles, // but not nohandle reference types, and not scoped references // (except when returned from registered function) // funcdefs are special reference types and support handles // value types with asOBJ_ASHANDLE are treated as a handle if( (!typeInfo || !((typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_REF) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE_SUBTYPE) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ASHANDLE) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) || ((typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_SCOPED) && !acceptHandleForScope)) ) return -1; isObjectHandle = b; isConstHandle = false; // ASHANDLE supports being handle, but as it really is a value type it will not be marked as a handle if( (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ASHANDLE) ) { isObjectHandle = false; isHandleToAsHandleType = true; } } } return 0; } int asCDataType::MakeArray(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *module) { if( engine->defaultArrayObjectType == 0 ) return asINVALID_TYPE; bool tmpIsReadOnly = isReadOnly; isReadOnly = false; asCArray subTypes; subTypes.PushLast(*this); asCObjectType *at = engine->GetTemplateInstanceType(engine->defaultArrayObjectType, subTypes, module); isReadOnly = tmpIsReadOnly; isObjectHandle = false; isConstHandle = false; typeInfo = at; tokenType = ttIdentifier; return 0; } int asCDataType::MakeReference(bool b) { isReference = b; return 0; } int asCDataType::MakeReadOnly(bool b) { if( isObjectHandle ) { isConstHandle = b; return 0; } isReadOnly = b; return 0; } int asCDataType::MakeHandleToConst(bool b) { if( !isObjectHandle ) return -1; isReadOnly = b; return 0; } bool asCDataType::SupportHandles() const { if( typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & (asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_ASHANDLE | asOBJ_FUNCDEF)) && !(typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) && !isObjectHandle ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::CanBeInstantiated() const { if( GetSizeOnStackDWords() == 0 ) // Void return false; if( !IsObject() && !IsFuncdef() ) // Primitives return true; if (IsNullHandle()) // null return false; if( IsObjectHandle() && !(typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) ) // Handles return true; // Funcdefs cannot be instantiated without being handles // The exception being delegates, but these can only be created as temporary objects if (IsFuncdef()) return false; asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); if( ot && (ot->flags & asOBJ_REF) && ot->beh.factories.GetLength() == 0 ) // ref types without factories return false; if( ot && (ot->flags & asOBJ_ABSTRACT) && !IsObjectHandle() ) // Can't instantiate abstract classes return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsAbstractClass() const { return typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ABSTRACT) ? true : false; } bool asCDataType::IsInterface() const { if (typeInfo == 0) return false; asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); return ot && ot->IsInterface(); } bool asCDataType::CanBeCopied() const { // All primitives can be copied if( IsPrimitive() ) return true; // Plain-old-data structures can always be copied if( typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_POD ) return true; // It must be possible to instantiate the type if( !CanBeInstantiated() ) return false; // It must have a default constructor or factory asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); if( ot && ot->beh.construct == 0 && ot->beh.factory == 0 ) return false; // It must be possible to copy the type if( ot && ot->beh.copy == 0 ) return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsReadOnly() const { if( isObjectHandle ) return isConstHandle; return isReadOnly; } bool asCDataType::IsHandleToConst() const { if( !isObjectHandle ) return false; return isReadOnly; } bool asCDataType::IsObjectConst() const { if( IsObjectHandle() ) return IsHandleToConst(); return IsReadOnly(); } // TODO: 3.0.0: This should be removed bool asCDataType::IsArrayType() const { // This is only true if the type used is the default array type, i.e. the one used for the [] syntax form if( typeInfo && typeInfo->engine->defaultArrayObjectType ) return typeInfo->name == typeInfo->engine->defaultArrayObjectType->name; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsTemplate() const { if( typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE) ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsScriptObject() const { if( typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT) ) return true; return false; } asCDataType asCDataType::GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex) const { asASSERT(typeInfo); asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); return ot->templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex]; } bool asCDataType::operator !=(const asCDataType &dt) const { return !(*this == dt); } bool asCDataType::operator ==(const asCDataType &dt) const { if( !IsEqualExceptRefAndConst(dt) ) return false; if( isReference != dt.isReference ) return false; if( isReadOnly != dt.isReadOnly ) return false; if( isConstHandle != dt.isConstHandle ) return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsEqualExceptRef(const asCDataType &dt) const { if( !IsEqualExceptRefAndConst(dt) ) return false; if( isReadOnly != dt.isReadOnly ) return false; if( isConstHandle != dt.isConstHandle ) return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsEqualExceptRefAndConst(const asCDataType &dt) const { // Check base type if( tokenType != dt.tokenType ) return false; if( typeInfo != dt.typeInfo ) return false; if( isObjectHandle != dt.isObjectHandle ) return false; if( isObjectHandle ) if( isReadOnly != dt.isReadOnly ) return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsEqualExceptConst(const asCDataType &dt) const { if( !IsEqualExceptRefAndConst(dt) ) return false; if( isReference != dt.isReference ) return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsPrimitive() const { // Enumerations are primitives if( IsEnumType() ) return true; // A registered object is never a primitive neither is a pointer nor an array if( typeInfo ) return false; // Null handle doesn't have a typeInfo, but it is not a primitive if( tokenType == ttUnrecognizedToken ) return false; return true; } bool asCDataType::IsMathType() const { if( tokenType == ttInt || tokenType == ttInt8 || tokenType == ttInt16 || tokenType == ttInt64 || tokenType == ttUInt || tokenType == ttUInt8 || tokenType == ttUInt16 || tokenType == ttUInt64 || tokenType == ttFloat || tokenType == ttDouble ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsIntegerType() const { if( tokenType == ttInt || tokenType == ttInt8 || tokenType == ttInt16 || tokenType == ttInt64 ) return true; // Enums are also integer types return IsEnumType(); } bool asCDataType::IsUnsignedType() const { if( tokenType == ttUInt || tokenType == ttUInt8 || tokenType == ttUInt16 || tokenType == ttUInt64 ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsFloatType() const { if( tokenType == ttFloat ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsDoubleType() const { if( tokenType == ttDouble ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsBooleanType() const { if( tokenType == ttBool ) return true; return false; } bool asCDataType::IsObject() const { if( IsPrimitive() ) return false; // Null handle doesn't have an object type but should still be considered an object if( typeInfo == 0 ) return IsNullHandle(); // Template subtypes shouldn't be considered objects return CastToObjectType(typeInfo) ? true : false; } bool asCDataType::IsFuncdef() const { if (typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)) return true; return false; } int asCDataType::GetSizeInMemoryBytes() const { if( typeInfo != 0 ) return typeInfo->size; if( tokenType == ttVoid ) return 0; if( tokenType == ttInt8 || tokenType == ttUInt8 ) return 1; if( tokenType == ttInt16 || tokenType == ttUInt16 ) return 2; if( tokenType == ttDouble || tokenType == ttInt64 || tokenType == ttUInt64 ) return 8; if( tokenType == ttBool ) return AS_SIZEOF_BOOL; // null handle if( tokenType == ttUnrecognizedToken ) return 4*AS_PTR_SIZE; return 4; } int asCDataType::GetSizeInMemoryDWords() const { int s = GetSizeInMemoryBytes(); if( s == 0 ) return 0; if( s <= 4 ) return 1; // Pad the size to 4 bytes if( s & 0x3 ) s += 4 - (s & 0x3); return s/4; } int asCDataType::GetSizeOnStackDWords() const { // If the type is the variable type then the typeid is stored on the stack too int size = tokenType == ttQuestion ? 1 : 0; if( isReference ) return AS_PTR_SIZE + size; if( typeInfo && !IsEnumType() ) return AS_PTR_SIZE + size; return GetSizeInMemoryDWords() + size; } #ifdef WIP_16BYTE_ALIGN int asCDataType::GetAlignment() const { if( typeInfo == NULL ) { // TODO: Small primitives should not be aligned to 4 byte boundaries return 4; //Default alignment } return typeInfo->alignment; } #endif asSTypeBehaviour *asCDataType::GetBehaviour() const { if (!typeInfo) return 0; asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo); return ot ? &ot->beh : 0; } bool asCDataType::IsEnumType() const { // Do a sanity check on the objectType, to verify that we aren't trying to access memory after it has been released asASSERT(typeInfo == 0 || typeInfo->name.GetLength() < 100); if (typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ENUM)) return true; return false; } END_AS_NAMESPACE