/* AngelCode Scripting Library Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. The original version of this library can be located at: http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/ Andreas Jonsson andreas@angelcode.com */ // // as_module.cpp // // A class that holds a script module // #include "as_config.h" #include "as_module.h" #include "as_builder.h" #include "as_context.h" #include "as_texts.h" #include "as_debug.h" #include "as_restore.h" BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE // internal asCModule::asCModule(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine) { this->name = name; this->engine = engine; userData = 0; builder = 0; isGlobalVarInitialized = false; accessMask = 1; defaultNamespace = engine->nameSpaces[0]; } // internal asCModule::~asCModule() { InternalReset(); // The builder is not removed by InternalReset because it holds the script // sections that will be built, so we need to explictly remove it now if it exists if( builder ) { asDELETE(builder,asCBuilder); builder = 0; } if( engine ) { // Clean the user data for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 ) { if( userData[n+1] ) { for( asUINT c = 0; c < engine->cleanModuleFuncs.GetLength(); c++ ) if( engine->cleanModuleFuncs[c].type == userData[n] ) engine->cleanModuleFuncs[c].cleanFunc(this); } } // Remove the module from the engine ACQUIREEXCLUSIVE(engine->engineRWLock); // The module must have been discarded before it is deleted asASSERT( !engine->scriptModules.Exists(this) ); engine->discardedModules.RemoveValue(this); RELEASEEXCLUSIVE(engine->engineRWLock); } } // interface void asCModule::Discard() { // Reset the global variables already so that no object in the global variables keep the module alive forever. // If any live object tries to access the global variables during clean up they will fail with a script exception, // so the application must keep that in mind before discarding a module. CallExit(); // Keep a local copy of the engine pointer, because once the module is moved do the discarded // pile, it is possible that another thread might discard it while we are still in here. So no // further access to members may be done after that asCScriptEngine *lEngine = engine; // Instead of deleting the module immediately, move it to the discarded pile // This will turn it invisible to the application, yet keep it alive until all // external references to its entities have been released. ACQUIREEXCLUSIVE(engine->engineRWLock); if( lEngine->lastModule == this ) lEngine->lastModule = 0; lEngine->scriptModules.RemoveValue(this); lEngine->discardedModules.PushLast(this); RELEASEEXCLUSIVE(lEngine->engineRWLock); // Allow the engine to go over the list of discarded modules to see what can be cleaned up at this moment. // Don't do this if the engine is already shutting down, as it will be done explicitly by the engine itself with error reporting if( !lEngine->shuttingDown ) { if( lEngine->ep.autoGarbageCollect ) lEngine->GarbageCollect(); else { // GarbageCollect calls DeleteDiscardedModules, so no need // to call it again if we already called GarbageCollect lEngine->DeleteDiscardedModules(); } } } // interface void *asCModule::SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type) { // As a thread might add a new new user data at the same time as another // it is necessary to protect both read and write access to the userData member ACQUIREEXCLUSIVE(engine->engineRWLock); // It is not intended to store a lot of different types of userdata, // so a more complex structure like a associative map would just have // more overhead than a simple array. for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 ) { if( userData[n] == type ) { void *oldData = reinterpret_cast(userData[n+1]); userData[n+1] = reinterpret_cast(data); RELEASEEXCLUSIVE(engine->engineRWLock); return oldData; } } userData.PushLast(type); userData.PushLast(reinterpret_cast(data)); RELEASEEXCLUSIVE(engine->engineRWLock); return 0; } // interface void *asCModule::GetUserData(asPWORD type) const { // There may be multiple threads reading, but when // setting the user data nobody must be reading. ACQUIRESHARED(engine->engineRWLock); for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 ) { if( userData[n] == type ) { void *ud = reinterpret_cast(userData[n+1]); RELEASESHARED(engine->engineRWLock); return ud; } } RELEASESHARED(engine->engineRWLock); return 0; } // interface asIScriptEngine *asCModule::GetEngine() const { return engine; } // interface void asCModule::SetName(const char *in_name) { name = in_name; } // interface const char *asCModule::GetName() const { return name.AddressOf(); } // interface const char *asCModule::GetDefaultNamespace() const { return defaultNamespace->name.AddressOf(); } // interface int asCModule::SetDefaultNamespace(const char *nameSpace) { // TODO: cleanup: This function is similar to asCScriptEngine::SetDefaultNamespace. Can we reuse the code? if( nameSpace == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG; asCString ns = nameSpace; if( ns != "" ) { // Make sure the namespace is composed of alternating identifier and :: size_t pos = 0; bool expectIdentifier = true; size_t len; eTokenType t = ttIdentifier; for( ; pos < ns.GetLength(); pos += len ) { t = engine->tok.GetToken(ns.AddressOf() + pos, ns.GetLength() - pos, &len); if( (expectIdentifier && t != ttIdentifier) || (!expectIdentifier && t != ttScope) ) return asINVALID_DECLARATION; expectIdentifier = !expectIdentifier; } // If the namespace ends with :: then strip it off if( t == ttScope ) ns.SetLength(ns.GetLength()-2); } defaultNamespace = engine->AddNameSpace(ns.AddressOf()); return 0; } // interface int asCModule::AddScriptSection(const char *in_name, const char *in_code, size_t in_codeLength, int in_lineOffset) { #ifdef AS_NO_COMPILER UNUSED_VAR(in_name); UNUSED_VAR(in_code); UNUSED_VAR(in_codeLength); UNUSED_VAR(in_lineOffset); return asNOT_SUPPORTED; #else if( !builder ) { builder = asNEW(asCBuilder)(engine, this); if( builder == 0 ) return asOUT_OF_MEMORY; } return builder->AddCode(in_name, in_code, (int)in_codeLength, in_lineOffset, (int)engine->GetScriptSectionNameIndex(in_name ? in_name : ""), engine->ep.copyScriptSections); #endif } // internal void asCModule::JITCompile() { asIJITCompiler *jit = engine->GetJITCompiler(); if( !jit ) return; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); i++) scriptFunctions[i]->JITCompile(); } // interface int asCModule::Build() { #ifdef AS_NO_COMPILER return asNOT_SUPPORTED; #else TimeIt("asCModule::Build"); // Don't allow the module to be rebuilt if there are still // external references that will need the previous code // TODO: interface: The asIScriptModule must have a method for querying if the module is used if( HasExternalReferences(false) ) { engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_MODULE_IS_IN_USE); return asMODULE_IS_IN_USE; } // Only one thread may build at one time // TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations int r = engine->RequestBuild(); if( r < 0 ) return r; engine->PrepareEngine(); if( engine->configFailed ) { engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION); engine->BuildCompleted(); return asINVALID_CONFIGURATION; } InternalReset(); if( !builder ) { engine->BuildCompleted(); return asSUCCESS; } // Compile the script r = builder->Build(); asDELETE(builder,asCBuilder); builder = 0; if( r < 0 ) { // Reset module again InternalReset(); engine->BuildCompleted(); return r; } JITCompile(); engine->PrepareEngine(); #ifdef AS_DEBUG // Verify that there are no unwanted gaps in the scriptFunctions array. for( asUINT n = 1; n < engine->scriptFunctions.GetLength(); n++ ) { int id = n; if( engine->scriptFunctions[n] == 0 && !engine->freeScriptFunctionIds.Exists(id) ) asASSERT( false ); } #endif engine->BuildCompleted(); // Initialize global variables if( r >= 0 && engine->ep.initGlobalVarsAfterBuild ) r = ResetGlobalVars(0); return r; #endif } // interface int asCModule::ResetGlobalVars(asIScriptContext *ctx) { if( isGlobalVarInitialized ) CallExit(); return CallInit(ctx); } // interface asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionByIndex(asUINT index) const { return const_cast(globalFunctions.Get(index)); } // internal int asCModule::CallInit(asIScriptContext *myCtx) { if( isGlobalVarInitialized ) return asERROR; // Each global variable needs to be cleared individually asCSymbolTableIterator it = scriptGlobals.List(); while( it ) { asCGlobalProperty *desc = *it; memset(desc->GetAddressOfValue(), 0, sizeof(asDWORD)*desc->type.GetSizeOnStackDWords()); it++; } // Call the init function for each of the global variables asIScriptContext *ctx = myCtx; int r = asEXECUTION_FINISHED; it = scriptGlobals.List(); while( it && r == asEXECUTION_FINISHED ) { asCGlobalProperty *desc = *it; it++; if( desc->GetInitFunc() ) { if( ctx == 0 ) { ctx = engine->RequestContext(); if( ctx == 0 ) break; } r = ctx->Prepare(desc->GetInitFunc()); if( r >= 0 ) { r = ctx->Execute(); if( r != asEXECUTION_FINISHED ) { asCString msg; msg.Format(TXT_FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_s, desc->name.AddressOf()); asCScriptFunction *func = desc->GetInitFunc(); engine->WriteMessage(func->scriptData->scriptSectionIdx >= 0 ? engine->scriptSectionNames[func->scriptData->scriptSectionIdx]->AddressOf() : "", func->GetLineNumber(0, 0) & 0xFFFFF, func->GetLineNumber(0, 0) >> 20, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, msg.AddressOf()); if( r == asEXECUTION_EXCEPTION ) { const asIScriptFunction *function = ctx->GetExceptionFunction(); msg.Format(TXT_EXCEPTION_s_IN_s, ctx->GetExceptionString(), function->GetDeclaration()); engine->WriteMessage(function->GetScriptSectionName(), ctx->GetExceptionLineNumber(), 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf()); } } } } } if( ctx && !myCtx ) { engine->ReturnContext(ctx); ctx = 0; } // Even if the initialization failed we need to set the // flag that the variables have been initialized, otherwise // the module won't free those variables that really were // initialized. isGlobalVarInitialized = true; if( r != asEXECUTION_FINISHED ) return asINIT_GLOBAL_VARS_FAILED; return asSUCCESS; } // internal void asCModule::CallExit() { if( !isGlobalVarInitialized ) return; asCSymbolTableIterator it = scriptGlobals.List(); while( it ) { if( (*it)->type.IsObject() ) { void **obj = (void**)(*it)->GetAddressOfValue(); if( *obj ) { asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType((*it)->type.GetTypeInfo()); if( ot->flags & asOBJ_REF ) { asASSERT( (ot->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || ot->beh.release ); if( ot->beh.release ) engine->CallObjectMethod(*obj, ot->beh.release); } else { if( ot->beh.destruct ) engine->CallObjectMethod(*obj, ot->beh.destruct); engine->CallFree(*obj); } // Set the address to 0 as someone might try to access the variable afterwards *obj = 0; } } else if ((*it)->type.IsFuncdef()) { asCScriptFunction **func = (asCScriptFunction**)(*it)->GetAddressOfValue(); if (*func) { (*func)->Release(); *func = 0; } } it++; } isGlobalVarInitialized = false; } // internal bool asCModule::HasExternalReferences(bool shuttingDown) { // Check all entiteis in the module for any external references. // If there are any external references the module cannot be deleted yet. asCSymbolTableIterator it = scriptGlobals.List(); while (it) { asCGlobalProperty *desc = *it; if (desc->GetInitFunc() && desc->GetInitFunc()->externalRefCount.get()) { if( !shuttingDown ) return true; else { asCString msg; msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf()); // TODO: Use a better error message asCString tmpName = "init " + desc->name; msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, tmpName.AddressOf(), desc->GetInitFunc()->GetFuncType()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf()); } } it++; } for( asUINT n = 0; n < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); n++ ) if( scriptFunctions[n] && scriptFunctions[n]->externalRefCount.get() ) { if( !shuttingDown ) return true; else { asCString msg; msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf()); msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, scriptFunctions[n]->GetName(), scriptFunctions[n]->GetFuncType()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf()); } } for( asUINT n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++ ) if( classTypes[n] && classTypes[n]->externalRefCount.get() ) { if( !shuttingDown ) return true; else { asCString msg; msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf()); msg.Format(TXT_PREV_TYPE_IS_NAMED_s, classTypes[n]->GetName()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf()); } } for( asUINT n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++ ) if( funcDefs[n] && funcDefs[n]->externalRefCount.get() ) { if( !shuttingDown ) return true; else { asCString msg; msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf()); msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, funcDefs[n]->GetName(), funcDefs[n]->funcdef->GetFuncType()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf()); } } for( asUINT n = 0; n < templateInstances.GetLength(); n++ ) if( templateInstances[n] && templateInstances[n]->externalRefCount.get() ) { if( !shuttingDown ) return true; else { asCString msg; msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf()); msg.Format(TXT_PREV_TYPE_IS_NAMED_s, templateInstances[n]->GetName()); engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf()); } } return false; } // internal void asCModule::InternalReset() { CallExit(); asUINT n; // Remove all global functions globalFunctions.Clear(); // Destroy the internals of the global properties here, but do not yet remove them from the // engine, because functions need the engine's varAddressMap to get to the property. If the // property is removed already, it may leak as the refCount doesn't reach 0. asCSymbolTableIterator globIt = scriptGlobals.List(); while( globIt ) { (*globIt)->DestroyInternal(); globIt++; } UnbindAllImportedFunctions(); // Free bind information for( n = 0; n < bindInformations.GetLength(); n++ ) { if( bindInformations[n] ) { bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->ReleaseInternal(); asDELETE(bindInformations[n], sBindInfo); } } bindInformations.SetLength(0); // Free declared types, including classes, typedefs, and enums for( n = 0; n < templateInstances.GetLength(); n++ ) { asCObjectType *type = templateInstances[n]; if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedType(type, this) != this ) { // The type is owned by another module, just release our reference type->ReleaseInternal(); continue; } // Orphan the template instance type->module = 0; // No other module is holding the template type engine->RemoveTemplateInstanceType(type); type->ReleaseInternal(); } templateInstances.SetLength(0); for( n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++ ) { asCObjectType *type = classTypes[n]; if( type->IsShared() ) { // The type is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedType(type, this) != this ) { // The type is owned by another module, just release our reference type->ReleaseInternal(); continue; } } // The type should be destroyed now type->DestroyInternal(); // Remove the type from the engine if( type->IsShared() ) { engine->sharedScriptTypes.RemoveValue(type); type->ReleaseInternal(); } // Release it from the module type->module = 0; type->ReleaseInternal(); } classTypes.SetLength(0); for( n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++ ) { asCEnumType *type = enumTypes[n]; if( type->IsShared() ) { // The type is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedType(type, this) != this ) { // The type is owned by another module, just release our reference type->ReleaseInternal(); continue; } } // Remove the type from the engine if( type->IsShared() ) { engine->sharedScriptTypes.RemoveValue(type); type->ReleaseInternal(); } // Release it from the module type->module = 0; type->ReleaseInternal(); } enumTypes.SetLength(0); for( n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++ ) { asCTypedefType *type = typeDefs[n]; // The type should be destroyed now type->DestroyInternal(); // Release it from the module type->module = 0; type->ReleaseInternal(); } typeDefs.SetLength(0); // Free funcdefs for( n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++ ) { asCFuncdefType *func = funcDefs[n]; asASSERT(func); if( func->funcdef && func->funcdef->IsShared() ) { // The funcdef is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedType(func, this) != this ) { // The funcdef is owned by another module, just release our reference func->ReleaseInternal(); continue; } } func->DestroyInternal(); engine->RemoveFuncdef(func); func->module = 0; func->ReleaseInternal(); } funcDefs.SetLength(0); // Then release the functions for( n = 0; n < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); n++ ) { asCScriptFunction *func = scriptFunctions[n]; if( func->IsShared() ) { // The func is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedFunc(func, this) != this ) { // The func is owned by another module, just release our reference func->ReleaseInternal(); continue; } } func->DestroyInternal(); func->module = 0; func->ReleaseInternal(); } scriptFunctions.SetLength(0); // Now remove and release the global properties as there are no more references to them globIt = scriptGlobals.List(); while( globIt ) { engine->RemoveGlobalProperty(*globIt); asASSERT( (*globIt)->refCount.get() == 1 ); (*globIt)->Release(); globIt++; } scriptGlobals.Clear(); asASSERT( IsEmpty() ); } // interface asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionByName(const char *in_name) const { asSNameSpace *ns = defaultNamespace; while( ns ) { const asCArray &idxs = globalFunctions.GetIndexes(ns, in_name); if( idxs.GetLength() != 1 ) return 0; const asIScriptFunction *func = globalFunctions.Get(idxs[0]); if( func ) return const_cast(func); // Recursively search parent namespaces ns = engine->GetParentNameSpace(ns); } return 0; } // interface asUINT asCModule::GetImportedFunctionCount() const { return (asUINT)bindInformations.GetLength(); } // interface int asCModule::GetImportedFunctionIndexByDecl(const char *decl) const { asCBuilder bld(engine, const_cast(this)); // Don't write parser errors to the message callback bld.silent = true; asCScriptFunction func(engine, const_cast(this), asFUNC_DUMMY); bld.ParseFunctionDeclaration(0, decl, &func, false, 0, 0, defaultNamespace); // TODO: optimize: Improve linear search // Search script functions for matching interface int id = -1; for( asUINT n = 0; n < bindInformations.GetLength(); ++n ) { if( func.name == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->name && func.returnType == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->returnType && func.parameterTypes.GetLength() == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->parameterTypes.GetLength() ) { bool match = true; for( asUINT p = 0; p < func.parameterTypes.GetLength(); ++p ) { if( func.parameterTypes[p] != bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->parameterTypes[p] ) { match = false; break; } } if( match ) { if( id == -1 ) id = n; else return asMULTIPLE_FUNCTIONS; } } } if( id == -1 ) return asNO_FUNCTION; return id; } // interface asUINT asCModule::GetFunctionCount() const { return (asUINT)globalFunctions.GetSize(); } // interface asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionByDecl(const char *decl) const { asCBuilder bld(engine, const_cast(this)); // Don't write parser errors to the message callback bld.silent = true; asCScriptFunction func(engine, const_cast(this), asFUNC_DUMMY); int r = bld.ParseFunctionDeclaration(0, decl, &func, false, 0, 0, defaultNamespace); if( r < 0 ) { // Invalid declaration // TODO: Write error to message stream return 0; } // Use the defaultNamespace implicitly unless an explicit namespace has been provided asSNameSpace *ns = func.nameSpace == engine->nameSpaces[0] ? defaultNamespace : func.nameSpace; // Search script functions for matching interface while( ns ) { asIScriptFunction *f = 0; const asCArray &idxs = globalFunctions.GetIndexes(ns, func.name); for( unsigned int n = 0; n < idxs.GetLength(); n++ ) { const asCScriptFunction *funcPtr = globalFunctions.Get(idxs[n]); if( funcPtr->objectType == 0 && func.returnType == funcPtr->returnType && func.parameterTypes.GetLength() == funcPtr->parameterTypes.GetLength() ) { bool match = true; for( asUINT p = 0; p < func.parameterTypes.GetLength(); ++p ) { if( func.parameterTypes[p] != funcPtr->parameterTypes[p] ) { match = false; break; } } if( match ) { if( f == 0 ) f = const_cast(funcPtr); else // Multiple functions return 0; } } } if( f ) return f; else { // Search for matching functions in the parent namespace ns = engine->GetParentNameSpace(ns); } } return 0; } // interface asUINT asCModule::GetGlobalVarCount() const { return (asUINT)scriptGlobals.GetSize(); } // interface int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByName(const char *in_name) const { asSNameSpace *ns = defaultNamespace; // Find the global var id while( ns ) { int id = scriptGlobals.GetFirstIndex(ns, in_name); if( id >= 0 ) return id; // Recursively search parent namespaces ns = engine->GetParentNameSpace(ns); } return asNO_GLOBAL_VAR; } // interface int asCModule::RemoveGlobalVar(asUINT index) { asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.Get(index); if( !prop ) return asINVALID_ARG; // Destroy the internal of the global variable (removes the initialization function) prop->DestroyInternal(); // Check if the module is the only one referring to the module, if so remove it from the engine too // If the property is not removed now, it will be removed later when the module is discarded if( prop->refCount.get() == 2 ) engine->RemoveGlobalProperty(prop); // Remove the global variable from the module scriptGlobals.Erase(index); prop->Release(); return 0; } // interface int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByDecl(const char *decl) const { asCBuilder bld(engine, const_cast(this)); // Don't write parser errors to the message callback bld.silent = true; asCString declName; asSNameSpace *nameSpace; asCDataType dt; int r = bld.ParseVariableDeclaration(decl, defaultNamespace, declName, nameSpace, dt); if( r < 0 ) return r; // Search global variables for a match while( nameSpace ) { int id = scriptGlobals.GetFirstIndex(nameSpace, declName, asCCompGlobPropType(dt)); if( id != -1 ) return id; // Recursively search parent namespace nameSpace = engine->GetParentNameSpace(nameSpace); } return asNO_GLOBAL_VAR; } // interface void *asCModule::GetAddressOfGlobalVar(asUINT index) { asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.Get(index); if( !prop ) return 0; // For object variables it's necessary to dereference the pointer to get the address of the value if( prop->type.IsObject() && !prop->type.IsObjectHandle() ) return *(void**)(prop->GetAddressOfValue()); return (void*)(prop->GetAddressOfValue()); } // interface const char *asCModule::GetGlobalVarDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace) const { const asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.Get(index); if (!prop) return 0; asCString *tempString = &asCThreadManager::GetLocalData()->string; *tempString = prop->type.Format(defaultNamespace); *tempString += " "; if( includeNamespace && prop->nameSpace->name != "" ) *tempString += prop->nameSpace->name + "::"; *tempString += prop->name; return tempString->AddressOf(); } // interface int asCModule::GetGlobalVar(asUINT index, const char **out_name, const char **out_nameSpace, int *out_typeId, bool *out_isConst) const { const asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.Get(index); if (!prop) return 0; if( out_name ) *out_name = prop->name.AddressOf(); if( out_nameSpace ) *out_nameSpace = prop->nameSpace->name.AddressOf(); if( out_typeId ) *out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(prop->type); if( out_isConst ) *out_isConst = prop->type.IsReadOnly(); return asSUCCESS; } // interface asUINT asCModule::GetObjectTypeCount() const { return (asUINT)classTypes.GetLength(); } // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const { if( index >= classTypes.GetLength() ) return 0; return classTypes[index]; } #ifdef AS_DEPRECATED // Deprecated since 2.31.0, 2015-12-06 // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByName(const char *in_name) const { asITypeInfo *ti = GetTypeInfoByName(in_name); return CastToObjectType(reinterpret_cast(ti)); } #endif // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetTypeInfoByName(const char *in_name) const { asSNameSpace *ns = defaultNamespace; while (ns) { for (asUINT n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++) { if (classTypes[n] && classTypes[n]->name == in_name && classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns) return classTypes[n]; } for (asUINT n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++) { if (enumTypes[n] && enumTypes[n]->name == in_name && enumTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns) return enumTypes[n]; } for (asUINT n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++) { if (typeDefs[n] && typeDefs[n]->name == in_name && typeDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns) return typeDefs[n]; } // Recursively search parent namespace ns = engine->GetParentNameSpace(ns); } return 0; } // interface int asCModule::GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const { asCDataType dt; // This const cast is safe since we know the engine won't be modified asCBuilder bld(engine, const_cast(this)); // Don't write parser errors to the message callback bld.silent = true; int r = bld.ParseDataType(decl, &dt, defaultNamespace); if( r < 0 ) return asINVALID_TYPE; return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt); } #ifdef AS_DEPRECATED // Deprecated since 2.31.0, 2015-12-06 // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const { asITypeInfo *ti = GetTypeInfoByDecl(decl); return CastToObjectType(reinterpret_cast(ti)); } #endif // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const { asCDataType dt; // This const cast is safe since we know the engine won't be modified asCBuilder bld(engine, const_cast(this)); // Don't write parser errors to the message callback bld.silent = true; int r = bld.ParseDataType(decl, &dt, defaultNamespace); if (r < 0) return 0; return dt.GetTypeInfo(); } // interface asUINT asCModule::GetEnumCount() const { return enumTypes.GetLength(); } // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const { if( index >= enumTypes.GetLength() ) return 0; return enumTypes[index]; } #ifdef AS_DEPRECATED // Deprecated since 2.31.0, 2015-12-06 // interface int asCModule::GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId) const { asITypeInfo *ti = engine->GetTypeInfoById(enumTypeId); asCEnumType *e = CastToEnumType(reinterpret_cast(ti)); if (e == 0) return asINVALID_TYPE; return e->GetEnumValueCount(); } #endif #ifdef AS_DEPRECATED // Deprecated since 2.31.0, 2015-12-06 // interface const char *asCModule::GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue) const { asITypeInfo *ti = engine->GetTypeInfoById(enumTypeId); asCEnumType *e = CastToEnumType(reinterpret_cast(ti)); if (e == 0) return 0; return e->GetEnumValueByIndex(index, outValue); } #endif // interface asUINT asCModule::GetTypedefCount() const { return (asUINT)typeDefs.GetLength(); } // interface asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const { if( index >= typeDefs.GetLength() ) return 0; return typeDefs[index]; } // internal int asCModule::GetNextImportedFunctionId() { // TODO: multithread: This will break if one thread if freeing a module, while another is being compiled if( engine->freeImportedFunctionIdxs.GetLength() ) return FUNC_IMPORTED | (asUINT)engine->freeImportedFunctionIdxs[engine->freeImportedFunctionIdxs.GetLength()-1]; return FUNC_IMPORTED | (asUINT)engine->importedFunctions.GetLength(); } #ifndef AS_NO_COMPILER // internal int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const asCString &funcName, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray ¶ms, const asCArray ¶mNames, const asCArray &inOutFlags, const asCArray &defaultArgs, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType, bool isConstMethod, bool isGlobalFunction, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isFinal, bool isOverride, bool isShared, asSNameSpace *ns) { asASSERT(id >= 0); // Store the function information asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, this, isInterface ? asFUNC_INTERFACE : asFUNC_SCRIPT); if( func == 0 ) { // Free the default args for( asUINT n = 0; n < defaultArgs.GetLength(); n++ ) if( defaultArgs[n] ) asDELETE(defaultArgs[n], asCString); return asOUT_OF_MEMORY; } if( ns == 0 ) ns = engine->nameSpaces[0]; // All methods of shared objects are also shared if( objType && objType->IsShared() ) isShared = true; func->name = funcName; func->nameSpace = ns; func->id = id; func->returnType = returnType; if( func->funcType == asFUNC_SCRIPT ) { func->scriptData->scriptSectionIdx = sectionIdx; func->scriptData->declaredAt = declaredAt; } func->parameterTypes = params; func->parameterNames = paramNames; func->inOutFlags = inOutFlags; func->defaultArgs = defaultArgs; func->objectType = objType; if( objType ) objType->AddRefInternal(); func->isReadOnly = isConstMethod; func->isPrivate = isPrivate; func->isProtected = isProtected; func->isFinal = isFinal; func->isOverride = isOverride; func->isShared = isShared; asASSERT( params.GetLength() == inOutFlags.GetLength() && params.GetLength() == defaultArgs.GetLength() ); // Verify that we are not assigning either the final or override specifier(s) if we are registering a non-member function asASSERT( !(!objType && isFinal) ); asASSERT( !(!objType && isOverride) ); // The internal ref count was already set by the constructor scriptFunctions.PushLast(func); engine->AddScriptFunction(func); // Compute the signature id if( objType ) func->ComputeSignatureId(); // Add reference if( isGlobalFunction ) globalFunctions.Put(func); return 0; } // internal int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func) { scriptFunctions.PushLast(func); func->AddRefInternal(); engine->AddScriptFunction(func); // If the function that is being added is an already compiled shared function // then it is necessary to look for anonymous functions that may be declared // within it and add those as well if( func->isShared && func->funcType == asFUNC_SCRIPT ) { // Loop through the byte code and check all the // asBC_FuncPtr instructions for anonymous functions asDWORD *bc = func->scriptData->byteCode.AddressOf(); asUINT bcLength = (asUINT)func->scriptData->byteCode.GetLength(); for( asUINT n = 0; n < bcLength; ) { int c = *(asBYTE*)&bc[n]; if( c == asBC_FuncPtr ) { asCScriptFunction *f = reinterpret_cast(asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n])); // Anonymous functions start with $ // There are never two equal anonymous functions so it is not necessary to look for duplicates if( f && f->name[0] == '$' ) { AddScriptFunction(f); globalFunctions.Put(f); } } n += asBCTypeSize[asBCInfo[c].type]; } } return 0; } // internal int asCModule::AddImportedFunction(int id, const asCString &funcName, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray ¶ms, const asCArray &inOutFlags, const asCArray &defaultArgs, asSNameSpace *ns, const asCString &moduleName) { asASSERT(id >= 0); // Store the function information asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, this, asFUNC_IMPORTED); if( func == 0 ) { // Free the default args for( asUINT n = 0; n < defaultArgs.GetLength(); n++ ) if( defaultArgs[n] ) asDELETE(defaultArgs[n], asCString); return asOUT_OF_MEMORY; } func->name = funcName; func->id = id; func->returnType = returnType; func->nameSpace = ns; func->parameterTypes = params; func->inOutFlags = inOutFlags; func->defaultArgs = defaultArgs; func->objectType = 0; sBindInfo *info = asNEW(sBindInfo); if( info == 0 ) { asDELETE(func, asCScriptFunction); return asOUT_OF_MEMORY; } info->importedFunctionSignature = func; info->boundFunctionId = -1; info->importFromModule = moduleName; bindInformations.PushLast(info); // Add the info to the array in the engine if( engine->freeImportedFunctionIdxs.GetLength() ) engine->importedFunctions[engine->freeImportedFunctionIdxs.PopLast()] = info; else engine->importedFunctions.PushLast(info); return 0; } #endif // internal asCScriptFunction *asCModule::GetImportedFunction(int index) const { return bindInformations[index]->importedFunctionSignature; } // interface int asCModule::BindImportedFunction(asUINT index, asIScriptFunction *func) { // First unbind the old function int r = UnbindImportedFunction(index); if( r < 0 ) return r; // Must verify that the interfaces are equal asCScriptFunction *dst = GetImportedFunction(index); if( dst == 0 ) return asNO_FUNCTION; if( func == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG; asCScriptFunction *src = engine->GetScriptFunction(func->GetId()); if( src == 0 ) return asNO_FUNCTION; // Verify return type if( dst->returnType != src->returnType ) return asINVALID_INTERFACE; if( dst->parameterTypes.GetLength() != src->parameterTypes.GetLength() ) return asINVALID_INTERFACE; for( asUINT n = 0; n < dst->parameterTypes.GetLength(); ++n ) { if( dst->parameterTypes[n] != src->parameterTypes[n] ) return asINVALID_INTERFACE; } bindInformations[index]->boundFunctionId = src->GetId(); src->AddRefInternal(); return asSUCCESS; } // interface int asCModule::UnbindImportedFunction(asUINT index) { if( index >= bindInformations.GetLength() ) return asINVALID_ARG; // Remove reference to old module if( bindInformations[index] ) { int oldFuncID = bindInformations[index]->boundFunctionId; if( oldFuncID != -1 ) { bindInformations[index]->boundFunctionId = -1; engine->scriptFunctions[oldFuncID]->ReleaseInternal(); } } return asSUCCESS; } // interface const char *asCModule::GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(asUINT index) const { asCScriptFunction *func = GetImportedFunction(index); if( func == 0 ) return 0; asCString *tempString = &asCThreadManager::GetLocalData()->string; *tempString = func->GetDeclarationStr(); return tempString->AddressOf(); } // interface const char *asCModule::GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(asUINT index) const { if( index >= bindInformations.GetLength() ) return 0; return bindInformations[index]->importFromModule.AddressOf(); } // inteface int asCModule::BindAllImportedFunctions() { bool notAllFunctionsWereBound = false; // Bind imported functions int c = GetImportedFunctionCount(); for( int n = 0; n < c; ++n ) { asCScriptFunction *importFunc = GetImportedFunction(n); if( importFunc == 0 ) return asERROR; asCString str = importFunc->GetDeclarationStr(false, true); // Get module name from where the function should be imported const char *moduleName = GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(n); if( moduleName == 0 ) return asERROR; asCModule *srcMod = engine->GetModule(moduleName, false); asIScriptFunction *func = 0; if( srcMod ) func = srcMod->GetFunctionByDecl(str.AddressOf()); if( func == 0 ) notAllFunctionsWereBound = true; else { if( BindImportedFunction(n, func) < 0 ) notAllFunctionsWereBound = true; } } if( notAllFunctionsWereBound ) return asCANT_BIND_ALL_FUNCTIONS; return asSUCCESS; } // interface int asCModule::UnbindAllImportedFunctions() { asUINT c = GetImportedFunctionCount(); for( asUINT n = 0; n < c; ++n ) UnbindImportedFunction(n); return asSUCCESS; } // internal asCTypeInfo *asCModule::GetType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns) { asUINT n; // TODO: optimize: Improve linear search for (n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++) if (classTypes[n]->name == type && classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns) return classTypes[n]; for (n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++) if (enumTypes[n]->name == type && enumTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns) return enumTypes[n]; for (n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++) if (typeDefs[n]->name == type && typeDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns) return typeDefs[n]; for (n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++) if (funcDefs[n]->name == type && funcDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns) return funcDefs[n]; return 0; } // internal asCObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns) { asUINT n; // TODO: optimize: Improve linear search for( n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++ ) if( classTypes[n]->name == type && classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns ) return classTypes[n]; return 0; } // internal asCGlobalProperty *asCModule::AllocateGlobalProperty(const char *propName, const asCDataType &dt, asSNameSpace *ns) { asCGlobalProperty *prop = engine->AllocateGlobalProperty(); prop->name = propName; prop->nameSpace = ns; // Allocate the memory for this property based on its type prop->type = dt; prop->AllocateMemory(); // Make an entry in the address to variable map engine->varAddressMap.Insert(prop->GetAddressOfValue(), prop); // Store the variable in the module scope scriptGlobals.Put(prop); prop->AddRef(); return prop; } // internal bool asCModule::IsEmpty() const { if( scriptFunctions.GetLength() ) return false; if( globalFunctions.GetSize() ) return false; if( bindInformations.GetLength() ) return false; if( scriptGlobals.GetSize() ) return false; if( classTypes.GetLength() ) return false; if( enumTypes.GetLength() ) return false; if( typeDefs.GetLength() ) return false; if( funcDefs.GetLength() ) return false; return true; } // interface int asCModule::SaveByteCode(asIBinaryStream *out, bool stripDebugInfo) const { #ifdef AS_NO_COMPILER UNUSED_VAR(out); UNUSED_VAR(stripDebugInfo); return asNOT_SUPPORTED; #else if( out == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG; // Make sure there is actually something to save if( IsEmpty() ) return asERROR; asCWriter write(const_cast(this), out, engine, stripDebugInfo); return write.Write(); #endif } // interface int asCModule::LoadByteCode(asIBinaryStream *in, bool *wasDebugInfoStripped) { if( in == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG; // Don't allow the module to be rebuilt if there are still // external references that will need the previous code if( HasExternalReferences(false) ) { engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_MODULE_IS_IN_USE); return asMODULE_IS_IN_USE; } // Only permit loading bytecode if no other thread is currently compiling // TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations int r = engine->RequestBuild(); if( r < 0 ) return r; asCReader read(this, in, engine); r = read.Read(wasDebugInfoStripped); if (r < 0) { engine->BuildCompleted(); return r; } JITCompile(); #ifdef AS_DEBUG // Verify that there are no unwanted gaps in the scriptFunctions array. for( asUINT n = 1; n < engine->scriptFunctions.GetLength(); n++ ) { int id = n; if( engine->scriptFunctions[n] == 0 && !engine->freeScriptFunctionIds.Exists(id) ) asASSERT( false ); } #endif engine->BuildCompleted(); return r; } // interface int asCModule::CompileGlobalVar(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset) { #ifdef AS_NO_COMPILER UNUSED_VAR(sectionName); UNUSED_VAR(code); UNUSED_VAR(lineOffset); return asNOT_SUPPORTED; #else // Validate arguments if( code == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG; // Only one thread may build at one time // TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations int r = engine->RequestBuild(); if( r < 0 ) return r; // Prepare the engine engine->PrepareEngine(); if( engine->configFailed ) { engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION); engine->BuildCompleted(); return asINVALID_CONFIGURATION; } // Compile the global variable and add it to the module scope asCBuilder varBuilder(engine, this); asCString str = code; r = varBuilder.CompileGlobalVar(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset); engine->BuildCompleted(); // Initialize the variable if( r >= 0 && engine->ep.initGlobalVarsAfterBuild ) { // Clear the memory asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.GetLast(); if( prop ) { memset(prop->GetAddressOfValue(), 0, sizeof(asDWORD)*prop->type.GetSizeOnStackDWords()); if( prop->GetInitFunc() ) { // Call the init function for the global variable asIScriptContext *ctx = 0; r = engine->CreateContext(&ctx, true); if( r < 0 ) return r; r = ctx->Prepare(prop->GetInitFunc()); if( r >= 0 ) r = ctx->Execute(); ctx->Release(); } } } return r; #endif } // interface int asCModule::CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset, asDWORD compileFlags, asIScriptFunction **outFunc) { // Make sure the outFunc is null if the function fails, so the // application doesn't attempt to release a non-existent function if( outFunc ) *outFunc = 0; #ifdef AS_NO_COMPILER UNUSED_VAR(sectionName); UNUSED_VAR(code); UNUSED_VAR(lineOffset); UNUSED_VAR(compileFlags); return asNOT_SUPPORTED; #else // Validate arguments if( code == 0 || (compileFlags != 0 && compileFlags != asCOMP_ADD_TO_MODULE) ) return asINVALID_ARG; // Only one thread may build at one time // TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations int r = engine->RequestBuild(); if( r < 0 ) return r; // Prepare the engine engine->PrepareEngine(); if( engine->configFailed ) { engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION); engine->BuildCompleted(); return asINVALID_CONFIGURATION; } // Compile the single function asCBuilder funcBuilder(engine, this); asCString str = code; asCScriptFunction *func = 0; r = funcBuilder.CompileFunction(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset, compileFlags, &func); engine->BuildCompleted(); if( r >= 0 && outFunc && func ) { // Return the function to the caller and add an external reference *outFunc = func; func->AddRef(); } // Release our reference to the function if( func ) func->ReleaseInternal(); return r; #endif } // interface int asCModule::RemoveFunction(asIScriptFunction *func) { // Find the global function asCScriptFunction *f = static_cast(func); int idx = globalFunctions.GetIndex(f); if( idx >= 0 ) { globalFunctions.Erase(idx); scriptFunctions.RemoveValue(f); f->ReleaseInternal(); return 0; } return asNO_FUNCTION; } #ifndef AS_NO_COMPILER // internal int asCModule::AddFuncDef(const asCString &funcName, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parent) { // namespace and parent are mutually exclusive asASSERT((ns == 0 && parent) || (ns && parent == 0)); asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, 0, asFUNC_FUNCDEF); if (func == 0) return asOUT_OF_MEMORY; func->name = funcName; func->nameSpace = ns; func->module = this; asCFuncdefType *fdt = asNEW(asCFuncdefType)(engine, func); funcDefs.PushLast(fdt); // The constructor set the refcount to 1 engine->funcDefs.PushLast(fdt); // doesn't increase refcount func->id = engine->GetNextScriptFunctionId(); engine->AddScriptFunction(func); if (parent) { parent->childFuncDefs.PushLast(fdt); fdt->parentClass = parent; } return (int)funcDefs.GetLength()-1; } #endif // interface asDWORD asCModule::SetAccessMask(asDWORD mask) { asDWORD old = accessMask; accessMask = mask; return old; } END_AS_NAMESPACE