/* AngelCode Scripting Library Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. The original version of this library can be located at: http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/ Andreas Jonsson andreas@angelcode.com */ // // as_typeinfo.h // #ifndef AS_TYPEINFO_H #define AS_TYPEINFO_H #include "as_config.h" #include "as_string.h" #include "as_atomic.h" #include "as_datatype.h" BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE class asCScriptEngine; class asCModule; class asCObjectType; class asCEnumType; class asCTypedefType; class asCFuncdefType; struct asSNameSpace; // TODO: type: asCPrimitiveType shall be implemented to represent primitives (void, int, double, etc) // TODO: type: asCTypeInfo should have an internal virtual method GetBehaviours. For asCObjectType it // should return the beh member. For asCFuncdefType it should return the beh member of // engine->functionBehaviours. This will allow the code that needs the behaviour to handle // both object types and funcdefs the same way class asCTypeInfo : public asITypeInfo { public: //===================================== // From asITypeInfo //===================================== asIScriptEngine *GetEngine() const; const char *GetConfigGroup() const; asDWORD GetAccessMask() const; asIScriptModule *GetModule() const; // Memory management int AddRef() const; int Release() const; // Type info const char *GetName() const; const char *GetNamespace() const; asITypeInfo *GetBaseType() const { return 0; } bool DerivesFrom(const asITypeInfo *objType) const { UNUSED_VAR(objType); return 0; } asDWORD GetFlags() const; asUINT GetSize() const; int GetTypeId() const; int GetSubTypeId(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const { UNUSED_VAR(subtypeIndex); return -1; } asITypeInfo *GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const { UNUSED_VAR(subtypeIndex); return 0; } asUINT GetSubTypeCount() const { return 0; } // Interfaces asUINT GetInterfaceCount() const { return 0; } asITypeInfo *GetInterface(asUINT index) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); return 0; } bool Implements(const asITypeInfo *objType) const { UNUSED_VAR(objType); return false; } // Factories asUINT GetFactoryCount() const { return 0; } asIScriptFunction *GetFactoryByIndex(asUINT index) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); return 0; } asIScriptFunction *GetFactoryByDecl(const char *decl) const { UNUSED_VAR(decl); return 0; } // Methods asUINT GetMethodCount() const { return 0; } asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByIndex(asUINT index, bool getVirtual) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); UNUSED_VAR(getVirtual); return 0; } asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByName(const char *in_name, bool getVirtual) const { UNUSED_VAR(in_name); UNUSED_VAR(getVirtual); return 0; } asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByDecl(const char *decl, bool getVirtual) const { UNUSED_VAR(decl); UNUSED_VAR(getVirtual); return 0; } // Properties asUINT GetPropertyCount() const { return 0; } int GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId, bool *isPrivate, bool *isProtected, int *offset, bool *isReference, asDWORD *accessMask) const; const char *GetPropertyDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace = false) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); UNUSED_VAR(includeNamespace); return 0; } // Behaviours asUINT GetBehaviourCount() const { return 0; } asIScriptFunction *GetBehaviourByIndex(asUINT index, asEBehaviours *outBehaviour) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); UNUSED_VAR(outBehaviour); return 0; } // Child types asUINT GetChildFuncdefCount() const { return 0; } asITypeInfo *GetChildFuncdef(asUINT index) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); return 0; } asITypeInfo *GetParentType() const { return 0; } // Enums virtual asUINT GetEnumValueCount() const { return 0; } virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(asUINT index, int *outValue) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); if (outValue) *outValue = 0; return 0; } // Typedef virtual int GetTypedefTypeId() const { return asERROR; } // Funcdef virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefSignature() const { return 0; } // User data void *SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type); void *GetUserData(asPWORD type) const; //=========================================== // Internal //=========================================== public: asCTypeInfo(asCScriptEngine *engine); virtual ~asCTypeInfo(); // Keep an internal reference counter to separate references coming from // application or script objects and references coming from the script code virtual int AddRefInternal(); virtual int ReleaseInternal(); virtual void DestroyInternal() {} void CleanUserData(); bool IsShared() const; // These can be safely used on null pointers (which will return null) friend asCObjectType *CastToObjectType(asCTypeInfo *); friend asCEnumType *CastToEnumType(asCTypeInfo *); friend asCTypedefType *CastToTypedefType(asCTypeInfo *); friend asCFuncdefType *CastToFuncdefType(asCTypeInfo *); asCString name; asSNameSpace *nameSpace; int size; mutable int typeId; asDWORD flags; asDWORD accessMask; // Store the script section where the code was declared int scriptSectionIdx; // Store the location where the function was declared (row in the lower 20 bits, and column in the upper 12) int declaredAt; asCScriptEngine *engine; asCModule *module; asCArray userData; protected: friend class asCScriptEngine; friend class asCConfigGroup; friend class asCModule; asCTypeInfo(); mutable asCAtomic externalRefCount; asCAtomic internalRefCount; }; struct asSEnumValue { asCString name; int value; }; class asCEnumType : public asCTypeInfo { public: asCEnumType(asCScriptEngine *engine) : asCTypeInfo(engine) {} ~asCEnumType(); asCArray enumValues; asUINT GetEnumValueCount() const; const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(asUINT index, int *outValue) const; protected: asCEnumType() : asCTypeInfo() {} }; class asCTypedefType : public asCTypeInfo { public: asCTypedefType(asCScriptEngine *engine) : asCTypeInfo(engine) {} ~asCTypedefType(); void DestroyInternal(); asCDataType aliasForType; // increase refCount for typeinfo inside datatype int GetTypedefTypeId() const; protected: asCTypedefType() : asCTypeInfo() {} }; class asCFuncdefType : public asCTypeInfo { public: asCFuncdefType(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func); ~asCFuncdefType(); asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefSignature() const; asITypeInfo *GetParentType() const; void DestroyInternal(); asCScriptFunction *funcdef; // increases refCount asCObjectType *parentClass; // doesn't increase refCount protected: asCFuncdefType() : asCTypeInfo(), funcdef(0), parentClass(0) {} }; END_AS_NAMESPACE #endif