Anirust is a CLI tool to watch anime.
Inspired by (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ani-cli
## Table of Contents
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
## Quick Start
**Install Rust and Cargo**:
If you haven't already installed Rust and Cargo, the easiest way is to use `rustup`, the Rust toolchain installer.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
**Install anirust**:
cargo install anirust
cargo uninstall anirust
## Dependencies
Select Video Player:
- mpv
- iina - mpv replacement for MacOS
- vlc
Download manager:
- aria2c - Default
- yt-dlp - m3u8 Downloader
- ffmpeg - m3u8 Downloader (fallback)
*To install (with Homebrew) the dependencies required on Mac OS, you can run:*
brew install aria2 ffmpeg git yt-dlp && \
brew install --cask iina
*Why iina and not mpv? Drop-in replacement for mpv for MacOS. Integrates well with OSX UI. Excellent support for M1. Open Source.*
## Usage
For info, type:
anirust help
open interactive menu:
anirust menu
search for show episodes:
anirust search berserk
download a range of episodes:
anirust download "chainsaw man" 1 10
**Custom Configuration**
Custom settings can be specified in `~/.config/anirust/config.toml` file, such as:
quality = "best"
audio_mode = "sub"
download_dir = "Desktop/anime"
media_player = "iina"
## Installation
From Source
1. **Clone the Repository**:
Use `git` to clone the repository:
git clone
2. **Navigate to the Project Directory**:
cd anirust
3. **Build and Install the Project**:
You can build and install the project using Cargo. To install the binary to a location in your `PATH` (`~/.cargo/bin/`), you can use:
cargo install --path .
Note: The `--path .` argument tells Cargo to install the crate in the current directory.