/* * ANISE Toolkit * Copyright (C) 2021-onward Christopher Rabotin et al. (cf. AUTHORS.md) * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Documentation: https://nyxspace.com/ */ use super::{compare::*, validate::Validation}; use anise::almanac::metaload::MetaFile; use std::env; #[ignore = "Requires Rust SPICE -- must be executed serially"] #[test] fn validate_lagrange_type9_with_varying_segment_sizes() { if let Err(_) = env::var("LAGRANGE_BSP") { // Skip this test if the env var is not defined. return; } let mut lagrange_meta = MetaFile { uri: "http://public-data.nyxspace.com/anise/ci/env:LAGRANGE_BSP".to_string(), crc32: None, }; lagrange_meta.process(true).unwrap(); let file_name = "spk-type9-validation-variable-seg-size".to_string(); let comparator = CompareEphem::new(vec![lagrange_meta.uri], file_name.clone(), 10_000, None); let err_count = comparator.run(); assert_eq!(err_count, 0, "None of the queries should fail!"); let validator = Validation { file_name, max_q75_err: 5e-9, max_q99_err: 2e-7, max_abs_err: 0.05, }; validator.validate(); }