from glob import glob from os import environ from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, join import pandas as pd import as px def is_on_github_actions(): if "CI" not in environ or not environ["CI"] or "GITHUB_RUN_ID" not in environ: return False else: return True if __name__ == '__main__': target_folder = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', 'target') plotted_anything = False for filename in glob(f"{target_folder}/spk-type*.parquet"): # Load the parquet file df = pd.read_parquet(filename) name = basename(filename) for kind, columns in [("Position", ["X", "Y", "Z"]), ("Velocity", ["VX", "VY", "VZ"])]: print(f"== {kind} {name} ==") subset = df.loc[df.component.isin(columns)] print(subset.describe()) plt = px.scatter(subset, x='ET Epoch (s)', y=f'Absolute difference', color='source frame', title=f"Validation of {name} for {kind}") plt.write_html( f"{target_folder}/validation-plot-{kind}-{name}.html") if not is_on_github_actions(): plotted_anything = True # Plot all components together plt = px.scatter(df, x='ET Epoch (s)', y='Absolute difference', color='component', title=f"Validation of {name} (overall)") plt.write_html(f"{target_folder}/validation-plot-{name}.html") if not is_on_github_actions(): plotted_anything = True assert plotted_anything, "did not plot anything"