# anonymous-trait Anonymous trait implementation with capturing the environment ## Example ```rust trait Cat { fn meow(&self) -> String; fn set_name(&mut self, new: String); async fn meow_async(&self) -> String; } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let name = "mock"; #[anonymous_trait::anonymous_trait(let mut cat_mock = "default".into())] impl Cat for String { fn meow(&self) -> String { name.to_string() } fn set_name(&mut self, new: String) { *self = new; } async fn meow_async(&self) -> String { "meow".to_string() } } run(&mut cat_mock).await; } async fn run(cat: &mut impl Cat) { println!("meow: {}, expected: mock", cat.meow()); cat.set_name("hi".to_string()); println!("meow_async: {}, expected: meow", cat.meow_async().await); } ```