[![Latest Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/anscape.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/anscape) | [Documentation](https://docs.rs/anscape) === **Anscape** provides a simple way to customize your terminal window with some styles and colors and manipulate with a cursor position using ANSI Escape Sequences. ## Features * 256-color mode. * Cursor movement. * Text formatting. * Console size. * Erasing. ## Examples ### Style and colors ```rust use anscape::{ seq::colors::*, seq::styles::*, seq::base::*, }; fn main() { // Basic foregroung println!("{}{}Red bold text, {}{} Green Italic{}", RED, BOLD, GREEN, ITALIC, RESET); // Basic background println!("{}{}Red BG for bold text, {}{} Green BG for italic text{}", RED_BG, BOLD, GREEN_BG, ITALIC, RESET); // RGB foreground println!("{}Here's red RGB color{}", rgb_fg(255, 0, 0), RESET); // RGB background println!("{}Here's red RGB BG color{}", rgb_bg(255, 0, 0), RESET); } ``` ### Moving the cursor ```rust use anscape::seq::cursor; fn main() { println!("{}Move to line 1 col 1", cursor::move_to(100, 100)); } ``` ### Erase ```rust use anscape::seq::erase::*; fn main() { println!("{}Erase", FROM_CURSOR_TO_BEGINING_OF_SCREEN); } ``` ## License MIT