# ansify Turn images into ANSI-style art ## Usage ```plaintext Usage: ansify-cli [OPTIONS] --palette --blocks Commands: image gif webcam help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -p, --palette -b, --blocks -w, --width -H, --height -h, --help Print help information -V, --version Print version information ``` To generate an image with a 256-color palette, classic style block characters, 256 characters wide, and maintain aspect ratio: ```sh ansify -p ./res/256.yaml -b ./res/classic.yaml -w 256 image -i ./res/cat.jpg -o ./res/out.bmp ``` To generate ANSI text with a 16-color palette, small style block characters, 64 characters high, and maintain aspect ratio: ```sh ansify -p ./res/16.yaml -b ./res/small.yaml -H 64 image -i ./res/cat.jpg --text ``` To generate a gif with an 8-color palette, classic style block characters, 32 characters wide, and force 128 characters high: ```sh ansify -p ./res/8.yaml -b ./res/classic.yaml -w 32 -H 128 gif -i ./res/cat.gif -o ./res/out.gif ``` To generate an image text with a 16-color palette, classic style block characters, and one character per pixel in the original image: ```sh ansify -p ./res/16.yaml -b ./res/classic.yaml image -i ./res/cat.jpg -o ./res/out.bmp ``` To live process the first webcam with a 16-color palette, tiny style block characters, and one character per pixel in the original image: ```sh ansify -p ./res/16.yaml -b ./res/tiny.yaml image -i 0 ``` You can copy the existing yaml files and edit them to match your terminal/prefered style if you want.